- Forest ecosystem research - priorities for Europe. Forest Ecology and Management (132 (1)), 2000, 111-119 mehr…
- Characterization of N-15-TNT residues after an anaerobic/aerobic treatment of soil/molasses mixtures by solid state N-15 NMR spectroscopy. 2. Systematic investigation of whole soil and different humic fractions. Environmental Science and Technology (34 (8)), 2000, 1549-1556 mehr…
- A study of plinthite and ironstone from Venezuela. Conference on Classification and Management of Tropical Soils. Malaysian Society of Soil Science 3, 2000 mehr…
- Determination of structure and origin of refractory organic matter in bio-epurated wastewater via spectroscopic methods. Comparison of conventional and ozonation treatments. Environmental Science and Technology (34 (16)), 2000, 3389-3394 mehr…
- The partial influence of Norway spruce stands on understorey vegetation in montane forests of the Bavarian Alps. Mountain Research and Development (20 (4)), 2000, 364-371 mehr…
- Does phosphorus deficiency cause low vitality in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the Bavarian Alps? Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt (119 (5)), 2000, 276-296 mehr…
- Inhibition of sintering by Si during the conversion of Si-rich ferrihydrite to hematite. Clays and Clay Minerals (48 (1)), 2000, 51-56 mehr…
- Isolation and characterization of labile organic phosphorus pools in soils from the Askov long-term field experiments. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (163 (2)), 2000, 151-155 mehr…
- The molecularly-uncharacterized component of nonliving organic matter in natural environments. Organic Geochemistry (31 (10)), 2000, 945-958 mehr…
- Solid-state 2-D double cross polarization magic angle spinning N-15 C-13 NMR spectroscopy on degraded algal residues. Organic Geochemistry (31 (4)), 2000, 337-340 mehr…
- Biogenic nitrogen in soils as revealed by solid-state carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Quality (29 (3)), 2000, 715-723 MAY-JUN mehr…
- Soil organic matter transformations induced by Hieracium pilosella L. in tussock grassland of New Zealand. Biology and Fertility of Soils (32 (3)), 2000, 194-201 mehr…
- Nature of organic nitrogen in fine particle size separates of sandy soils of highly industrialized areas as revealed by NMR spectroscopy. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (32), 2000, 241-252 mehr…
- Nature of organic carbon and nitrogen in physically protected organic matter of some Australian soils as revealed by solid-state C-13 and N-15 NMR spectroscopy. Australian Journal of Soil Research (38 (1)), 2000, 113-127 mehr…
- Analytical approaches for characterizing soil organic matter. Organic Geochemistry (31 (7-8)), 2000, 609-625 mehr…
- Desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil in the presence of dissolved organic matter: Effect of solution composition and aging. Journal of Environmental Quality (29 (3)), 2000, 906-916 MAY-JUN mehr…
- Analytical approaches for characterizing soil organic matter. Organic Geochemistry 31 (7-8), 2000, 609-625 mehr…
- Solute balance of a maize (Zea mays L.) source leaf as affected by salt treatment with special emphasis on phloem retranslocation and ion leaching. Journal of Experimental Botany (51 (351)), 2000, 1721-1732 mehr…
- Changes in the chemical structure of municipal solid waste during composting as studied by solid-state dipolar dephasing and PSRE C-13 NMR and solid-state N-15 NMR spectroscopy. Environmental Science and Technology (34 (18)), 2000, 4034-4038 mehr…
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- Chemolytic Analysis of Organic Matter during Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste. Journal of Environmental Quality 29 (4), 2000, 1337-1344 mehr…
- Composition and distribution of organic matter in physical fractions of a rehabilitated mine soil rich in lignite-derived carbon. Geoderma (98 (3-4)), 2000, 177-192 mehr…
- Techniques for the differentiation of carbon types present in lignite-rich mine soils. Organic Geochemistry (31 (6)), 2000, 543-551 mehr…
- Organic matter accumulating in Aeh and Bh horizons of a Podzol - chemical characterization in primary organo-mineral associations. Organic Geochemistry (31 (7-8)), 2000, 727-734 mehr…
- Black carbon in soils and sediments: Analysis, distribution, implications, and current challenges. Global Biogeochemical Cycles (14 (3)), 2000, 777-793 mehr…
- Iron oxides in the laboratory. Wiley-VCH. Weinheim, 2000 mehr…
- Iron oxides in the laboratory-Preparation and characterization. Wiley-VCH, 2000 mehr…
- The influence of temperature on the properties of Al-substituted goethites. Romainian Soil Science (34), 2000, 83-94 mehr…
- The effect of Al on Fe oxides. XIX. Formation of Al-substituted hematite from ferrihydrite at 25 degrees C and pH 4-7. Clays and Clay Minerals (48 (2)), 2000, 159-172 mehr…
- The effect of Clay Minerals on the formation of goethite and hematite from ferrihydrite after 16 years' ageing at 25 degrees C and pH 4-7. Clay Minerals (35 (4)), 2000, 613-623 mehr…
- Anisotropic peak broadening analysis of a biogenic soil greigite (Fe3S4) with Rietveld analysis and single peak fitting. American Mineralogist (85 (5-6)), 2000, 839-846 MAY-JUN mehr…
- The influence of chemical soil factors on the development of VA mycorrhizas of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in pot experiments. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (163 (6)), 2000, 609-616 mehr…
- Substrate acidity, nutritional status and growth of young Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) trees in subalpine regions of the Bavarian Forest (Bavaria, Germany) as influenced by repeated NH4NO3 application - results of a container experiment. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt (119 (3)), 2000, 114-127 mehr…
- Changes to hardsetting properties of soil by addition of metal hydroxides. European Journal of Soil Science (50 (4)), 1999, 657-664 mehr…
- Radial growth of Norway spruce and European beech in relation to weather and altitude. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt (118 (4)), 1999, 251-270 mehr…
- Properties of goethites prepared under acid and basic conditions in the presence of silicate. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (216), 1999, 106-115 mehr…
- Microbial contributions to the aggregation of a cultivated grassland soil amended with starch. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (31 (3)), 1999, 407-419 mehr…
- Bacterial and fungal cell-wall residues in conventional and no-tillage agroecosystems. Soil Science Society of America Journal (63 (5)), 1999, 1188-1198 SEP-OCT mehr…
- The role of DOM in the accrual of organic matter in soils and sediments: Effects of chemical properties of DOM and mineralogy. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (217), 1999, 048-GEOC Part 1 MAR 21 mehr…
- Double resonance solid-state C-13-N-15 NMR experiments for studying the humification of TNT in soils. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (218), 1999, 26-GEOC Part 1 AUG 22 mehr…
- New developments in characterizing soil organic matter. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (217), 1999, 009-GEOC Part 1 MAR 21 mehr…
- Relationship of percolation stability of soil aggregates to land use, selected properties, structural indices and simulated rainfall erosion. Soil and Tillage Research (50 (3-4)), 1999, 197-206 mehr…
- A simple routine method for assessing the SO42- remobilization potential of forest soils for sulfate-sulfur from atmospheric deposition. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt (118 (6)), 1999, 329-344 mehr…
- Effect of soil acidification on the formation of Fe-, Al-, and Mn-oxides and the stability of soil aggregates. International Agrophysics (13), 1999, 283-293 mehr…
- Indicators of forest soil fertility - temporal changes and anthropogenic impact. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt (118 (2)), 1999, 88-96 mehr…
- Climatic effect on lignin and polysaccharides in particle-size fractions of zonal steppe soils, Russia. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (162 (2)), 1999, 231-238 mehr…
- Organic matter composition and degree of humification in lignite-rich mine soils under a chronosequence of pine. Plant and Soil (213 (1-2)), 1999, 161-168 mehr…
- Changes in soil microbial biomass, metabolic quotient, and organic matter turnover under Hieracium (H-pilosella L.). Biology and Fertility of Soils (30 (3)), 1999, 232-238 mehr…
- Diffuse reflectance spectra of Al substituted goethite: A ligand field approach. Clays and Clay Minerals (47 (2)), 1999, 156-164 mehr…
- Color identification of iron oxides and hydroxysulfates: Use and limitations. Soil Science Society of America Journal (63 (5)), 1999, 1463-1471 SEP-OCT mehr…
- Stabilization of soil organic matter in organo-mineral complexes studied in particle size fractions. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (217), 1999, 053-GEOC Part 1 MAR 21 mehr…
- Evaluation of an ultrasonic dispersion procedure to isolate primary organomineral complexes from soils. European Journal of Soil Science (50 (1)), 1999, 87-94 mehr…
- Particle size fractionation of soil containing coal and combusted particles. European Journal of Soil Science (50 (3)), 1999, 515-522 mehr…
- Charred organic carbon in German chernozemic soils. European Journal of Soil Science (50 (2)), 1999, 351-365 mehr…
- Giftfänger im Bergbau. TUM-Mitteilung (4), 1999, 29 mehr…
- From Fe(III) Ions to Ferri- hydrite and then to Hematite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (209), 1999, 215-223 mehr…
- Soil organic matter extraction using water at high temperature and elevated pressure (ASE) as compared to conventional methods. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (73 (4)), 1999, 253-268 mehr…
- Phosphorus availability in different types of open-cast mine spoil and the potential impact of organic matter application. Plant and Soil (213 (1-2)), 1999, 189-194 mehr…
- Can applied organic matter fulfil similar functions as soil organic matter? Risk-benefit analysis for organic matter application as a potential strategy for rehabilitation of disturbed ecosystems. Plant and Soil (213 (1-2)), 1999, 1-10 mehr…
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- On-line solid phase extraction for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil column effluents. Journal of Environmental Quality (28 (2)), 1999, 730-732 MAR-APR mehr…
- Desorption controlled mobility and intrinsic biodegradation of anthracene in unsaturated soil. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part B-Hydrology Oceans and Atmosphere (24 (6)), 1999, 549-555 mehr…
- On‐Line Solid Phase Extraction for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil Column Effluents. Journal of Environmental Quality 28 (2), 1999, 730-732 mehr…
- Bodenerosion. Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde, 1998, 356-372 mehr…
- Die Bodenerosion durch Wasser. Bodenerosion und Bodenschutz - Analyse und Bilanz eines Umweltproblems, 1998, 356-372 mehr…
- Development and Implementation of Soil Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Land Use. Soil and Tillage Research (46), 1998, 134 mehr…
- Funktionen des Bodens im Landschaftshaushalt. Laufener Seminarbeitrage, 1998, 13-22 mehr…
- Die gravitative Bodenverlagerung. Bodenerosion und Bodenschutz - Analyse und Bilanz eines Umweltproblems, 1998, 61-68 mehr…
- Erosionsgefahrdung (C-Faktor) durch Sonderkulturen. Bodenschutz (3), 1998, 98-102 mehr…
- Preface - A European view to the protection of the soil resource. Soil and Tillage Research (46 (1-2)), 1998, 9-11 mehr…
- Resistance to penetration of aggregates from loess derived topsoils at different soil water tensions. Soil and Tillage Research (47 (1-2)), 1998, 73-81 mehr…
- Variabilitat ausgewahlter bodenphysikalischer Parameter und ihre Bedeutung fur die Modellierung von Stoffflussen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (87), 1998, 401-404 mehr…
- Verwitterungsintensitat begrabener Boden aus pleistozanen Ablagerungen in Beziehung zur Landschafts- und Klimageschichte S-Kamtschatkas, Rußland. Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung TUM Jahrbuch (3), 1998, V10-V11 mehr…
- Zum Ausmaß der Verwitterung begrabener Boden aus pleistozanen Ablagerungen in Beziehung zur Landschafts- und Klimageschichte S-Kamtschatkas, Rußland. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (88), 1998, 389-392 mehr…
- Impact of forest interventions on the water regime and water quality of mountain ecosystems in the Bavarian Alps. Ecologie (29), 1998, 271-276 mehr…
- Soil solution chemistry and impact of forest thinning in mountain forests in the Bavarian Alps. Forest Ecology and Management (108), 1998, 231-238 mehr…
- Soils on glacial and glaciofluvial deposits in Central and Eastern Nepal in relation to classification and landscape history. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Ecohydrology of High Mountain Areas, ICIMOD Publ, 1998, 439-449 mehr…
- Timing and Mechanisms of Changes in Nitrogen Functionality during Biomass Fossilization. Nitrogen-containing Macromolecules in the Bio- and Geosphere. Eds.: B.A. Stankiewicz et al. Washington: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998, 243-253. (ACS Sympos. Series; 707) mehr…
- Weathering of soils developed in eolian material overlying glacial deposits in Eastern Nepal. Soil Science (163), 1998, 325-337 mehr…
- Characterization of the chemical structure of RSOM. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (87), 1998, 147-160 mehr…
- Soil organic nitrogen formation examined by means of NMR spectroscopy. Fate of N-containing macromolecules in the biosphere and geosphere. Eds.: B.A. Stankiewicz et al. Washington: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998, 339-356. (ACS Sympos. Ser.; 707) mehr…
- Organische Substanz. Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde, 1998, 45-86 mehr…
- Refractory soil organic matter (RSOM): Structure and stability. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaf (87), 1998, 51-56 mehr…
- Huminfizierungsprozesse wahrend der Rotte und Deponierung von Restmüll. Mechanischbiologische Behandlung von zu deponierenden Abfällen (Bonn: Umweltbundesamt 1998), 1998, 99-108 mehr…
- Improving in situ biodegradation at light-NAPL contaminated sites. Life Cycle Assessment, Recycling Technologies, Treatment of Waste and Remediation of Contaminated Sites. The Environment and Climate Programme of the EC (TUM Jahrbuch 1998), 1998, 103-112. (DG XII) mehr…
- Influence of dissolved and colloidal phase humic substances on the transport of hydrophobic organic contaminants in soils. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (23), 1998, 179-185 mehr…
- Estimating PAH binding to soils with heterogeneous sorbent composition. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (215), 1998, U637-U637 mehr…
- Influence of dissolved and colloidal phase humic substances on the transport of hydrophobic organic contaminants in soils. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 23 (2), 1998, 179-185 mehr…
- Einfluß von Kompostanwendung auf den Umsatz der organischen Substanz in Boden. Ergebnisse aus Modell- und Feldversuchen. Aachen Shaker Verlag (113), 1998 mehr…
- Humuschemische Parameter von zwei mehrjahrigen Feldversuchen mit Kompostanwendung. Z. Kulturtechnik Landentwicklung (39), 1998, 64-68 mehr…
- Cyanides in a soil of a former coking plant site. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (161 (3)), 1998, 229-234 mehr…
- Comparison of GPR-measurements of the ground wave with FDTD-modelling. Proc. of the 4th Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society Meet., 1998, 869-872 mehr…
- Morphological and genetic relations between siderite, calcite and goethite in a Low Moor Peat from southern Germany. European Journal of Soil Science (49 (2)), 1998, 283-293 mehr…
- The European soil erosion model (EUROSEM): A process-based approach for predicting soil loss from fields and small catchments. Earth Surface Processes (23), 1998, 527-544 mehr…
- Extractability and dissolution kinetics of pure and soil-added synthesized aluminium hydroxy sulphate minerals. European Journal of Soil Science (49 (4)), 1998, 669-681 mehr…
- Trajectory analysis of long-term changes in the nutritional status of a Scots pine stand. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt (117 (3)), 1998, 137-155 mehr…
- Partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to dissolved organic matter from different soils. Chemosphere (36), 1998, 79-97 mehr…
- Structural characterization of bio- and geomacromolecules by off-line thermochemolysis with tetramethylammonium hydroxide. Journal of Chromatography A (823), 1998, 433-448 mehr…
- Natural regeneration of degraded soils and site changes on abandoned agricultural terraces in Mediterranean Spain. Land Degradation and Development (9 (2)), 1998, 179-188 mehr…
- Airborne contamination of immature soil (Lusatian mining district) by lignite-derived materials: Its detection and contribution to the soil organic matter budget. Water Air and Soil Pollution (105 (1-2)), 1998, 481-492 mehr…
- Types and chemical composition of organic matter in reforested lignite-rich mine soils. Geoderma (86 (1-2)), 1998, 123-142 mehr…
- mehr… Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 105 (1/2), 1998, 481-492
- Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde. Enke Verlag Stuttgart (14. Aufl.), 1998 mehr…
- Soil humus contents and utilizable water storage capacities as differentiating factors in the traditional High Andean agriculture in the Charazani region (Bolivia). Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt (117 (3)), 1998, 176-188 mehr…
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- Stabilization of soil organic matter in Alisol and Podzol by organo-mineral association. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (88), 1998, 237-240 mehr…
- Pedogenesis of Chernozems - the role of vegetation fires. Aolische Sedimente und Bodenentwicklung in nordlichen Harzvorland. Programm und Exkursionsfuhrer zur 17. Sitz. des Arbeitskreises Palaopedologie der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 1998, 100-112 mehr…
- The effect of organic matter composition on the interaction between PAHs and organic sorbents in soil. Contaminated Soil '98. Proc. 6th Int. FZK/TNO Conf., 1998, 953-956 mehr…
- Bakterien sorgen für eine saubere Lösung. Forschung (4), 1998, 17-19 mehr…
- Thin iron oxide films on pebbles in ferriferrous streams. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie-Monatsheft (2), 1998, 63-67 mehr…
- Thin iron oxide films on pebbles in ferriferrous streams. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (2), 1998, 63-67 mehr…
- Iron oxides and smectites in sediments from the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea. European Journal of Mineralogy (10 (5)), 1998, 953-967 mehr…
- Stirring effects on properties of Al goethite formed from ferrihydrite. Clays and Clay Minerals (46 (3)), 1998, 317-321 mehr…
- Characterization of soil organic nitrogen after addition of biogenic waste composts by means of NMR and GC/MS. Fate of N-containing macromolecules in the biosphere and geosphere. Eds.: B.A. Stankiewicz et al. Washington: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998, 293-308 (ACS Sympos. Ser.; 707) mehr…
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- Iron oxide mineralogy of Terre Rosse and Rendzinas in relation to their moisture and temperature regimes. European Journal of Soil Science (49 (3)), 1998, 385-395 mehr…
- Pedogene Oxide. Handbuch der Bodenkunde (5), 1998, 19 mehr…
- The effect of dry heating of synthetic 2-line and 6-line ferrihydrite: II. Surface area, porosity and fractal dimension. Clay Minerals (33 (2)), 1998, 277-284 mehr…
- Effect of fluctuating input of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on long-term mobility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soils. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (23), 1998, 211-214 mehr…
- Heterogenitat der Bodeneigenschaften und der Schadstoffbelastung eines ehemaligen Gaswerksstandorts. Grundwasser (4), 1998, 175-182 mehr…
- The enrichment of 137Cs in the soil loss from small agricultural watersheds. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (161), 1998, 479-484 mehr…
- Preg-robbing minerals in gold ores and residues. Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1997, 163-172 mehr…
- Feststofftransport in Fließgewässern. Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde, 1997, 147-152 mehr…
- Langjährige Versuchsergebnisse zur Ermittlung der optimalen Kali-Düngungshöhe und optimaler K-Gehalte im Boden in Bayern - Eine Erwiderung. Agrobiol. Res. (50), 1997, 97-99 mehr…
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- Fine silt and clay mineralogical changes of a soil chronosequence in the Langtang valley (Central Nepal). Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (166), 1997, 413-421 mehr…
- Raum-Zeit-Variation der Aggregatstabilität und der Bodenrauhigkeit. FAM-Bericht (8), 1997, 61-64 mehr…
- Modellierung der Bodenverlagerung durch Bodenbearbeitungswerkzeuge und durch Oberflächenabfluß in einer komplexen Agrarlandschaft. FAM-Bericht (8), 1997, 227-233 mehr…
- Standards im Bodenschutz bei landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung - Das Fallbeispiel Scheyern. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (26), 1997, 663-670 mehr…
- Stoffverlagerung durch Oberflächenabfluß und Bodenabtrag. FAM-Bericht (8), 1997, 65-68 mehr…
- The crop response to soil variability in an agroecosystem. Advances in GeoEcology (30), 1997, 39-53 mehr…
- Influence of soil properties on the population and activity of geophagous earthworms after five years of bare fallow. Biology and Fertility of Soils (23), 1997, 382-387 mehr…
- Auswirkung einer umweltschonenden Landbewirtschaftung auf die stoffliche Belastung von Oberflächengewässern - Modellstudie Scheyern. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 1285-1286 mehr…
- Eindringwiderstand von Einzelaggregaten nach Rekultivierung von Lehmgruben. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 59-62 mehr…
- Resistance to penetration of single aggregates from different soil types. Fragmenta Agronomica (2), 1997, 67-70 mehr…
- An index-value for characterizing hardsetting soils by fall-cone penetration. Soil Technology (10), 1997, 47-56 mehr…
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- Input situation and impact of forest use on the throughfall of mountain forest ecosystems in the Bavarian Alps (S-Germany). Forest Ecology and Management (95), 1997, 243-251 mehr…
- Pedogenesis and geochronology of buried Pleistocene deposits in South Kamchatka. Int. Working Meeting of ISSS & INQUA, 1997 mehr…
- Formation of cubic phases on heating ferrihydrite. CIay Minerals (32), 1997, 615-422 mehr…
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- Geology and characteristics of gold mineralization in four siberian gold deposits, Russia. The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 1997, 129-140 mehr…
- Stoffverlagerung durch Oberflächenabfluß und Bodenabtrag. FAM-Bericht (13), 1997, 75-81 mehr…
- Raum-Zeit-Variation der Aggregatstabilität und der Bodenrauhigkeit. FAM-Bericht (13), 1997, 71-74 mehr…
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- Verminderung der Boden- und Gewässerbelastung im Kartoffelanbau des Ökologischen Landbaus. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 1307-1310 mehr…
- Einfluß unterschiedlicher Komposte auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit einer Parabraunerde. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 525-528 mehr…
- Application of NMR spectroscopy for the characterization of archeological soils. 18th Int. Meet. on Organic Geochemistry, 1997, 331-332 mehr…
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- Characterization of the nitrogen in plant composts and native humic material by natural abundance N-15 CPMAS and solution spectra. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Environmental Chemistry, 1997, 272-294 mehr…
- Survival of protein in organic-rich sediments - Possible protection by encapsulation in organic matter. Naturwissenschaften (84), 1997, 231-234 mehr…
- Incorporation studies of NH4 + during composting of organic residues by 15N-CPMAS-NMR-Spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science (48), 1997, 431-441 mehr…
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Basic theory and background. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Environmental Chemistry TUM Jahrbuch, 1997, 3-18 mehr…
- Influence of the application of composts from biogenic waste on the N-fraction of recultivated mine spoils. American Chemical Society, 1997, 18-21 mehr…
- 13C and 15N NMR spectroscopy as a tool in soil organic matter research. Geoderma (80), 1997, 243-270 mehr…
- Humusbildung und Bodenentwicklung auf rekultivierten Flächen des Braunkohletagebaus der Niederlausitz. Karlsruher Schriften zur Geographie und Geoökologie (7), 1997 mehr…
- Einfluß unterschiedlicher Düngungsvarianten auf organische Stoffgruppen in Böden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (83), 1997, 347-350 mehr…
- Veränderung in der chemischen Struktur organischer Substanz durch Kompostanwendung im Modellversuch. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 545-548 mehr…
- Dissolved organic matter in forest soils with different vegetation. 18th Int. Meet. on Organic Geochemistry, 1997, 473-474 mehr…
- Charakterisierung der organischen Substanz in mechanischbiologisch vorbehandeltem Restmüll unter Verwendung bodenkundlicher Methoden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 1327-1330 mehr…
- Transformation processes of organic matter during pretreatment of residual waste. Proc. Sardinia '97 - 6th Int. Landfill Sympos. Vol. 1. Ed.: CISA., 1997, 523-529 mehr…
- Influence of origin and properties of dissolved organic matter on the partition of PAH. European Journal of Soil Science (48), 1997, 443-455 mehr…
- Bodenökologische Parameter eines Kippenbodens unter Laubwald-Aufforstung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (83), 1997, 187-190 mehr…
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- Organischer Kohlenstoff in forstlich rekultivierten Kippenböden des Niederlausitzer Braunkohlenreviers. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (84), 1997, 45-48 mehr…
- VIS-NIR reflectance spectra of goethite (a-FeOO) as a function of particle size, unit-cell size, and cation sutrstitutions. Lunar and Planetary Science XXVIII, 1997 mehr…
- Comparison of soil organic matter in particle size fractions of natural and contaminated soils. American Chemical Society, 1997, 10-12 mehr…
- Does ultrasonic dispersion and homogenization by ball milling change the chemical structure of organic matter in geochemical samples? - a CMPAS 13C NMR study with lignin. Organic Geochemistry (26), 1997, 491-496 mehr…
- Improvement of 13C and 15N NMR spectra of bulk soils, particle size fractions and organic material by treatment with hydrofluoric acid. European Journal of Soil Science (48), 1997, 319-328 mehr…
- Standardisierung der Ultraschalldispergierung für die Korngrößenfraktionierung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 303-306 mehr…
- Sorptionsverhalten von PAK in Oberböden mit unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung der organischen Substanz. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 345-348 mehr…
- Phosphat und Kaliumdynamik der Böden Scheyerns bei unterschiedlicher Nutzung. FAM-Bericht (13), 1997, 67-70 mehr…
- Mineralisierungsprozesse bei der Anwendung von Bioabfallkomposten auf Böden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft TUM Jahrbuch 1997 (83), 1997, 383-386 mehr…
- Regionalization of soil water retention curves in a highly variable soilscape. Pt. 2. Comparison of regionalization procedures using a pedotransfer function. Geoderma (78), 1997, 145-159 mehr…
- Erfassung des kleinskaligen Wasserhaushaltes in der Bodendecke mit geophysikalischen Meßverfahren. FAM-Bericht (13), 1997, 147-154 mehr…
- Exploring soil processes from mineral to landscape scale - a dedication to Udo Schwertmann. Soil and Environment Advances in GeoEcology (30), 1997, 1-9 mehr…
- Dissolved organic matter-enhanced retention of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil miscible displacement experiments. Journal of Environmental Quality (26), 1997, 1090-1100 mehr…
- Räumliche Variabilität der PAKBelastung und der Sorptionsmatrix an einem kontaminierten Standort. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 385-388 mehr…
- Auswirkung schwankender DOM-Einträge auf die PAK-Mobilität in Böden - Numerische Simulation. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (85), 1997, 389-392 mehr…
- Modellierung der Bodenverlagerung durch Bodenbearbeitungswerkzeuge und durch Oberflächenabfluß in einer komplexen Agrarlandschaft. FAM-Bericht TUM Jahrbuch 1997 (13), 1997, 301-306 mehr…
- Evidence of middle Pleistocene glaciation in SW-Kamchatka. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie (33), 1997, 15-20 mehr…
- Standards im Bodenschutz bei Iandwirtschaftlicher Nutzung - Das Fallbeispiel Scheyern. Sonderdruck aus Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie Band 26 Jahrestagung, 1996 mehr…
- European sdils overfertilized with phosphorus: Part 1. Basic properties. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Fertilizer Research (45), 1996, 199-207 mehr…
- Influence of pH on mineral speciation in a bioreactor simulating acid mine drainage. Pergamon Applied Geochemislry (11), 1996, 845-849 mehr…
- The Iron Oxides. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 1996 mehr…
- Magnetische Bodenbakterien und deren Auswirkung auf die Prospektion archäologischer Denkmäler. Bayerische Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, 1996, 257-264 mehr…
- 197Au CEMS study of celtic gold coins. ICAME-95, SIF, 1996, 773 mehr…
- Aluminium influence on iron oxides: XVIII. The effect of Al substitution and crystal size on magnetic hyperfine fields of natural Goethites. Clay Minerals (31), 1996, 445-464 mehr…
- Micro scale variability of solid phase properties and soil solution chemistry in a forest podzol and its relation to soil horizons. European Journal of Soil Science (47), 1996, 627-636 mehr…
- Influence of sample pretreatment on the extractability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from forest floor horizons. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (159), 1996, 405-407 mehr…
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different forest soils: mineral horizons. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (159), 1996, 565-573 mehr…
- Raum-Zeit-Variation der Aggregatstabilität und der Bodenrauhigkeit. FAM-Bericht (9), 1996, 55-58 mehr…
- 15 N and 13 C NMR spectroscopic examination of the transformation of organic nitrogen in plant biomass during thermal treatment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (28), 1996, 1053-1060 mehr…
- Soil Erosion by Water in Africa. Principles, Prediction and Protection, 1996 mehr…
- Microaggregates from Oxisols and Inceptisols: dispersion through selective dissolutions and physicochemical treatments. Geoderma (74: 49 63), 1996 mehr…
- Abschätzung des Verhaltens von PAK in Böden unter dem Einfluß von DOM (gelöster organischer Substanz) unterschiedlicher Herkunft. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (80), 1996, 93-96 mehr…
- Regionalization of soil water retention curves in a highly variable soilscape. Pt. 1. Developing a new pedotransfer function. Geoderma (78), 1996, 129-143 mehr…
- Einfluß organischer industrieller Immissionen auf die organische Substanz in Böden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (80), 1996, 89-92 mehr…
- Eisenoxide - in Böden und anderswo. FESTVORTRAG anläßlich der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde, Sonderdruck aus: 50 Jahre Agrar-Fakultät Grußworte und Vorträge zum Jubiläum der Agrarwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel am 6. und 7. Juli 1996, 1996, mehr…
- Schwertmannit - Ein neues Mineral und seine Geschichte. Mineralien Zeitschrift Lapis (21/5), 1996, 33-34 mehr…
- Brief Communication a New lron(lll) Oxyhydroxynitrate: Genetic implications. Journal of Solid State Chemistry (126), 1996, 336 mehr…
- Phosphat und Kaliumdynamik der Böden Scheyerns bei unterschiedlicher Nutzung. FAM-Bericht (8), 1996, 57-60 mehr…
- Structural vanadium and chromium in lateritic iron oxides: Genetic implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica (60, No. 21), 1996, 4279-4283 mehr…
- On-site measurements of the spatial distribution of soil water content with ground-penetrating radar. Field Screening Europe, 1996, 157-160 mehr…
- Erfassung des kleinskaligen Wasserhaushaltes in der Bodendecke mit geophysikalischen Meßverfahren. FAM-Bericht (8), 1996, 115-118 mehr…
- Bodenkundliche Untersuchungen zum Verständnis archäologischer Strukturen im Luftbild. Archäologische Prospektion, Luftbildarchäologie und Geophysik, 1996, 249-256 mehr…
- Stoffverlagerung durch Oberflächenabfluß und Bodenabtrag. FAM-Bericht (9), 1996, 59-64 mehr…