Dr. Maria Potterf
Postdoktorandin |
Kontakt ☎ 0049 8161 71 4693, 📌 Raum ✉ maria.potterf (at) tum.de ResearchGate | OrcId | Google Scholar |
- Störungsökologie
- Resilienz von Waldökosystemen
- Waldmanagement
Eyvindson, K., Duflot, R., Triviño, M., Blattert, C., Potterf, M. & Mönkkönen, M. High boreal forest multifunctionality requires continuous cover forestry as a dominant management, Land use policy, 100, pp. 1–10, 2021.
Vanická, H., Holuša, J., Resnerová, K., Ferenčík, J., Potterf, M., Véle, A., Grodzki, W. Interventions have limited effects on the population dynamics of Ips typographus and its natural enemies in the Western Carpathians (Central Europe), Forest Ecology and Management, 470–471, 2020.
Potterf, M., Nikolov, C., Kočická, E., Ferenčík, J., Mezei, P. & Jakuš, R. Landscape-level spread of beetle infestations from windthrown- and beetle-killed trees in the non-intervention zone of the Tatra National Park, Slovakia (Central Europe), Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 432, no. August 2018, pp. 489–500, 2019.
Potterf, M., & Bone, C. Simulating bark beetle population dynamics in response to windthrow events, Ecological Complexity, 32, 21–30, 2017.
Havašová, M. Ferenčík, J.& Jakuš, R. Interactions between windthrow, bark beetles and forest management in the Tatra national parks, Forest Ecology and Management, 391, 349–361, 2017.
Mezei, P., Jakuš, R., Pennerstorfer, J., Havašová, M., Škvarenina, J., Ferenčík, J. Slivinský, J., Bičárová, S., Bilčík, D., Blaženec, M., Netherer, S. Storms, temperature maxima and the Eurasian spruce bark beetle Ips typographus—An infernal trio in Norway spruce forests of the Central European High Tatra Mountains, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology., 242, 85–95, 2017.
2021- | Postdoktorandin, Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management Group, Technische Universität München |
2019–2021 | Postdoktorandin, Boreal Forest Ecosystems Research Group, University of Jyväskylä, Finland |
2016-2019 | Postdoktorandin, Disturbance ecology research group, Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slowakei |
2015-2016 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Spatial Computation, Cognition and Complexity Lab, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, USA |
2012-2016 | Doktorandin, Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences & Technical University, Slowakei |
2010-2012 | Master of Science, Physische Geographie und Geoinformatik, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slowakei |
2011-2012 | Master of Science, Operation and management of ecosystems, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, Frankreich |
2005-2008 | Bachelor of Sciences, Französisch und Geographie, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slowakei |