P K-Kanten-XANES-Spektren
The three files contain data for P K-edge XANES spectra of the reference presented in the article:
Author(s): Prietzel J, Harrington G, Häusler W, Heister K, Klysubun W, Werner F
Title: Reference spectra of important adsorbed organic and inorganic phosphate binding forms for soil P speciation using synchrotron-based K-edge XANES spectroscopy
Source: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2016) 23, 532-544
1) original data
(File: JSR Prietzel et al P K_edge XANES spectra original )
2) background-corrected and edge-normalized data
(File: JSR Prietzel et al P K_edge XANES spectra normalized )
3) ATHENA-project file
(File: ATHENA file JSR Prietzel et al P K_edge XANES spectra.prj )
Compounds with non-adsorbed P (AlPO4, FePO4, Ca phosphates, IHP, Al phytate, Fe phytate, Ca phytate) have been fine-ground, diluted with quartz to a final P concentration of 2 mg/g and homogeneized by grinding in titanium dioxide ball mills. Some spectra therefore have signals at 2230 eV and 2315 eV due to traces of titanium (Ti) mobilized from the TiO2 mills during the grinding/quartz dilution process.
All spectra have been acquired at Beamline 8 of Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI) in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
Monochromator: InSb(111) double crystal
Monochromator calibration: Eo (elemental P) = 2145.5 ± 0.11 eV.
Energy resolution (deltaE/E): 3×10-4
If you use any of these data, please cite the above reference.
Comments, and suggestions for improvements concerning the database are welcome: apl. Prof. Dr. Jörg Prietzel