- The fate of cutin and suberin of decaying leaves, needles and roots – Inferences from the initial decomposition of bound fatty acids. Organic Geochemistry 95, 2016, 81-92 more…
- Tracing the sources and spatial distribution of organic carbon in subsoils using a multi-biomarker approach. Scientific Reports 6 (1), 2016 more…
- Spatial distribution and chemical composition of soil organic matter fractions in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil under European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Geoderma 264, 2016, 179-187 more…
- Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in hierarchically structured aggregates of different size. Soil and Tillage Research 160, 2016, 23-33 more…
- Soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks under pure and mixed stands of European beech, Douglas fir and Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management 367, 2016, 30-40 more…
- Succession of soil microbial communities and enzyme activities in artificial soils. Pedobiologia 59 (3), 2016, 93-104 more…
- The role of allophane nano-structure and Fe oxide speciation for hosting soil organic matter in an allophanic Andosol. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 180, 2016, 284-302 more…
- How accessible is the specific surface area of minerals? A comparative study with Al-containing minerals as model substances. Geoderma 263, 2016, 8-15 more…
- Environmental and human influences on organic carbon fractions down the soil profile. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 223, 2016, 152-166 more…
- The depth distribution of organic carbon in the soils of eastern Australia. Ecosphere 7 (1), 2016 more…
- Land-use contrasts reveal instability of subsoil organic carbon. Global Change Biology 23 (2), 2016, 955-965 more…
- Linking atomic force microscopy with nanothermal analysis to assess microspatial distribution of material characteristics in young soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (1), 2016, 48-59 more…
- Urban waste composts enhance OC and N stocks after long-term amendment but do not alter organic matter composition. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 223, 2016, 211-222 more…
- Mobilization of X-ray amorphous and crystalline aluminum and iron phosphates by common soil extraction procedures. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 180 (1), 2016, 14-17 more…
- Reference spectra of important adsorbed organic and inorganic phosphate binding forms for soil P speciation using synchrotron-basedK-edge XANES spectroscopy. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23 (2), 2016, 532-544 more…
- Speciation of phosphorus in temperate zone forest soils as assessed by combined wet-chemical fractionation and XANES spectroscopy. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (2), 2016, 168-185 more…
- Organic matter losses in German Alps forest soils since the 1970s most likely caused by warming. Nature Geoscience 9 (7), 2016, 543-548 more…
- Interaction of minerals, organic matter, and microorganisms during biogeochemical interface formation as shown by a series of artificial soil experiments. Biology and Fertility of Soils 53 (1), 2016, 9-22 more…
- Spatially resolved quantification by NanoSIMS of organic matter sorbed to (clay) minerals. In: Filling the gaps - from microscopic pore structures to transport properties in shales. The Clay Minerals Society, 2016 more…
- Stand scale variability of topsoil organic matter composition in a high-elevation Norway spruce forest ecosystem. Geoderma 267, 2016, 112-122 more…
- Incorporation of 13C labelled shoot residues in Lumbricus terrestris casts: A combination of transmission electron microscopy and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 93, 2016, 8-16 more…
- Molecular fate of root and shoot litter on incorporation and decomposition in earthworm casts. Organic Geochemistry 101, 2016, 1-10 more…
- Projected loss of soil organic carbon in temperate agricultural soils in the 21st century: effects of climate change and carbon input trends. Scientific Reports 6 (1), 2016 more…
- Anthropogenic N deposition increases soil organic matter accumulation without altering its biochemical composition. Global Change Biology 23 (2), 2016, 933-944 more…
- Characterization and Classification of Soils under Forest and Pasture in an Agroextractivist Project in Eastern Amazonia. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 40 (0), 2016 more…
- Qualitative and quantitative mapping of biochar in a soil profile using hyperspectral imaging. Soil and Tillage Research (155), 2015, 523–531 more…
- Long-term development of soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks after shelterwood- and clear-cutting in a mountain forest in the Bavarian Limestone Alps. European Journal of Forest Research (134), 2015, 623-640 more…
- Properties and bioavailability of particulate and mineral-associated organic matter in Arctic permafrost soils, Lower Kolyma Region, Russia. European Journal of Soil Science (66, 722–734), 2015 more…
- Novel Sample Preparation Technique To Improve Spectromicroscopic Analyses of Micrometer-Sized Particles. Environmental Science & Technology (49, 9874-9880), 2015 more…
- Archaeal and bacterial communities across a chronosequence of drained lake basins in arctic alaska. Scientific Reports (5, Article: 18165), 2015 more…
- Spatial distribution of soil organic matter in two fields on tidal flat sediments (Zhejiang Province, China) differing in duration of paddy management. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (178), 2015, 649–657 more…
- Large amounts of labile organic carbon in permafrost soils of northern Alaska. Global Change Biology (21, 2804-2817), 2015 more…
- Amino sugars reflect microbial residues as Affected by clay mineral composition of artificial soils. Organic Geochemistry (83-84), 2015, 109-113 more…
- The chemical dissolution and physical migration of minerals induced during CO2 laboratory experiments: their relevance for reservoir quality. Environmental Earth Sciences (73), 2015, 7029–7042 more…
- Methods for visualising active microbial benzene degraders in in situ microcosms. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (99), 2015, 427–442 more…
- Clay mineral composition modifies decomposition and sequestration of organic carbon and nitrogen in fine soil fractions. Biology and Fertility of Soils (51), 2015, 427–442 more…
- Standard Protocol and Quality Assessment of Soil Phosphorus Speciation by PK-Edge XANES Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology (49 (17)), 2015, 10521–10528 more…
- Stagnating crop yields: An overlooked risk for the carbon balance of agricultural soils? Science of The Total Environment (536), 2015, 1045–1051 more…
- Remediation of degraded arable steppe soils in Moldova using vetch as green manure. Solid Earth (6), 2015, 609-620 more…
- Land use effects on organic carbon storage in soils of Bavaria: The importance of soil types. Soil & Tillage Research (146), 2015, 296-302 more…
- Carbon storage capacity of semi-arid grassland soils and sequestration potentials in northern China. Global Change Biology (21), 2015, 3836–3845 more…
- Response of Vertisols, Andosols, and Alisols to paddy management. Geoderma (261), 2015, 23-35 more…
- Soil Mineral Composition Matters: Response of Microbial Communities to Phenanthrene and Plant Litter Addition in Long-Term Matured Artificial Soils. PLOS ONE (9 (9)), 2014, e106865 more…
- Prolonged summer droughts retard soil N processing and stabilization in organo-mineral fractions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (68), 2014, 241-251 more…
- Decoupled carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soil particle size fractions of a forest topsoil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (78), 2014, 263-273 more…
- Carbon dynamics after afforestation of semiarid shrublands: Implications of site preparation techniques. Forest Ecology and Management (319), 2014, 107-115 more…
- Climate Change Induces Shifts in Abundance and Activity Pattern of Bacteria and Archaea Catalyzing Major Transformation Steps in Nitrogen Turnover in a Soil from a Mid-European Beech Forest. PLOS ONE (9 (12)), 2014, e114278 more…
- The joy of teaching soil science. Geoderma (217–218), 2014, 1–9 more…
- The measurement of the specific surface area of soils by gas and polar liquid adsorption methods - Limitations and potentials. Geoderma (216), 2014, 75–87 more…
- Artificial soil studies reveal domain-specific preferences of microorganisms for the colonisation of different soil minerals and particle size fractions. FEMS Microbiology Ecology (90), 2014, 770–782 more…
- On the stratigraphic integrity of leaf-wax biomarkers in loess paleosols. Biogeosciences (11), 2014, 2455–2463 more…
- Accelerated soil formation due to paddy management on marshlands (Zhejiang Province, China). Geoderma (228–229), 2014, 67–89 more…
- Chemical and microbial activation energies of soil organic matter decomposition. Biology and Fertility of Soils (50), 2014, 147-153 more…
- Macroecology of methane-oxidizing bacteria: the beta-diversity of pmoA genotypes in tropical and subtropical rice paddies. Environmental Microbiology (16), 2014, 72-83 more…
- Long-term stabilization of deep soil carbon by fire and burial during early Holocene climate change. Nature Geoscience (7, 428–432), 2014 more…
- Bioavailability and isotopic composition of CO2 released from incubated soil organic matter fractions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (69), 2014, 168–17 more…
- Organic carbon stocks in forest soils of the German Alps. Geoderma (221–222), 2014, 28–39 more…
- Seasonal controls on grassland microbial biogeography: are they governed by plants, abiotic properties or both? Soil Biology and Biochemistry (71), 2014, 21-30 more…
- A NanoSIMS study on the distribution of soil organic matter, iron and manganese in a nodule from a Stagnosol. European Journal of Soil Science (65), 2014, 684–692 more…
- Erkundung des mikrobiellen Schadstoffabbaupotenzials in-situ ohne Messstellen: DP-BACTRAPs – Handbuch Altlastensanierung und Flächenmanagement. Volume 85-106. Franzius/Altenbockum/Gerhold, HdA (71. Aktualisierung. edn.), 2014 more…
- Characterisation of microbial activity in the framework of natural attenuation without groundwater monitoring wells?: a new Direct-Push probe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (21 (15)), 2014, 9002-9015 more…
- Hexadecane and pristane degradation potential at the level of the aquifer - evidence from sediment incubations compared to in situ microcosms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (21 (15)), 2014, 9081-9094 more…
- Distribution of cutin and suberin biomarkers under forest trees with different root systems. Plant and Soil (381), 2014, 95-110 more…
- Fine spatial resolution mapping of soil organic matter quality in a Histosol profile. European Journal of Soil Science (65), 2014, 827–839 more…
- Establishment of macro-aggregates and organic matter turnover by microbial communities in long-term incubated artificial soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (79), 2014, 57-67 more…
- Submicron structures provide preferential spots for carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soils. Nature Communications ((5)), 2014, 2947 more…
- Estimation of total organic carbon storage and its driving factors in soils of Bavaria (southeast Germany). Geoderma Regional (1), 2014, 67-78 more…
- Estimation of past and recent carbon input by crops into agriculturalsoils of southeast Germany. European Journal of Agronomy (61), 2014, 10-23 more…
- Carbon sequestration potential of soils in southeast Germany derived from stable soil organic carbon saturation. Global Change Biology (20), 2014, 653-665 more…
- Quantification of functional soil organic carbon pools for majorsoil units and land uses in southeast Germany (Bavaria). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (185), 2014, 208–220 more…
- Organic carbon accumulation on soil mineral surfaces in paddy soils derived from tidal wetlands. Geoderma (228–229), 2014, 90–103 more…
- Böden der Welt. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014 more…
- Metal oxides, clay minerals and charcoal determine the composition of microbial communities in matured artificial soils and their response to phenanthrene. FEMS Microbial Ecology (86), 2013, 3-14 more…
- Land use and climate control the spatial distribution of soil types in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments (88), 2013, 194-205 more…
- Land use and climateChanges in litter chemistry and soil lignin signature during decomposition and stabilisation of 13C labelled wheat roots in three subsoil horizons. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (67), 2013, 55-61 more…
- Rapid transfer of 15N from labeled beech leaf litter to functional soil organic matter fractions in a Rendzic Leptosol. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (58), 2013, 323-331 more…
- Customary selective harvesting has considerably decreased organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in forest soils of the Bavarian Limestone Alps. Forest Ecology and Management (305), 2013, 167-176 more…
- Applications versus properties of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides provided by their syntheses methods: Alkoxide and alkoxide-free sol-gel syntheses and hydrothermal precipitation. Chemical Engineering Journal (234), 2013, 284-299 more…
- A de-novo Designed Antimicrobial Peptide with Activity Against Multi-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Acting on RsbW kinase. The FASEB Journal (27 (11)), 2013, 4476-4488 more…
- Mineral composition and charcoal determine the bacterial community structure in artificial soils. FEMS Microbial Ecology (86), 2013, 15-25 more…
- The role of lignin for the 13C signature in C4 grassland and C3 forest soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (57), 2013, 1-13 more…
- Atlas de suelos de America Latina y el Caribe. Publications Office, 2013 more…
- Nitrogen balance and cycle of Inner Mongolia typical steppe - a comprehensive case study of grazing effects and climate variability. Ecological Monographs (83 (2)), 2013, 195-219 more…
- Minor contribution of leaf litter to N nutrition of beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlings in a mountainous beech forest of Southern Germany. Plant and Soil (369 (1-2)), 2013, 657-668 more…
- Desorption behaviour of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons after long-term storage of two harbour sludges from the port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Journal of Soils and Sediments (13 (6)), 2013, 1113-1122 more…
- Organic matter composition and stabilization in a polygonal tundra soil of the Lena Delta. Biogeosciences (10 (5)), 2013, 3145-3158 more…
- A simple method to synthesize birnessite at ambient pressure and temperature. Geoderma (193-194), 2013, 117-121 more…
- Synthesis of cryptomelane- and birnessite-type manganese oxides at ambient pressure and temperature. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (405), 2013, 44–50 more…
- The carbon count of 2000years of rice cultivation. Global Change Biology (19 (4)), 2013, 1107-1113 more…
- Modification of biomarkers in pyrogenic organic matter during the initial phase of charcoal biodegradation in soils. Geoderma (197), 2013, 43-50 more…
- Density fractionation of organic matter in dolomite-derived soils. Journal Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (176), 2013, 509–519 more…
- Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and NanoSIMS Investigations on EPS Fractions before and after Adsorption to Goethite. Environmental Science and Technology (47 (7)), 2013, 3158-3166 more…
- Molybdate adsorption from steel slag eluates by subsoils. Chemosphere (93), 2013, 2108-2115 more…
- Advances in the Analysis of Biogeochemical Interfaces: NanoSIMS to Investigate Soil Microenvironments. Advances in Agronomy (121), 2013, 1-46 more…
- What controls the concentration of various aliphatic lipids in soil? Soil Biology and Biochemistry (63), 2013, 14-17 more…
- Characterization, Stability, and Plant Effects of Kiln-Produced Wheat Straw Biochar. Journal of Environmental Quality (42 (2)), 2013, 429-436 more…
- Reproducibility of a soil organic carbon fractionation method to derive RothC carbon pools. European Journal of Soil Science (64 (6)), 2013, 735-746 more…
- Analysis of non-cellulosic polysaccharides helps to reveal the history of thick organic surface layers on calcareous Alpine soils. Plant and Soil (365 (1-2)), 2013, 93-114 more…
- Synchrotron-based P K-edge XANES spectroscopy reveals rapid changes of phosphorus speciation in the topsoil of two glacier foreland chronosequences. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (108), 2013, 154-171 more…
- Soil sulphur speciation in two glacier forefield soil chronosequences assessed by S K-edge XANES spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science (64 (2)), 2013, 260–272 more…
- Is turnover and development of organic matter controlled by mineral composition? Soil Biology and Biochemistry (67), 2013, 235-244 more…
- The phenanthrene-sorptive interface of an arable topsoil and its particle size fractions. European Journal of Soil Science (64 (1)), 2013, 121-130 more…
- Collecting in situ precipitated iron oxides in their natural soil environment. Journal Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (176), 2013, 497–499 more…
- Dynamics, chemical properties and bioavailability of DOC in an early successional catchment. Biogeosciences (10), 2013, 4751-4765 more…
- Storage and stability of organic carbon in soils as related to depth, occlusion within aggregates, and attachment to minerals. Biogeosciences (10), 2013, 3983-3996 more…
- The role of microorganisms at different stages of ecosystem development for soil formation. Biogeosciences (10), 2013, 3983-3996 more…
- Laboratory imaging spectroscopy of a stagnic Luvisol profile - High resolution soil characterisation, classification and mapping of elemental concentrations. Geoderma (195-196), 2013, 122-132 more…
- Increased methane uptake but unchanged nitrous oxide flux in montane grasslands under simulated climate change conditions. European Journal of Soil Science (64), 2013, 586-596 more…
- Kinetic control of contaminant release from NAPLs e Experimental evidence. Environmental Pollution (179), 2013, 315-325 more…
- Recovery of degraded steppe soils of northern China after grazing Exclusion. Steppe Ecosystems (ISBN 978-1-62808-298-2), 2013 more…
- Amount, distribution and driving factors of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in cropland and grassland soils of southeast Germany (Bavaria). Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment (176), 2013, 39-52 more…
- Storage and drivers of organic carbon in forest soils of southeast Germany (Bavaria) - Implications for carbon sequestration. Forest Ecology and Management (295), 2013, 162-172 more…
- Management-induced organic carbon accumulation in paddy soils: The role of organo-mineral associations. Soil and Tillage Research (126), 2013, 60-71 more…
- Changes of soil phosphorus speciation along a 120-year soil chronosequence in the Hailuogou Glacier retreat area (Gongga Mountain, SW China). Geoderma (195), 2013, 251-259 more…
- Impact of Fe content in laboratory-produced soot aerosol on its composition, structure, and thermo-chemical properties. Aerosol Science and Technology (46 (12)), 2012, 1337-1348 more…
- Reevaluation of colorimetric iron determination methods commonly used in geomicrobiology. Journal of Microbiological Methods (89), 2012, 41-48 more…
- The effect of spectral pre-treatments on chemometry with soil profile imaging spectroscopy. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 2012 more…
- Mapping the distribution of chemical properties in soil profiles using laboratory imaging spectroscopy, SVM and PLS regression. EARSeL eProceedings (11 (1)), 2012, 25-32 more…
- Clay fractions from a soil chronosequence after glacier retreat reveal the initial evolution of organo-mineral associations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (85), 2012, 1-18 more…
- Fast microbial reduction of ferrihydrite colloids from a soil effluent. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (77), 2012, 444-456 more…
- NanoSIMS as a tool for characterizing soil model compounds and organomineral associations in artificial soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments (12), 2012, 35-47 more…
- Landmark papers. European Journal of Soil Science (63), 2012, 1-21 more…
- Soil properties and charcoal dynamics of burnt soils in the Tyrolean Limestone Alps. Catena (99), 2012, 75-82 more…
- Alteration of quality and stability of organic matter in grassland soils of Southern Brazil highlands after ceasing biannual burning. Geoderma (181), 2012, 11-21 more…
- Effects of Edaphic Factors on the Tree Stand Diversity in a Tropical Forest of Sierra Madre del Sur, Mexico. Genesis and Geography of Soils (45), 2012, 740–751 more…
- Sensitivity of peatland carbon loss to organic matter quality. Geophysical Research Letters (39), 2012, L14704 more…
- In situ electro-osmotic cleanup of tar contaminated soil - Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Electrochimica Acta (86), 2012, 142–147 more…
- Assessing PAH removal from clayey soil by means of electro-osmosis and electrodialysis. Science of the Total Environment (435-436), 2012, 1-6 more…
- Den Boden verstehen - Bodenarchitektur im Nanobereich. GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift (56), 2012, 42-44 more…
- Soil aggregate destruction by ultrasonication increases soil organic matter mineralization and mobility. Soil Science Society of America Journal (76 (5)), 2012, 1634-1643 more…
- Submicron scale imaging of soil organic matter dynamics using NanoSIMS – from single particles to intact aggregates. Organic Geochemistry (42), 2012, 1476-1488 more…
- Changes in soil organic C and N stocks after forest transformation from Norway spruce and Scots pine into Douglas fir, Douglas fir-spruce, or European beech stands at different sites in Southern Germany. Forest Ecology and Management (269), 2012, 134-148 more…
- Development of biogeochemical interfaces in an artificial soil incubation experiment; aggregation and formation of organo-mineral associations. Geoderma (189-190), 2012, 585-594 more…
- Iron species in soils on a mofette site studied by Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. Chemical Geology (332-333), 2012, 116-123 more…
- Advanced spectroscopic, microscopic, and tomographic characterization techniques to study biogeochemical interfaces in soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments (12), 2012, 3-23 more…
- Grazing effects on the greenhouse gas balance of a temperate steppe ecosystem. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (93), 2012, 357-371 more…
- Short-term degradation of semiarid grasslandsuresults from a controlled-grazing experiment in Northern China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (175), 2012, 434-442 more…
- Soil organic carbon stocks in southeast Germany (Bavaria) as affected by land use, soil type and sampling depth. Global Change Biology (18 (7)), 2012, 2233–2245 more…
- Aggregate stability and physical protection of soil organic carbon in semi-arid steppe soils. European Journal of Soil Science (63), 2012, 22-31 more…
- Labile organic C and N mineralization of soil aggregate size classes in semiarid grasslands as affected by grazing management. Biology and Fertility of Soils (48), 2012, 305-313 more…
- Changes in diversity and functional gene abundances of microbial communities involved in nitrogen fixation, nitrification and denitrification comparing a tidal wetland to paddy soils cultivated for different time periods. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (77), 2011, 6109-6116 more…
- Comparison of lipid biomarker and gene abundance characterizing the archaeal ammonia-oxidizing community in flooded soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils (47), 2011, 839-843 more…
- Laboratory imaging spectroscopy of soil profiles. Journal of spectral imaging (2), 2011, a2 more…
- Steppe ecosystems and climate and land-use changes-vulnerability, feedbacks and possibilities for adaptation. Plant and Soil (340 (1-2)), 2011, 1-6 more…
- Concurrent evolution of organic and mineral components during initial soil development after retreat of the Damma glacier, Switzerland. Geoderma (163), 2011, 83–94 more…
- Fractionation of Organic Matter Due to Reaction with Ferrihydrite: Coprecipitation versus Adsorption. Environmental Science & Technology (45 (2)), 2011, 527-533 more…
- Evaluating pore structures of soil components with a combination of "conventional" and hyperpolarised 129Xe NMR studies. Geoderma (162), 2011, 96–106 more…
- Intra-annual Variability in Primary Producer Groups and Nitrogen Dynamics in an Intermittently Closed Estuary Exposed to Mediterranean Climate. Estuaries and Coasts, 2011 more…
- Degradation of grass-derived pyrogenic organic material, transport of the residues within a soil column and distribution in soil organic matter fractions during a 28 month microcosm experiment. Organic Geochemistry (42 (1)), 2011, 42-54 more…
- Carbon and nitrogen degradation on molecular scale of grass-derived pyrogenic organic material during 28 months of incubation in soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (43 (2)), 2011, 261-270 more…
- Mineralogical, Physicochemical and Microbiological Controls on Soil Organic Matter Stabilization and Turnover. Resource Management and Environmental Impacts, 2011 more…
- Grazing changes topography-controlled topsoil properties and their interaction on different spatial scales in a semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia, P.R. China. Plant Soil (340), 2011, 35–58 more…
- Characteristics of a paleosol and its implication for the Critical Zone development, Rocky Mountain Front Range of Colorado, USA. Applied Geochemistry, 2011 more…
- Removal of PAHs from contaminated clayey soil by means of electro-osmosis. Separation and Purification Technology (79), 2011, 221–229 more…
- Specific surface area of clay minerals: Comparison between atomic force microscopy measurements and bulk-gas (N2) and -liquid (EGME) adsorption methods. Applied Clay Science (53), 2011, 20–26 more…
- Uncertainty of variance component estimates in nested sampling: a case study on the field-scale spatial variability of a restored soil. European Journal of Soil Science (62), 2011, 479–495 more…
- Growth and physiology of olive pioneer and fibrous roots exposed to soil moisture deficits. Tree Physiology (31 (11)), 2011, 1228 more…
- Sulfur speciation in soil by S K-edge XANES spectroscopy: Comparison of spectral de-convolution and Linear combination fitting. Environmental Science & Technology (45 (7)), 2011, 2878-2886 more…
- Iron Oxides as Major Available Interface Component in Loamy Arable Topsoils. Soils Science Society of America Journal (75), 2011 more…
- Accumulation of nitrogen and microbial residues during 2000 years of rice paddy and non-paddy soil development in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Global Change Biology, 2011 more…
- Deep soil organic matter-a key but poorly understood component of terrestrial C cycle. Plant and soil (338 (1-2)), 2011, 143-158 more…
- Patterns and processes of initial terrestrial-ecosystem development. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (174 (2)), 2011, 229-239 more…
- Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property. Nature (478), 2011, 49–56 more…
- Spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture in dependence of multiple environmental parameters in emi-arid grasslands. Plant and soil (340(1-2)), 2011, 73-88 more…
- Distribution of soil organic matter between fractions and aggregate size classes in grazed semiarid steppe soil profiles. Plant and soil (338 (1-2)), 2011, 63-81 more…
- Digital mapping of soil organic matter stocks using Random Forest modeling in a semi-arid steppe ecosystem. Plant and Soil (340 (1-2)), 2011, 7-24 more…
- Organic carbon accumulation in a 2000-year chronosequence of paddy soil evolution. Catena (87), 2011, 376–385 more…