- Thermal alteration of organic matter during a shrubland fire: A field study. Organic Geochemistry (41 (7)), 2010, 690-697 more…
- Nanosized Iron Oxide Colloids Strongly Enhance Microbial Iron Reduction. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (76 (1)), 2010, 184-189 JAN more…
- Organic matter in four Brazilian soil types: chemical composition and atrazine sorption. Quimica Nova (33 (1)), 2010, 14-19 more…
- Soil type-dependent responses to phenanthrene as revealed by determining the diversity and abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase genes by using a novel PCR detection system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (76 (14)), 2010, 4765 - 4771 more…
- Analysis of hydrolysable neutral sugars in mineral soils: Improvement of alditol acetylation for gas chromatographic separation and measurement. Organic Geochemistry (41 (6)), 2010, 580-585 more…
- Initial pedogenesis in a topsoil crust 3 years after construction of an artificial catchment in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Biogeochemistry (101 (1-3)), 2010, 165-176 more…
- Biogeochemistry of paddy soils. Geoderma (157), 2010, 1–14 more…
- Girdling Affects Ectomycorrhizal Fungal (EMF) Diversity and Reveals Functional Differences in EMF Community Composition in a Beech Forest. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (76 (6)), 2010, 1831-1841 more…
- Schutzwälder der Nördlichen Kalkalpen: Verjüngung, Mikroklima, Schneedecke und Schalenwild. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen (161), 2010, 11-22 more…
- Long-term trends of phosphorus nutrition and topsoil phosphorus stocks in unfertilized and fertilized Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands at two sites in Southern Germany. Forest Ecology and Management (259 (6)), 2010, 1141-1150 more…
- Phosphorus speciation of forest-soil organic surface layers using P K-edge XANES spectroscopy. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (173 (6)), 2010, 805-807 more…
- Assessment of sulfur and iron speciation in a soil aggregate by combined S and Fe micro-XANES: microspatial patterns and relationships. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2010, 17166-172 more…
- Non-cellulosic neutral sugar contribution to mineral associated organic matter in top- and subsoil horizons of two acid forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (42 (2)), 2010, 379-382 FEB more…
- Lignin phenols and cutin- and suberin-derived aliphatic monomers as biomarkers for stand history, SOM source, and turnover. Geochimica et Cosmochimica ACTA (74 (12)), 2010, A983-A983 more…
- Distribution of soil organic matter between fractions and aggregate size classes in grazed semiarid steppe soil profiles. Plant Soil (338), 2010, 63–81 more…
- Enhanced ozone exposure of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) stimulates nitrogen mobilization from leaf litter and nitrogen accumulation in the soil. Plant Biosystems (144 (3)), 2010, 537-546 more…
- X-ray spectromicroscopy in soil and environmental sciences. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2010, 17149-157 more…
- Biogeochemical interfaces in soil: The interdisciplinary challenge for soil science. Journal of Plant Nutrtion and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (173 (1)), 2010, 88-99 more…
- Abundance of Microbes Involved in Nitrogen Transformation in the Rhizosphere of Leucanthemopsis alpina (L.) Heywood Grown in Soils from Different Sites of the Damma Glacier Forefield. Microbial Ecology (60 (4)), 2010, 762-770 more…
- Carbon and nitrogen balance in beech roots under competitive pressure of soil-borne microorganisms induced by girdling, drought and glucose application. Functional Plant Biology (37 (9)), 2010, 879-889 more…
- Spatial variability of N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes within the Xilin River catchment of Inner Mongolia, China: a soil core study. Plant Soil (331), 2010, 341–359 more…
- Response to the Concept paper: 'What is recalcitrant soil organic matter?' by Markus Kleber. Environmental Chemistry (7 (4)), 2010, 333-335 more…
- Effects of land-use change on chemical composition of soil organic matter in tropical lowland Bolivia. Japanese Society of Grassland Science ISSN, 2009, 1744-6961 more…
- Stabilised carbon in subsoil horizons is located in spatially distinct parts of the soil profile. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (41), 2009, 256-261 more…
- Tree girdling provides insight on the role of labile carbon in nitrogen partitioning between soil microorganisms and adult European beech. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (41), 2009, 1622-1631 more…
- Changes in soil organic matter composition are associated with forest encroachment into grassland with long-term fire history. European Journal of Soil Science (60 (4)), 2009, 578-589 more…
- Analysing the role of soil properties, initial biomass and ozone on observed plant growth variability in a lysimeter study. Plant and Soil (323 (1-2, Sp. Iss. SI)), 2009, 125-141 more…
- Mineralisation and structural changes during the initial phase of microbial degradation of pyrogenic plant residues in soil. Organic Geochemistry (40), 2009, 332-342 more…
- Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of marine dissolved organic matter isolated using coupled reverse osmosis-electrodialysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (73), 2009, 4215-4231 more…
- Fate of microbial biomass-derived amino acids in soil and their contribution to soil organic matter. Organic Geochemistry ( 40), 2009, 978-985 more…
- Initial differentiation of vertical soil organic matter distribution and composition under juvenile beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees. Plant and Soil (323 (1-2)), 2009, 111-123 more…
- Soil organic carbon stocks, distribution, and composition affected by historic land use changes on adjacent sites. Biology and Fertility of Soils (45 (4)), 2009, 347-359 more…
- Organic carbon in soils of Germany: Status quo and the need for new data to evaluate potentials and trends of soil carbon sequestration. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (172 (5)), 2009, 601-614 more…
- Sulfur speciation in well-aerated and wetland soils in a forested catchment assessed by sulfur K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (172 (3)), 2009, 393-403 more…
- Anoxic versus oxic sample pretreatment: Effects on the speciation of sulfur and iron in well-aerated and wetland soils as assessed by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES). Geoderma (153 (3-4)), 2009, 318-330 more…
- Effects of reclamation and regeneration processes on organic matter from estuarine soils and sediments. Organic Geochemistry (40 (9)), 2009, 931-941 more…
- Site-specific spatial patterns of soil organic carbon stocks in different landscape units of a high-elevation forest including a site with forest dieback. Geoderma (152 (3-4)), 2009, 218-230 more…
- Spatial variability of topsoils and vegetation in a grazed steppe ecosystem in Inner Mongolia (PR China). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (172 (1)), 2009, 78-90 more…
- Alteration of soil organic matter pools and aggregation in semi-arid steppe topsoils as driven by organic matter input. European Journal of Soil Science (60 (2)), 2009, 198-212 more…
- Biogeochemical interfaces in soil: The Interdisciplinary challenge for soil science. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (173), 2009, 88–99 more…
- Abundance and Diversity of CO2-fixing Bacteria in Grassland Soils Close to Natural Carbon Dioxide Springs. Microbial Ecology (58 (1)), 2009, 1-9 more…
- Depletion of soil organic carbon and nitrogen under Pinus taeda plantations in Southern Brazilian grasslands (Campos). European journal of Soil Science (60 (3)), 2009, 347-359 more…
- Degradation and small-scale spatial homogenization of topsoils in intensively-grazed steppes of Northern China. Soil & Tillage Research (104 (2)), 2009, 299-310 more…
- Late Quaternary palaeosol records from subtropical (38 degrees S) to tropical (16 degrees S) South America and palaeoclimatic implications. Quaternary International, 2009, 196 107-120 more…
- Structural properties of non-combustion-derived refractory organic matter which interfere with BC quantification. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (85 (1-2)), 2009, 399-407 Sp. Iss. SI MAY more…
- Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition-what do we know? Biology and Fertility of Soils (46 (1)), 2009, 1-15 more…
- Structural domains in peat as revealed by physical fractionation, sequential chemolysis and N-15 and C-13 CPMAS NMR spectroscopy. Organic Geochemistry (39), 2008, 972-976 more…
- A rapid and efficient determination of natural estrogens in soils by pressurised liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chemosphere (71), 2008, 954-960 more…
- Biomolecular characteristics of an extensive tar layer generated during eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies. Organic Geochemistry ( 39), 2008, 1372-1383 more…
- Estudo comparativo da matéria orgânica de diferentes classes de solos de altitude do sul do Brasil por técnicas convencionais e espectroscópicas. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (32), 2008, 2289-2296 more…
- A mosaic of nonallophanic Andosols, Umbrisols and Cambisols on rhyodacite in the southern Brazilian highlands. Geoderma (145 (1-2)), 2008, 158-173 MAY 15 more…
- Araucaria forest expansion on grassland in the southern Brazilian highlands as revealed by C-14 and delta C-13 studies. Geoderma (145 (1-2)), 2008, 143-157 MAY 15 more…
- Characterization of Ferrihydrite-Soil Organic Matter Coprecipitates by X-ray Diffraction and Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology (42 (21)), 2008, 7891-7897 more…
- Use of multiple biogeochemical parameters to monitor the recovery of soils after forest fires. Organic Geochemistry (39 (8)), 2008, 940-944 more…
- A new conceptual model for the structural properties of char produced during vegetation fires. Organic Geochemistry (39 (8)), 2008, 935-939 more…
- A simplified method for the quantification of pyrogenic organic matter in grassland soils via chemical oxidation. Geoderma (147 (1-2)), 2008, 69-74 SEP 30 more…
- An integrative approach of organic matter stabilization in temperate soils: Linking chemistry, physics, and biology. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (171 (1)), 2008, 5-13 more…
- Organo-mineral associations in temperate soils: Integrating biology, mineralogy, and organic matter chemistry. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (171 (1)), 2008, 61-82 more…
- Comparison of two quantitative soil organic carbon models with a conceptual model using data from an agricultural long-term experiment. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (171 (1)), 2008, 83-90 more…
- Relationships between long-term trends of air temperature, precipitation, nitrogen nutrition and growth of coniferous stands in Central Europe and Finland. European Journal of Forest Research (127 (6)), 2008, 507-524 more…
- N-15 immobilization in forest soil: a sterilization experiment coupled with (15)CPMAS NMR spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science (59 (3)), 2008, 467-475 more…
- Effect of residual vanadyl ions on the spectroscopic analysis of humic acids: a multivariate approach. European Journal of Soil Science (59 (3)), 2008, 439-444 more…
- Changes of soil chemistry, stand nutrition, and stand growth at two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sites in Central Europe during 40 years after fertilization, liming, and lupine introduction. European Journal of Forest Research (127 (1)), 2008, 43-61 more…
- Differentiation between adsorbed and precipitated sulphate in soils and at micro-sites of soil aggregates by sulphur K-edge XANES. European Journal of Soil Science (59 (4)), 2008, 730-743 more…
- Wildfires influence on soil organic matter in an Atlantic mountainous region (NW of Spain). Catena (74 (3)), 2008, 286-295 Sp. Iss. SI AUG 15 more…
- Encyclopedia of soil science. Ward Chesworth Springer, 2008 more…
- Temperature proxy data and their significance for the understanding of pyroclastic density currents. Geology (36 (2)), 2008, 143-146 more…
- Soil organic matter stabilization in acidic forest soils is preferential and soil type-specific. European Journal of Soil Science (59 (4)), 2008, 674-692 more…
- Grazing effects on soil chemical and physical properties in a semiarid steppe of Inner Mongolia (PR China). Geoderma (143 (1-2)), 2008, 63-72 JAN 15 more…
- Microscopy and spectroscopy with X-rays for studies in the environmental sciences. Mineralogical Magazine (72 (1)), 2008, 211-216 more…
- Characteristics of soil carbon buried for 3300 years in a Bronze Age burial mound. Soil Science Society of America JOournal (72 (5)), 2008, 1292-1298 SEP-OCT more…
- Climate and parent material controls on organic matter storage in surface soils: A three-pool, density-separation approach. Geoderma (147 (1-2)), 2008, 23-33 SEP 30 more…
- Determination of refractory organic matter in marine sediments by chemical oxidation, analytical pyrolysis and solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science (59 (3)), 2008, 430-438 more…
- Use of pyrolysis/GC-MS combined with thermal analysis to monitor C and N changes in soil organic matter from a Mediterranean fire affected forest. Catena (74 (3)), 2008, 296-303 Sp. Iss. SI AUG 15 more…
- Direct detection of black carbon in soils by Py-GC/MS, carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric techniques. Soil Science Society of America Journal (72 (1)), 2008, 258-267 JAN-FEB more…
- Stabilization mechanisms of organic matter in four temperate soils: Development and application of a conceptual model. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (171 (1)), 2008, 111-124 more…
- Stable carbon isotope signature and chemical composition of organic matter in lignite-containing mine soils and sediments are closely linked. Organic Geochemistry (38 (6)), 2007, 835-844 more…
- Comparison of carbon and nitrogen determination methods for samples of a paleudult subjected to no-till cropping systems. Scientia Agricola (64 (5)), 2007, 532-540 SEP-OCT more…
- Araucaria forest expansion on grassland in the southern Brazilian highlands as revealed by 14C and δ13C studies. Geoderma (145), 2007, 143-157 more…
- Composition and radiocarbon age of HF-resistant soil organic matter in a Podzol and a Cambisol. Organic Geochemistry (38 (8)), 2007, 1356-1372 more…
- How does fire affect the nature and stability of soil organic nitrogen and carbon? A review. Biogeochemistry (85 (1)), 2007, 91-118 more…
- How useful is chemical oxidation with dichromate for the determination of "Black Carbon" in fire-affected soils? Geoderma (142 (1-2)), 2007, 178-196 NOV 15 more…
- Dynamics of C-13-labeled mustard litter (Sinapis alba) in particle-size and aggregate fractions in an agricultural cropland with high- and low-yield areas. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (170 (1)), 2007, 123-133 more…
- WRB-excursion on Technosols and Stagnosols through Germany in August 2007. Journal of Soils and Sediments (7 (6)), 2007, 426-430 more…
- Decomposition and substrate quality of leaf litters and fine roots from three exotic plantations and a native forest in the southwestern highlands of Ethiopia. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (39 (9)), 2007, 2317-2328 more…
- Sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to mineral surfaces. European Journal of Soil Science (58 (4)), 2007, 918-931 more…
- Iron speciation in soils and soil aggregates by synchrotron-based X-ray microspectroscopy (XANES, mu-XANES). European Journal of Soil Science (58 (5)), 2007, 1027-1041 more…
- Sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy reveals differences in sulfur speciation of bulk soils, humic acid, fulvic acid, and particle size separates. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (39 (4)), 2007, 877-890 more…
- Changes of lignin phenols and neutral sugars in different soil types of a high-elevation forest ecosystem 25 years after forest dieback. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (39 (2)), 2007, 655-668 more…
- Single event-driven export of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and suspended matter from coal tar-contaminated soil. Vadose Zone Journal (6 (2)), 2007, 233-243 more…
- Spatial variability of soil properties affected by grazing intensity in Inner Mongolia grassland. Ecological Modelling (205 (1-2)), 2007, 241-254 JUL 10 more…
- SOM fractionation methods: Relevance to functional pools and to stabilization mechanisms. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (39 (9)), 2007, 2183-2207 more…
- Ancient paddy soils from the Neolithic age in China's Yangtze River Delta. Naturwissenschaften (93 (5)), 2006, 232-236 more…
- Soil organic matter changes in a spruce chronosequence on Swedish former agricultural soil: I. carbon and lignin dynamics. Soil Science (171), 2006, 837-849 more…
- Organic matter characteristics and distribution in Ferralsol profiles of a climosequence in southern Brazil. European Journal of Science (57 (5)), 2006, 644-654 more…
- Organic matter in constructed soils from a coal mining area in southern Brazil. Organic Geochemistry (37 (11)), 2006, 1537-1545 more…
- No-till cropping systems and N fertilisation influences on organic matter composition of physical fractions of a subtropical Acrisol as assessed by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS). Geoderma (135), 2006, 260-268 more…
- Iron interference on matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectra of condensed tannins. Environmental Chemistry Letters (2 (2)), 2006, 71-75 more…
- Soil micro- and mesopores studied by N-2 adsorption and Xe-129 NMR of adsorbed xenon. Geoderma (130 (3-4)), 2006, 218-228 more…
- Arsenic fixation on iron-hydroxide-rich and plant litter-containing sediments in natural environments. Environmental Geology (51 (1)), 2006, 133-142 more…
- How are soil use and management reflected by soil organic matter characteristics: a spectroscopic approach. European Journal of Soil Science (57 (4)), 2006, 485-494 more…
- Use of vermicomposts produced from various solid wastes as potting media. European Journal of Horticultural Science (71 (1)), 2006, 21-29 more…
- Induced membrane potentials in chemical osmosis across clay membranes. Geoderma (136 (1-2)), 2006, 1-10 more…
- Transport and anaerobic biodegradation of propylene glycol in gravel-rich soil materials. Journal of Contaminat Hydrology (85 (3-4)), 2006, 271-286 MAY 30 more…
- Unbiased identification of nonlinear sorption characteristics by soil column breakthrough experiments. Computational Geosciences (9 (4)), 2006, 203-217 more…
- Characteristic alterations of quantity and quality of soil organic matter caused by forest fires in continental Mediterranean ecosystems: a solid-state C-13 NMR study. European Journal of Science (57 (4)), 2006, 558-569 more…
- Chemical Structure of Organic N and Organic P in soil. Soil Biology (8), 2006 more…
- Decomposition and distribution of N-15 labelled mustard litter (Sinapis alba) in physical soil fractions of a cropland with high- and low-yield field areas. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (38 (11)), 2006, 3292-3302 more…
- Arsenic transformation by Azospirillum brasilense sp245 in association with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots. Plant and Soil (286 (1-2)), 2006, 219-227 more…
- Heterocyclic N in the highly humified humic acids extracted from the subsoil of paddy fields and surface ando soils. Organic Geochemistry (37 (1)), 2006, 12-19 more…
- Chemical characteristics of dissolved organic nitrogen in an oligotrophic subtropical coastal ecosystem. Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta (70 (17)), 2006, 4491-4506 more…
- Properties of dissolved organic matter related to soil organic matter quality and nitrogen additions in Norway spruce forest floors. Geoderma 130 (3-4), 2006, 250-264 more…
- Effect of residual vanadyl on the spectroscopic analysis of humic acids. Organic Geochemistry (37 (11)), 2006, 1562-1572 more…
- Recent carbon and nitrogen accumulation and acidification in soils of two Scots pine ecosystems in Southern Germany. Plant and Soil (289 (1-2)), 2006, 153-170 more…
- Alteration of soil organic matter following treatment with hydrofluoric acid (HF). Organic Geochemistry (37 (11)), 2006, 1437-1451 more…
- Chemical composition of young and old carbon pools throughout Cambisol and Luvisol profiles under forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (38 (8)), 2006, 2411-2424 more…
- Small scale spatial variability of organic carbon stocks in litter and solum of a forested Luvisol. Geoderma (136 (3-4)), 2006, 631-642 DEC 15 more…
- Soil organic matter changes in a spruce ecosystem 25 years after disturbance. Soil Science Society of America Journal (70 (6)), 2006, 2130-2145 NOV-DEC more…
- Release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dissolved organic carbon, and suspended matter from disturbed NAPL-contaminated gravelly soil material. Vadose Zone Journal (5 (1)), 2006, 469-479 more…
- Stabilization of organic matter in temperate soils: mechanisms and their relevance under different soil conditions - a review. European Journal of Science (57 (4)), 2006, 426-445 more…