Dr. Ing. Carmen Höschen - Physicist
System control, development of analytical methods and data interpretation
Phone: +49 8161 71 -4122 /-3476
eMail: carmen.hoeschen[at]tum.de
Ciaran Harrington
Operator, maintenance, sample preparation, optimizing software, standardizing measurements
Phone: +49 8161 71 -4122 /-3911
eMail: ciaran.harrington[at]tum.de

Dr. Steffen Schweizer - Soil scientist
Support in sample preparation and development of analytical methods, advice for users from soil science regarding sample preparation and feasibility of the technique
Phone: +49 8161 71 -4423
eMail: steffen.schweizer[at]wzw.tum.de

Gertraud Harrington - CTA
Sample preparation
Phone: +49 8161 71 -4122 / -2477