- Academic publishing requires linguistically inclusive policies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291 (2018), 2024, 20232840 more…
- Gut getarnt und abgelegt: Kitze im Grünland. LWF aktuell 146 (146), 2024, 12-16 more…
- Strategien für die Wildtierrettung. LWF aktuell 148 (148), 2024, 12-16 more…
- Revealing legacy effects of extreme droughts on tree growth of oaks across the Northern Hemisphere. Science of The Total Environment 926, 2024, 172049 more…
- Decoding autumn phenology: Unraveling the link between observation methods and detected environmental cues. Global Change Biology 30 (3), 2024, e17231 more…
- The linkage between functional traits and drone-derived phenology of 74 Northern Hemisphere tree species. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 175753 more…
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- Climate change is associated with asynchrony in arrival between two sympatric cuckoos and both host arrival and prey emergence. Royal Society Open Science 11 (1), 2024 more…
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- Birds in Bavarian Hop Plantations: Nesting Preferences for Different Structural Pole Types. Acta Ornithologica 58 (2), 2024 more…
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- Quantitative wood anatomy and stable carbon isotopes indicate pronounced drought exposure of Scots pine when growing at the forest edge. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 6, 2023 more…
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- Global Climate. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 (9), 2023, S11-S145 more…
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- Weather explains the decline and rise of insect biomass over 34 years. Nature, 2023 more…
- Earlier and more uniform spring green-up linked to lower insect richness and biomass in temperate forests. Communications Biology 6 (1), 2023 more…
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- Jet stream position explains regional anomalies in European beech forest productivity and tree growth. Nature Communications 13 (1), 2022 more…
- Global Climate. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (8), 2022, S11-S142 more…
- Global Climate. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (8), 2022, S11-S142 more…
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- Disturbance and indirect effects of climate warming support a plant invader in mountains. Oikos 2022 (4), 2022 more…
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- Impact of Local Grasslands on Wild Grass Pollen Emission in Bavaria, Germany. Land 11 (2), 2022, 306 more…
- Evergreen broadleaf greenness and its relationship with leaf flushing, aging, and water fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 323, 2022, 109060 more…
- Climate-change-driven growth decline of European beech forests. Communications Biology 5 (1), 2022 more…
- Long-term flowering intensity of European tree species under the influence of climatic and resource dynamic variables. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 323, 2022, 109074 more…
- Association between short-term exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in all German districts: the importance of confounders. Environmental Sciences Europe 34 (1), 2022 more…
- Summable C factors for contemporary soil use. Soil and Tillage Research 213, 2021, 105155 more…
- Change in erosion potential of crops due to climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 300, 2021, 108338 more…
- Weather conditions during hunting season affect the number of harvested roe deer ( Capreolus capreolus ). Ecology and Evolution 11 (15), 2021, 10178-10191 more…
- Climate sensitivity and drought seasonality determine post-drought growth recovery of Quercus petraea and Quercus robur in Europe. Science of The Total Environment 784, 2021, 147222 more…
- Universal thermal climate index associations with mortality, hospital admissions, and road accidents in Bavaria. PLOS ONE 16 (11), 2021, e0259086 more…
- Effects of weather, air pollution and Oktoberfest on ambulance-transported emergency department admissions in Munich, Germany. Science of The Total Environment 755, 2021, 143772 more…
- Impact of elevated air temperature and drought on pollen characteristics of major agricultural grass species. PLOS ONE 16 (3), 2021, e0248759 more…
- Establishing the twig method for investigations on pollen characteristics of allergenic tree species. International Journal of Biometeorology 65 (11), 2021, 1983-1993 more…
- Agricultural Drought Detection with MODIS Based Vegetation Health Indices in Southeast Germany. Remote Sensing 13 (19), 2021, 3907 more…
- A First Pre-season Pollen Transport Climatology to Bavaria, Germany. Frontiers in Allergy 2, 2021 more…
- Ground and satellite phenology in alpine forests are becoming more heterogeneous across higher elevations with warming. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 303, 2021, 108383 more…
- The influence of weather on fatal accidents in Austrian mountains. Weather, Climate, and Society, 2021 more…
- Disentangling effects of climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services—A multi‐scale experimental design. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13 (2), 2021, 514-527 more…
- Effects of future climate change on birch abundance and their pollen load. Global Change Biology 27 (22), 2021, 5934-5949 more…
- Relationship of insect biomass and richness with land use along a climate gradient. Nature Communications 12 (1), 2021 more…
- Climate Effects on Vertical Forest Phenology of Fagus sylvatica L., Sensed by Sentinel-2, Time Lapse Camera, and Visual Ground Observations. Remote Sensing 13 (19), 2021, 3982 more…
- Maps, trends, and temperature sensitivities—phenological information from and for decreasing numbers of volunteer observers. International Journal of Biometeorology 65 (8), 2021, 1377-1390 more…
- Diverging growth performance of co-occurring trees (Picea abies) and shrubs (Pinus mugo) at the treeline ecotone of Central European mountain ranges. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308-309, 2021, 108608 more…
- Growth and resilience responses of Scots pine to extreme droughts across Europe depend on predrought growth conditions. Global Change Biology 26 (8), 2020, 4521-4537 more…
- Estimation of surface dead fine fuel moisture using automated fuel moisture sticks across a range of forests worldwide. International Journal of Wildland Fire 29 (6), 2020, 548 more…
- Thunderstorm Asthma: In Search For Relationships With Airborne Pollen And Fungal Spores From 23 Sites In Bavaria, Germany. A Rare Incident Or A Common Threat? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 145 (2), 2020, AB336 more…
- Climate warming increases spring phenological differences among temperate trees. Global Change Biology 26 (10), 2020, 5979-5987 more…
- Weather Types Affect Rain Microstructure: Implications for Estimating Rain Rate. Remote Sensing 12 (21), 2020, 3572 more…
- High post-season Alnus pollen loads successfully identified as long-range transport of an alpine species. Atmospheric Environment 231, 2020, 117453 more…
- Assessment of Urban CO2 Measurement and Source Attribution in Munich Based on TDLAS-WMS and Trajectory Analysis. Atmosphere 11 (1), 2020, 58 more…
- Nutrients and water availability constrain the seasonality of vegetation activity in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Global Change Biology 26 (8), 2020, 4379-4400 more…
- ClimateEU, scale-free climate normals, historical time series, and future projections for Europe. Scientific Data 7 (1), 2020 more…
- Chilling and Forcing From Cut Twigs—How to Simplify Phenological Experiments for Citizen Science. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 2020 more…
- Climate change fingerprints in recent European plant phenology. Global Change Biology 26 (4), 2020, 2599-2612 more…
- Pollen forecasts in complex topography: two case studies from the Alps using the numerical pollen forecast model COSMO-ART. Aerobiologia 36 (1), 2020, 25-30 more…
- Does Coltsfoot ( Tussilago farfara L.) have an autumn temperature control to limit precocious flowering in spring? International Journal of Climatology 40 (10), 2020, 4518-4527 more…
- Validation of drought indices using environmental indicators: streamflow and carbon flux data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 265, 2019, 218-226 more…
- Projecting Tree Species Composition Changes of European Forests for 2061–2090 Under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 Scenarios. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 2019 more…
- Geographical adaptation prevails over species‐specific determinism in trees’ vulnerability to climate change at Mediterranean rear‐edge forests. Global Change Biology 25 (4), 2019, 1296-1314 more…
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- Precipitation Diurnal Cycle in Germany Linked to Large-Scale Weather Circulations. Atmosphere 10 (9), 2019, 545 more…
- Pollution Events at the High-Altitude Mountain Site Zugspitze-Schneefernerhaus (2670 m a.s.l.), Germany. Atmosphere 10 (6), 2019, 330 more…
- Atmospheric CO2 and δ13C Measurements from 2012 to 2014 at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus, Germany: Technical Corrections, Temporal Variations and Trajectory Clustering. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 19 (3), 2019, 657-670 more…
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- Characterization of differential throughfall drop size distributions beneath European beech and Norway spruce. Hydrological Processes 33 (26), 2019, 3391-3406 more…
- The allergen riddle. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (5), 2019, 716-717 more…
- Spatial interpolation of current airborne pollen concentrations where no monitoring exists. Atmospheric Environment 199, 2019, 435-442 more…
- Building an automatic pollen monitoring network (ePIN): Selection of optimal sites by clustering pollen stations. Science of The Total Environment 688, 2019, 1263-1274 more…
- Predicting the start, peak and end of the Betula pollen season in Bavaria, Germany. Science of The Total Environment 690, 2019, 1299-1309 more…
- Adaptive limitations of white spruce populations to drought imply vulnerability to climate change in its western range. Evolutionary Applications 12 (9), 2019, 1850-1860 more…
- Compensatory Growth of Scots Pine Seedlings Mitigates Impacts of Multiple Droughts Within and Across Years. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 2019 more…
- Multivariate statistical air mass classification for the high-alpine observatory at the Zugspitze Mountain, Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (19), 2019, 12477-12494 more…
- On the diurnal, weekly, and seasonal cycles and annual trends in atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> at Mount Zugspitze, Germany, during 1981–2016. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (2), 2019, 999-1012 more…
- Comparison of Continuous In-Situ CO2 Measurements with Co-Located Column-Averaged XCO2 TCCON/Satellite Observations and CarbonTracker Model Over the Zugspitze Region. Remote Sensing 11 (24), 2019, 2981 more…
- Relationship between Spatiotemporal Variations of Climate, Snow Cover and Plant Phenology over the Alps—An Earth Observation-Based Analysis. Remote Sensing 10 (11), 2018, 1757 more…
- Are Scots pine forest edges particularly prone to drought-induced mortality? Environmental Research Letters 13 (2), 2018, 025001 more…
- Characterizing Alpine pyrogeography from fire statistics. Applied Geography 98, 2018, 87-99 more…
- A four year survey reveals a coherent pattern between occurrence of fruit bodies and soil amoebae populations for nivicolous myxomycetes. Scientific Reports 8 (1), 2018 more…
- Rain Microstructure Parameters Vary with Large-Scale Weather Conditions in Lausanne, Switzerland. Remote Sensing 10 (6), 2018, 811 more…
- Climatically controlled reproduction drives interannual growth variability in a temperate tree species. Ecology Letters 21 (12), 2018, 1833-1844 more…
- Functional xylem anatomy of aspen exhibits greater change due to insect defoliation than to drought. Tree Physiology 39 (1), 2018, 45-54 more…
- Decrease or increase? Temporal changes in pollen concentrations assessed by Bayesian statistics. Aerobiologia 35 (1), 2018, 153-163 more…
- Grass pollen production and group V allergen content of agriculturally relevant species and cultivars. PLOS ONE 13 (3), 2018, e0193958 more…
- LiDAR derived topography and forest stand characteristics largely explain the spatial variability observed in MODIS land surface phenology. Remote Sensing of Environment 218, 2018, 231-244 more…
- 8 million phenological and sky images from 29 ecosystems from the Arctic to the tropics: the Phenological Eyes Network. Ecological Research 33 (6), 2018, 1091-1092 more…
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- Adaptive selection of diurnal minimum variation: a statistical strategy to obtain representative atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> data and its application to European elevated mountain stations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11 (3), 2018, 1501-1514 more…
- Regional trend changes in recent surface warming. Climate Dynamics 52 (11), 2018, 6463-6473 more…
- Different responses of multispecies tree ring growth to various drought indices across Europe. Dendrochronologia 44, 2017, 1-8 more…
- Exploring Relationships among Tree-Ring Growth, Climate Variability, and Seasonal Leaf Activity on Varying Timescales and Spatial Resolutions. Remote Sensing 9 (6), 2017 more…
- Automated processing of webcam images for phenological classification. Plos One 12 (2), 2017 more…
- Traits and climate are associated with first flowering day in herbaceous species along elevational gradients. Ecology and Evolution 8 (2), 2017, 1147-1158 more…
- Testing the stability of transfer functions. Dendrochronologia 42, 2017, 56-62 more…
- Large-scale atmospheric circulation enhances the Mediterranean East-West tree growth contrast at rear-edge deciduous forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239, 2017, 86-95 more…
- Impacts of land clearance by fire on spatial variation of mountain cedar pollen concentrations in Texas. Landscape and Urban Planning 162, 2017, 178-186 more…
- Changes in spring arrival dates and temperature sensitivity of migratory birds over two centuries. International Journal of Biometeorology 61 (7), 2017, 1279-1289 more…
- Quantification of monoterpene emission sources of a conifer species in response to experimental drought. Aob Plants 9, 2017 more…
- The Tree Drought Emission MONitor (Tree DEMON), an innovative system for assessing biogenic volatile organic compounds emission from plants (vol 13, 14, 2017). Plant Methods 13, 2017 more…
- Contrasting Hydraulic Architectures of Scots Pine and Sessile Oak at Their Southernmost Distribution Limits. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 2017 more…
- Xylem adjustment of sessile oak at its southern distribution limits. Tree Physiology 37 (7), 2017, 903-914 more…
- Responses of Contrasting Tree Functional Types to Air Warming and Drought. Forests 8 (11), 2017 more…
- Responses of Contrasting Tree Functional Types to Air Warming and Drought. Forests 8 (11), 2017, 450 more…
- Increased water‐use efficiency translates into contrasting growth patterns of Scots pine and sessile oak at their southern distribution limits. Global Change Biology 24 (3), 2017, 1012-1028 more…
- Interactions between temperature and drought in global and regional crop yield variability during 1961-2014. Plos One 12 (5), 2017 more…
- Monitoring succession after a non-cleared windthrow in a Norway spruce mountain forest using webcam, satellite vegetation indices and turbulent CO2 exchange. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 244, 2017, 72-81 more…
- Soil water storage appears to compensate for climatic aridity at the xeric margin of European tree species distribution. European Journal of Forest Research 137 (1), 2017, 79-92 more…
- Soil properties affect the drought susceptibility of Norway spruce. Dendrochronologia 45, 2017, 81-89 more…
- Fine fuel moisture for site- and species-specific fire danger assessment in comparison to fire danger indices. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 234, 2017, 31-47 more…
- Fine fuel moisture for site- and species-specific fire danger assessment in comparison to fire danger indices. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 234-235, 2017, 31-47 more…
- Three times greater weight of daytime than of night-time temperature on leaf unfolding phenology in temperate trees. New Phytologist 212 (3), 2016, 590-597 more…
- Long-term linear trends mask phenological shifts. International Journal of Biometeorology 60 (11), 2016, 1611-1613 more…
- Can we detect a nonlinear response to temperature in European plant phenology? International Journal of Biometeorology 60 (10), 2016, 1551-1561 more…
- Elevational response in leaf and xylem phenology reveals different prolongation of growing period of common beech and Norway spruce under warming conditions in the Bavarian Alps. European Journal of Forest Research 135 (6), 2016, 1011-1023 more…
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Formaldehyde and its Meteorological Drivers at the GAW Site Zugspitze. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16 (3), 2016, 801-815 more…
- Impact of summer drought on isoprenoid emissions and carbon sink of three Scots pine provenances. Tree Physiology, 2016 more…
- Asymmetric trends in seasonal temperature variability in instrumental records from ten stations in Switzerland, Germany and the UK from 1864 to 2012. International Journal of Climatology 36 (1), 2016, 13-27 more…
- Indoor birch pollen concentrations differ with ventilation scheme, room location, and meteorological factors. Indoor Air 27 (3), 2016, 539-550 more…
- Effects of Different Methods on the Comparison between Land Surface and Ground PhenologyA Methodological Case Study from South-Western Germany. Remote Sensing 8 (9), 2016 more…
- 064 The building of the bavarian electronic pollen information network - ePIN. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 136 (9), 2016, S171 more…
- Comparison of different methods for the in situ measurement of forest litter moisture content. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (2), 2016, 403-415 more…
- Above-Ground Dimensions and Acclimation Explain Variationin Drought Mortality of Scots Pine Seedlings from Various Provenances. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 2016 more…
- Diverging Drought Resistance of Scots Pine Provenances Revealed by Infrared Thermography. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 2016 more…
- Multiple-year assessment of phenological plasticity within a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand in southern Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 211-212, 2015, 13-22 more…
- Declining global warming effects on the phenology of spring leaf unfolding. Nature 526 (7571), 2015, 104-7 more…
- Vertical variation in autumn leaf phenology of Fagus sylvatica L. in southern Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 201, 2015, 176–186 more…
- The effects of short- and long-term air pollutants on plant phenology and leaf characteristics. Environ Pollut 206, 2015, 382-389 more…
- Seasonal variation of birch and grass pollen loads and allergen release at two sites in the German Alps. Atmospheric Environment 122, 2015, 83-93 more…
- Does flower phenology mirror the slowdown of global warming? Ecology and Evolution 5 (11), 2015, 2284-2295 more…
- Urban phenological studies – Past, present, future. Environmental Pollution 203, 2015, 250-261 more…
- Tolerance of alien plant species to extreme events is comparable to that of their native relatives. Preslia 87 (1), 2015, 22 more…
- Small differences in seasonal and thermal niches influence elevational limits of native and invasive Balsams. Biological Conservation 191, 2015, 682-691 more…
- Can positive matrix factorization help to understand patterns of organic trace gases at the continental Global Atmosphere Watch site Hohenpeissenberg? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (3), 2015, 1221-1236 more…
- Asymmetric trends in seasonal temperature variability in instrumental records from ten stations in Switzerland, Germany and the UK from 1864 to 2012. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, n/a-n/a more…
- Climatic marginality: a new metric for the susceptibility of tree species to warming exemplified by Fagus sylvatica (L.) and Ellenberg’s quotient. European Journal of Forest Research 135 (1), 2015, 137-152 more…
- Patterns of late spring frost leaf damage and recovery in a European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand in south-eastern Germany based on repeated digital photographs. Frontiers in Plant Science 6 (110), 2015 more…
- From observations to experiments in phenology research: investigating climate change impacts on trees and shrubs using dormant twigs. Annals of Botany 116 (6), 2015, 889-897 more…
- Forecasting bark beetle early flight activity with plant phenology. Climate Research 66 (2), 2015, 161-170 more…
- Using phenological cameras to track the green up in a cerrado savanna and its on-the-ground validation. Ecological Informatics 19, 2014, 62-70 more…
- Climate sensitivity and variation in first flowering of 26 Narcissus cultivars. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2014 more…
- Changes in first flowering dates and flowering duration of 232 plant species on the island of Guernsey. Global Change Biology 20 (11), 2014, 3508–3519 more…
- Impacts of temperature and water table manipulation on grassland phenology. Applied Vegetation Science 17 (4), 2014, 625-635 more…
- Erratum to: A comparison of methods to estimate seasonal phenological development from BBCH scale recording. International Journal of Biometeorology 58 (7), 2014, 1707-1707 more…
- Erratum to: A comparison of methods to estimate seasonal phenological development from BBCH scale recording. International Journal of Biometeorology 58 (7), 2014, 1707-1707 more…
- Recent spring phenology shifts in western Central Europe based on multiscale observations. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (11), 2014, 1255-1263 more…
- Using digital camera images to analyse snowmelt and phenology of a subalpine grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 198, 2014, 116-125 more…
- Chilling outweighs photoperiod in preventing precocious spring development. Global Change Biology 20 (1), 2014, 170–182 more…
- Does humidity trigger tree phenology? Proposal for an air humidity based framework for bud development in spring. New Phytologist 202 (2), 2014, 350–355 more…
- Twenty years of successful papers in Global Change Biology. Global Change Biology 20 (12), 2014, 3587-3590 more…
- Frequency of inversions affects senescence phenology of Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica. International Journal of Biometeorology 58 (4), 2014, 485–498 more…
- Patterns of drought tolerance in major European temperate forest trees: climatic drivers and levels of variability. Global Change Biology 20 (12), 2014, 3767-3779 more…
- High Environmental Ozone Levels Lead to Enhanced Allergenicity of Birch Pollen. PLoS ONE 8 (11), 2013, e80147 more…
- High Environmental Ozone Levels Lead to Enhanced Allergenicity of Birch Pollen. PLoS ONE 8 (11), 2013, e80147 more…
- Changes in the timing of hay cutting in Germany do not keep pace with climate warming. Glob Chang Biol 19 (10), 2013, 3123-32 more…
- Climate-Induced Changes in Grapevine Yield and Must Sugar Content in Franconia (Germany) between 1805 and 2010. PLoS ONE, 2013 more…
- Changes in the timing of hay cutting in Germany do not keep pace with climate warming. Global Change Biology 19 (10), 2013, 3123-3132 more…
- Climate-Induced Changes in Grapevine Yield and Must Sugar Content in Franconia (Germany) between 1805 and 2010. PLoS ONE 8 (7), 2013, e69015 more…
- Projection of fire potential to future climate scenarios in the Alpine area: some methodological considerations. Climatic Change 119 (3-4), 2013, 733-746 more…
- Linking altitudinal gradients and temperature responses of plant phenology in the Bavarian Alps. Plant Biology 15, 2013, 57-69 more…
- Recent and future climate extremes arising from changes to the bivariate distribution of temperature and precipitation in Bavaria, Germany. International Journal of Climatology 33 (7), 2013, 1687–1695 more…
- Detecting plant seasonality from webcams using Bayesian multiple change point analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 168, 2013, 177-185 more…
- Detecting plant seasonality from webcams using Bayesian multiple change point analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 168, 2013, 177-185 more…
- Can spatial data substitute temporal data in phenological modelling? A survey using birch flowering. Tree Physiology 33 (12), 2013, 1256-1268 more…
- Using phenology to assess urban heat islands in tropical and temperate regions. International Journal of Climatology 33 (15), 2013, 3141-3151 more…
- Nutrient status: a missing factor in phenological and pollen research? Journal of Experimental Botany 64 (7), 2013, 2081-2092 more…
- A plant's perspective of extremes: terrestrial plant responses to changing climatic variability. Global Change Biology 19 (1), 2013, 75–89 more…
- Estimation of soil loss by water erosion in the Chinese Loess Plateau using Universal Soil Loss Equation and GRACE. Geophysical Journal International 193 (3), 2013, 1283-1290 more…
- Forest fire danger rating in complex topography – results from a case study in the Bavarian Alps in autumn 2011. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (9), 2013, 2157-2167 more…
- Equilibrium moisture content of dead fine fuels of selected central European tree species. International Journal of Wildland Fire 22 (6), 2013, 797 more…
- Equilibrium moisture content of dead fine fuels of selected central European tree species. International Journal of Wildland Fire 22 (6), 2013, 797 more…
- Shifting and extension of phenological periods with increasing temperature along elevational transects in southern Bavaria. Plant Biology 16 (2), 2013, 332-344 more…
- Shifting and extension of phenological periods with increasing temperature along elevational transects in southern Bavaria. Plant Biology, 2013, n/a more…
- Frequency of inversions affects senescence phenology of Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica. International Journal of Biometeorology 58 (4), 2013, 485-498 more…
- Large-scale genetic structure and drought-induced effects on European Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings. European Journal of Forest Research 132 (3), 2013, 481-496 more…
- Impact of climate and drought events on the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) provenances. Forest Ecology and Management 307, 2013, 30-42 more…
- Large-scale weather types, forest fire danger, and wildfire occurrence in the Alps. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 168, 2013, 15-25 more…
- Oral Abstract Sessions. Allergy 67, 2012, 1-97 more…
- Linking altitudinal gradients and temperature responses of plant phenology in the Bavarian Alps. Plant Biology 15, 2012, 57-69 more…
- Phenological response of grassland species to manipulative snowmelt and drought along an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Experimental Botany 64 (1), 2012, 241-251 more…
- Recent and future climate extremes arising from changes to the bivariate distribution of temperature and precipitation in Bavaria, Germany. International Journal of Climatology 33 (7), 2012, 1687-1695 more…
- The impacts of climate change on the winter hardiness zones of woody plants in Europe. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 113 (3-4), 2012, 683-695 more…
- Flux-based ozone risk assessment for adult beech forests. Trees 26 (6), 2012, 1713-1721 more…
- Meteorological Influences on Swarm Emergence in Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) as Detected by Crowdsourcing. Environmental Entomology 41 (6), 2012, 1462-1465 more…
- Assessing stand structure of beech and spruce from measured spectral radiation properties and modeled leaf biomass parameters. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 165, 2012, 82-91 more…
- The influence of altitude and urbanisation on trends and mean dates in phenology (1980–2009). International Journal of Biometeorology 56 (2), 2012, 387–394 more…
- Spatio-temporal investigation of flowering dates and pollen counts in the topographically complex Zugspitze area on the German–Austrian border. Aerobiologia 28 (4), 2012, 541-556 more…
- A plant's perspective of extremes: terrestrial plant responses to changing climatic variability. Global Change Biology 19 (1), 2012, 75-89 more…
- Comprehensive methodological analysis of long-term changes in phenological extremes in Germany. Global Change Biology 18 (7), 2012, 2349–2364 more…
- Recent climate change: Long-term trends in meteorological forest fire danger in the Alps. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 162-163, 2012, 1-13 more…
- First flowering of wind-pollinated species with the greatest phenological advances in Europe. Ecography 35 (11), 2012, 1017-1023 more…
- Changes to Airborne Pollen Counts across Europe. PLoS ONE 7 (4), 2012, e34076 more…
- Changes in the phenology and composition of wine from Franconia, Germany. Climate Research 50 (1), 2011, 69–81 more…
- Changes in the phenology and composition of wine from Franconia, Germany. Climate Research 50 (1), 2011, 69-81 more…
- A comparison of methods to estimate seasonal phenological development from BBCH scale recording. International Journal of Biometeorology 55 (6), 2011, 867-877 more…
- Vertical variability of spectral ratios in a mature mixed forest stand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (8), 2011, 1096-1105 more…
- Effects of extreme spring temperatures on urban phenology and pollen production: a case study in Munich and Ingolstadt. Climate Research 49 (2), 2011, 101–112 more…
- The influence of altitude and urbanisation on trends and mean dates in phenology (1980–2009). International Journal of Biometeorology 56 (2), 2011, 387-394 more…
- The integration of plant phenology and land use data to create a GIS-assisted bioclimatic characterisation of Bavaria, Germany. Plant Ecology & Diversity 4 (1), 2011, 91–101 more…
- Spatial variability of photosynthetically active radiation in European beech and Norway spruce. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (9), 2011, 1226–1232 more…
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