Dr. Miguel Muñoz Mazón
Postdoc |
Contact ☎ 0049 8161 71 4692, 📌 Room ✉ miguel.munoz-mazon (at) tum.de ResearchGate | Twitter | Google Scholar |
- Species interactions
- Temperate and tropical forest ecology
- Disturbance ecology
- Species distributions
- Community ecology
Muñoz Mazón, M., Tello JS., Macía, MJ., Myers, JA., Jørgensen PM., Cala, V., Fuentes, AF., Torrez, V., & Arellano, G (2021). Mechanisms of community assembly explaining tree beta-diversity patterns at different biogeographical regions. Journal of Vegetation Sciences.
Muñoz Mazón, M., Klanderud, K., Finegan, B., Veintimilla, D., Bermeo, D., D delgado, Murrieta, E., ... & Sheil, D (2020). How forest structure varies with elevation in old growth and secondary forest in Costa Rica. Forest Ecology and Management.
Muñoz Mazón, M., Klanderud, K., Finegan, B., Veintimilla, D., Bermeo, D., Murrieta, E., ... & Delgado D, Sheil, D. (2019). Disturbance and the elevation ranges of woody plant species in the mountains of Costa Rica. Ecology and Evolution, 9(24), 14330-14340.
Since 2021 | Postdoctoral researcher, Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management in Mountain Landscapes Group, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany |
2020-2021 | Science Manager, Osa Conservation, Costa Rica |
2016-2021 | Doctoral researcher, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway |
2015 | Internship at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Perú |
2014 | Internship at the Missouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT), USA |
2013-2015 | MSc Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University (WUR), The Netherlands |
2007-2013 | Bachelor of Sciences in Biology, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Spain |