CLIMATE SPACE RECCAP2: Global Land Carbon Budget and its Attribution to Regional Drivers
Funding and duration:
European Space Agency | 2024-2027
The main objective of the CLIMATE SPACE RECCAP2 project is to harness satellite based ECV to make a giant leap for reducing the uncertainty on the emissions and sink of CO2, and CH4 over key land regions, and attributing them to anthropogenic and global change drivers. To tackle this objective, we will integrate bottom-up and top-down methods and compare their results with inventories for case study land regions that are of key importance for global budgets and where uncertainties on current CO2 and CH4 fluxes remain very large: Europe, Siberia, Amazon and Arctic. In addition to high resolution gridded fluxes over regional case studies, we will keep a focus on how these advances can contribute to improve the global land carbon budget. For this, EO-based estimates of C stocks changes and CO2 and CH4 fluxes will be compared and reconciled with traditional inventory methods used in national greenhouse gas inventories, by ensuring a periodical synthesis between national reported emissions and inversions, based on the mature approach previously developed and published by our team.
More information:
Project owner:
For more information please contact: Oleg.Zheleznyy(at) | Brittany.engle(at)
Recent publications:
Current publications are in process and will be posted once available.