Efficient future tree species-mixtures to improve the forest water balance - complementarity vs. competition
The advancing climate change is already now leading to extreme weather events, with increasing frequency. In recent years, forest ecosystems in Europe have been heavily affected by severe drought events. These events have shown that the stability and resilience of native forests must be increased to preserve their functions in the long term.
The research project presented here focusses on the interactions between trees in promising mixtures with regard to complementarity and competition in the use of water. The project will focus on different oak mixtures, in combination with beech, pine and Douglas fir. The aim is to advance the scientific basis for evaluating these tree species mixtures as a silvicultural method to increase the climate resilience of forests.
Tree architecture, forest structure and the water balance of trees will be quantified and linked to one another using three-dimensional imaging techniques and ecophysiological methods in different regions in Germany. Analyzes are carried out continuously on the one hand, and retrospectively on the other. The retrospective analyses on drought stress resilience will be based on investigations of the tree ring widths in combination with the stable carbon and oxygen isotope signals in the wood, to quantify the drought stress individually experienced. Data on the transpirational loss and the potential of passive hydraulic redistribution of water in the soil through root systems to improve the existing water balance will be examined. Recommendations to increase the drought stress tolerance for stands should be derived, with the intention to increase the overall climate resilience of forest ecosystems.
2022 - 2025
Fachagentur für nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR),
Projektträger des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)