Persons in charge: | Rössert, S.; Gosling, E. |
Funded by: | bayklif |
Web page: | |
View into the Future (BLIZ). Interactions between society, land use, ecosystem services and biodiversity in Bavaria until 2100

How will ecosystem services and biodiversity develop in Bavaria? The interdisciplinary joint project BLIZ takes a look into the future and designs new scenarios for a sustainable management of ecosystems in Bavaria. The aim of the group of six subprojects at four universities is to process concrete instructions and estimate possible uncertainties.
Subproject 4: Impact of climate change on land use and multifunctionality (Prof. Dr. Thomas Knoke and Prof. Dr Johannes Sauer, TUM)
The land use change in Bavaria will be analyzed retrospective as well as predictive. Recent changes in the Bavarian landscape will be investigated by means of remote sensing methods. Based on the predictions of the climate-sensitive ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS (subproject 1), decisions of farmers and foresters will be modeled. The results include especially economic motivated as well as multifunctional developments (in consideration of ecosystem services) of future land use options (agroforestry, plantations for fuel wood).

Project partners
BLIZ is supported and executed as part of the Bavarian network for climate research bayklif by the following partner institutions:
- Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst
- Technische Universität München
- Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
- Universität Regensburg
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Rössert, S.; Gosling, E.; Gandorfer, M.; Knoke, T. (2022): Woodchips or potato chips? How enhancing soil carbon and reducing chemical inputs influence the allocation of cropland. Agricultural Systems 198: 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2022.103372.
Rössert, S. (2021): Landnutzungs-Modellierung bayerischer Ackerbaubetriebe. Seminar Waldbau, Ökosystemdynamik und Forstplanung.
Rössert, S.; Friedrich, S.; Knoke, T. (2020): Agroforstsysteme in bayerische Ackerbaubetriebe integrieren . AFZ - Der Wald (14): 16-19. Download
Rössert, S. (2020): Influence of climate change on land use and multifunctionality. Waldbauseminar Freising 2019/2020.