Persons in charge: | Gang, B. |
Funded by: | Kuratorium für forstliche Forschung |
The role of coniferous mixed stands in integrated forest management in Bavaria
This project aims to evaluate and optimize the future structure of forests in Bavaria, when considering multiple ecosystem services, uncertainties and conifer- dominated mixed stands that include Silver fir and Douglas fir.
The private and public forest sectors are facing major challenges due to climate change and the increasing social demands for the provision of ecosystem services and the conservation of biodiversity. To compensate the declining share of instable spruce stands it is important to to consider not only hardwoods but also alternative conifer species such as Silver fir and Douglas fir for the future forest composition.

In general, it is not clear how coniferous, economically competitive forest stands, affect biodiversity conservation and other ecosystem services that are not (yet) marketable (e.g. carbon storage or groundwater recharge). Indicators can be used to consider multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in forest planning, for example to derive conclusions about the desirable composition of tree species in future forestry. Such indicators can easily be accounted in multi-objective optimization.
Gang, B. (2023): Assessing tree species selection with robust Pareto frontiers. Seminar Waldbau, Ökosystemdynamik und Forstplanung, Freising.
Gang, B. (2021): Der Einfluss von Biodiversitätsindikatoren auf die optimale Baumartenmischung und die damit verbundenen Opportunitätskosten. Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2021, Freising - Weihenstephan.
Gang, B. (2021): Der Gemischte Wald - mehr als die Summe seiner Teile. Seminar Waldbau, Ökosystemdynamik und Forstplanung.