Persons in charge: | Bödeker, K.; Holzer, D.; Jarisch, I.; Knoke, T. |
Funded by: | Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL); Bundesministerium für UmweltNaturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) |
Cooperation partners: | Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Technische Universität Dresden, Arbeitsgemeinschaft naturgemäße Waldwirtschaft e. V. (ANW) |
Subproject: Statistical and multi-criteria modeling
In the joint project Wild - Wald- Innovation (acronym: WiWaldI), we are working with the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, the TU Dresden and ANW-Deutschland e.V. to investigate the effects of hoofed game in Germany on the functionality of our forest ecosystems and their ability to adapt to climate change. To this end, we will carry out statistical and multi-criteria modeling.
WiWaldI is the largest project in Germany to investigate the interactions between game and forest ecosystems and to work with forest owners, hunters and other stakeholders to develop solutions for the development and management of stable and resilient forests in a changing climate.
In the TU Munich sub-project, we are focusing on four core areas: Firstly, we want to derive risks for forest losses that could result from wildlife-induced segregation. Secondly, we are analyzing the long-term effects of game browsing on biodiversity, water donation and CO? storage in managed forests as well as the associated social costs. Thirdly, together with the University of Göttingen, we are investigating the vegetation inside and outside of weiser grids in five German pilot regions, relying on statistical analyses. Finally, together with the expertise of the partner universities and taking into account existing methods, we are developing a contemporary assessment of ground-level vegetation to investigate the impact of hoofed game.