CONEXUS - CO-producing Nature-based solutions and restored Ecosystems: transdisciplinary neXus for Urban Sustainability

CONEXUS will co-produce, structure and promote access to the shared, contextualised knowledge needed to support cities and communities to co-create nature-based solutions (NBS) and together restore urban ecosystems to help drive the required step-change in urban policy and practice in EU and CELAC countries.
CONEXUS is a consortium of EU and CELAC partners, with proven capacity to innovate, built on strong cultural ties and a heritage of cooperation. The project will operate in complementary contexts in seven large cities, extensive metropolitan areas and capitals. Our focal cities share common challenges of sustainable urbanisation and are united by their extensive experience, transdisciplinary approach and vision to implement place-based NBS and nature-based thinking.
The focus of TUM in CONEXUS will be to strengthen the rationales and narratives underpinning the implementation and creation of NBS, by evaluating existing and initiated NBS projects, and by analysing their services and dis/benefits for more liveable, healthier and resilient cities, to stimulate and guide more cost-effective future restoration measures, plans and methods.
Funding and Running Time:
EU Horizon 2020; September 2019 – August 2024
USFD – University of Sheffield
Participating organizations:
University of Sheffield (USFD); SLU Alnarp (SLU); ICS Universidade de Lisboa (UdL); TU Munich (TUM); Università degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI); CREAF Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (CREAF); Wageningen University (WU); Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC); Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ); Universidad de Chile (UdC); Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA); Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidad Mayor (UM); Institute Alexander Humboldt Colombia (IAH); Consejo Nacional Investigaciones Científicas Técnicas Argentina (CON); Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML); Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BR); Città di Torino (CT); Ministry for Environment, Agriculture, Conservation & Consumer Protection, State; Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (BACG); Prefeitura do Municipio São Paulo (PMSP); Municipalidad de San Martín (MGSM); Secretaría Distrital de Planeación Alcaldia Mayor de Bogotá (AMB); Gobierno Regional Metropolitano Santiago (GRMS); OPPLA Netherlands/Estonia (OPPLA); EUKN EGTC (EUKN); Living Cities (LCS); Industrial Software Romania (IndSoft); Grupo Verde with Latin American Landscape Initiative (GV-LALI); Periferia SAC Peru (PER); UN Food & Agriculture Organisation Rome (FAO); ICLEI Europe (ICLEI); ICLEI SAMS (ICLEI); FAO LAC (FAO); Instituto Cidades Sustentáveis Brazil (ICS).
For further information:
Martina van Lierop and Andrea Skiba
This project is financed by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme.