M. Sc. Eleanor Chapman

Eleanor Chapman
Research Associate and lecturer
Technical University of Munich
Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management
Office hours: by arrangement
Email: eleanor.chapman(at)tum.de
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/eleanor-j-chapman
Eleanor Chapman is a doctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Technical University of Munich, with 15+ years’ experience in research and practice. Her research explores the extent to which everyday (in)justices and related conflicts are addressed in the planning and governance of urban green space. Working with local government staff as part of the practice-based research project JUSTNature, she is interested in making visible the power imbalances that typically go unnoticed in the process of making and enacting urban development policy, as well as in promoting reflection among technical staff and decision-makers on their own biases and agency. Her prior experience includes four years at ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, guiding collaborations between researchers and municipal staff in the field of climate adaptation and resilience, and eight years as a practicing architect.
Research interests
- Socio-spatial and environmental justice in urban development
- Governance of urban green space planning and design
- Participatory urban planning
- Politics of urban development
Research projects
- JUSTNature: Activation of nature-based solutions for a just low carbon transition (EU Horizon 2020, 2021-2026)
- GREEN SURGE: Green Infrastructure and Urban Biodiversity for Sustainable Urban Development and the Green Economy (EU FP7, 2013-2017)
- Thesis supervision (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
- Research design (B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning)
- Communication and Participation in Planning
- Landscape Planning Project 3: Place (B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning)
- Landscape Planning Project 4 (B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning / M.Sc. Nature conservation and Landscape Planning)