Cities are major consumers of energy and contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, they are already experiencing some of the worst impacts of climate change, due to concentrations of socio-economic activity and building density. In response to these challenges, the value of nature-based solutions is increasingly recognised, including their potential to mitigate the heat island effect, sequester carbon and capture air pollutants. However, neither climate impacts nor the benefits of nature-based solutions are necessarily distributed equitably among city dwellers. The JUSTNature project will combine nature-based solutions and their multiple benefits with attention to their beneficiaries – seeking equitable solutions to the climate emergency.
As part of the project, seven European cities in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Malta will implement nature-based interventions, mobilising support from their local communities through city practice labs. Each lab will work towards a more equitable, low carbon future and improved environmental quality in four innovation arenas:
1) Governance of nature-based approaches,
2) NbS care and management,
3) Business models and market design,
4) Efficient technologies for nature-based solutions
The team from TUM’s Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management is steering the first innovation dimension: analysing the existing institutions, policies, politics and actors that govern green space planning and management in all seven cities (including the City of Munich) and seeking to identify entry points that might enable more effective and socially-just processes and outcomes. A particular focus will be on collaborative modes of governance that seek to combine bottom-up with top-down approaches.
Funding and Running Time:
EU Horizon 2020; September 2021 – February 2026
Eurac Research
Participating organizations:
Eurac Research (EURAC), TU Munich (TUM), Poytechneio Kritis (TUC), Universita ta Malta (UM), RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI), ABUD Advanced Building and Urban Design (ABUD), E2ARC Architecture and Research for Cities (E2ARC), Prospex Institute (PI), IES R&D (IES), Inlecom Commercial Pathways (INLE), Crowdhelix (CHX), ISOCARP Institute Center of Urban Excellence (ISOCARP), Kydon, Landeshaupstadt München (MUC), Stad Leuven (LEU), Comune di Merano (MERANO), Comune di Bolzano (COBZ), Gzira Local Council (GLC), Mayor's Office of the City of Szombathely (SMJVO).
For further information:
Martina van Lierop, Juliane Meister and Eleanor Chapman
Website: https://justnatureproject.eu
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 01003757.