The pupils, who participated in a workshop in October 2023 about redesigning their schoolyard, together with teachers and some members of the parents’ council, heard about the temporary interventions that will be built over the summer. Alice Reil (City of Munich, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung) presented the results of the design process, based on contributions from the pupils at last year’s workshop. Members of Green City e.V, who are responsible for the planting actions, contributed by answering questions from the audience about the greening interventions.
The variety of ideas that the pupils had suggested at the workshop were briefly summarised during the presentation. The most important points were highlighted: greenery and sun protection, places to retreat and hide, seating, and more opportunities for exercise and play as well as for learning. Ms. Reil’s question of whether some changes in the schoolyard had already been noticed made the rounds, and everyone listened attentively as she presented the planned interventions. A woven willow fence with climbing plants and other plants for visual protection will be installed, as well as an awning and an outdoor seating platform for learning and retreat. There will also be more shade from trees and shrubs, and raised beds for herbs, vegetables and fruit. The pupils wanted to know when they could join in and whether other schoolyards have already been greened as part of the project JUSTNature. They were excited to hear that their school will be the first to implement the temporary greening measures.
Already kids and teenagers from both schools have been getting involved: weaving a willow fence and painting some planter beds before the summer break. Further help with caring for the plants and ideas for activating the space is welcome! The aim of the project is to give the school pupils a voice in two key ways: by integrating their ideas into the process of developing interventions for their schoolyard, and by actively engaging them (with the help of their teachers) in implementing and caring for these interventions. For the future, it is hoped that this project will not only inspire ownership among the St. Anna kids and teenagers, but also encourage other schools in Munich to include their pupils’ visions and ideas to bring more greenery, shade and more happy faces to their courtyards.