Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of mankind. It causes glaciers to melt but not only. There is strong evidence that Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events right across the globe compromising our food and water security, risking our economic and social well-being, and undermining our ecosystems on which we depend.
How do we adapt to such rapid environmental changes?
In many part of the world, the dominant approach to deal with climate change is static engineered interventions, named grey infrastructure. They are very expensive and are effective only locally and in the short term. The European community is mobilizing in the fight against climate change with a powerful ally: Nature. This short film present the case of the Isar restoration of Munich, one of the forerunner nature-based solution to mitigate flood risks that has been driven by end-user. The case is a good example of participative and ecological planning.
Link to the movie: