M.Sc. Nayanesh Pattnaik

M.Sc. Nayanesh Pattnaik
Doctoral Candidate
DFG Research Training Group Urban Green Infrastructure
Technische Universität München
Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management
Office hours: by arrangement
Phone: +49 (0)8161 / 71 4150
Email: nayanesh.pattnaik(at)tum.de
Nayanesh Pattnaik ist seit 2022 Doktorand und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Management der Landschaftsentwicklung an der Technischen Universität München. Er hat einen Hintergrund im Bauingenieurwesen und einen Master in Nachhaltigem Ressourcenmanagement mit Spezialisierung auf Landschaftsplanung sowie Klima, Luft und Wasser. Nayaneshs aktuelle Forschung konzentriert sich auf die Wechselwirkung zwischen städtischer grüner Infrastruktur und Mikroklima zur Reduzierung von städtischem Hitzestress und zur Verbesserung des menschlichen thermischen Komforts. Seine Arbeit zielt darauf ab, evidenzbasierte Strategien zur Integration grüner Infrastruktur zu entwickeln, um städtische Umgebungen zu transformieren. Vor seiner akademischen Laufbahn sammelte Nayanesh berufliche Erfahrungen in Slum- und Infrastruktur-Sanierungsprojekten in Indien, wo er sowohl als Bauingenieur als auch als Projektberater tätig war. Nayaneshs interdisziplinärer Ansatz kombiniert Ingenieurwesen, Ökologie und Stadtplanung, um komplexe städtische Nachhaltigkeitsprobleme anzugehen, mit besonderem Fokus auf Klimaanpassung und grüne Infrastruktur.
Research and consultancy
- Urban Green Infrastructure and Urban Forestry
- Urban Microclimate
- Remote Sensing and GIS
- Azharul, I.; Pattnaik, N.; Moktader Moula, M.; Rötzer, T.; Rahman, M. A.; Pauleit, S.:Impact of urban green spaces on air quality: A study of PM10 reduction across diverse climates. Science of The Total Environment 955, 2024, 176770, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176770.
- Reitberger, R; Pattnaik, N; Parhizgar, L; Trost, C; Yazdi, H; Rahman, M A; Pauleit, S; Roetzer, T; Pretzsch, H; Traidl-Hoffmann, C; Ludwig, F; Reischl, A; Plaza Garcia, M P; Lang, W: A Systems Perspective on the Interactions Between Urban Green Infrastructure and the Built Environment. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing, 2024, 012071, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1363/1/012071
- Pattnaik, N.; Honold, M.; Franceschi, E.; Moser-Reischl, A.; Rötzer, T.; Pretzsch, H.; Pauleit, S.; Rahman, M. A.: Growth and cooling potential of urban trees across different levels of imperviousness. Journal of Environmental Management 361, 2024, 121242, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121242
- Rahman, M. A.; Arndt, S.; Bravo, F.; Cheung, P. K.; van Doorn, N.; Franceschi, E.; del Río, M.; Livesley, S. J.; Moser-Reischl, A.; Pattnaik, N.; Rötzer, T.; Paeth, H.; Pauleit, S.; Preisler, Y.; Pretzsch, H.; Tan, Puay Y.; Cohen, S.; Szota, C.; Torquato, P. R.: More than a canopy cover metric: Influence of canopy quality, water-use strategies and site climate on urban forest cooling potential. Landscape and Urban Planning 248, 2024, 105089, DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105089
- Wang, X.; Rahman, M. A.; Mokroš, M.; Rötzer, T.; Pattnaik, N.; Pang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Da, L.; Song, K.: The influence of vertical canopy structure on the cooling and humidifying urban microclimate during hot summer days, Landscape and Urban Planning 238, 2023, 104841, DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2023.104841
- Rahman, M.A., Franceschi, E., Pattnaik, N., et al. Spatial and temporal changes of outdoor thermal stress: influence of urban land cover types. Sci Rep 12, 671, 2022, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-04669-8
Other scientific Activities:
- Pattnaik, N., Reiners, P., Holzwarth, S., Asam, S., Marconcini, M. (2021, December 12-17). Are European Cities Getting Warmer? Investigating the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in Europe from 1981-2018 through the Use of NOAA-AVHRR Data [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, United States
Supervision and Teaching
Teaching and tutoring: Urban Ecology, Urban Forestry, Advance methods in Urban Ecosystems
Complete Master thesis:
- An Analysis of the Cooling Effect of Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) in Different Climate Gradients (Based on a Case Study in Beer-Sheva, Israel) (Amit Weiner; Supervision: Nayanesh Pattnaik, Prof.Thomas Rötzer)
- Scaling of Urban Heat Island Simulation: Validation of the Urban Weather Generator for Varying Boundaries (Kristiana Bezha; Supervision: Roland Reitberger, Farzan Banihashemi, Nayanesh Pattnaik, Prof. Werner Lang)
- Optimal planting arrangement and tree characteristics for improving the outdoor thermal environment using a simulation-based optimization model: A case study of public squares in Munich (Xiao Dong; Supervision: Hadi Yazdi, Nayanesh Pattnaik, Prof. Ferdinand Ludwig)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of Wind Flow in Urban Typologies with Vegetation: An Overview to Assess the Impact of Vegetation on the Pedestrian Wind Comfort in Summer (Ahmad Rehan Kashi; Supervision: Roland Reitberger, Nayanesh Pattnaik, Prof. Werner Lang)
- September 2024: Internship at the division for urban climate and stormwater management, Office for Climate and Environmental Protection, City of Munich
- April 2022 onwards: Doctoral candidate for DFG Research Training Group – Urban Green Infrastructure at the Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, TU Munich.
- 2019 – 2022: M.Sc. Sustainable Resource Management, TU Munich
- 2019: Consultant, Slums to livable habitat mission (TATA Trusts), Bhubaneswar, India
- 2016- 2019: Civil Engineer (TATA Housing), Mumbai, India
- 2012 – 2016: B.Tech in Civil Engineering, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India