Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit
Head of chair
Technische Universität München
Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management
Phone: +49 (0)8161 / 71 4780
Office hours: by arrangement
Email: pauleit(at)tum.de
Research and consultancy
- Urban ecology
- Planning and governance of urban green infrastructures
- Nature-based solutions
- Urban trees and urban forests
- Planting design
- Urban adaptation to climate change
Current Courses
Winter term 2024/25
Title | Duration | Type | Lecturer (assistant) |
Basics in Landscape Planning | 1 | UE | |
Ecosystem Management | 2 | VO | |
Ecosystem Management | 2 | SE | |
Environmental and Planning Law | 2 | VO | |
Experimental Designs in Landscape Planning_Strategy and Management of Landscape Development (Prof. Pauleit) | 6 | SE | |
Instruments of landscape planning - Exercise tutorial | 2 | UE | |
Integrated Land and Water Management | 4 | VO | |
Landscape planning | 2 | VO |
S. Pauleit [L]
Planting Design II | 2 | VO | |
Professional internship landscape | 1 | PR | |
Project 3: Location - Integration of urban land use planning | 3 | VI | |
Project 3: Location - LP | 6 | PT | |
Project work - ecological engineering | 6 | PT | |
Urban Forestry | 2 | VO | |
Urban Forestry | 2 | PT | |
Urban ecology | 2 | VO | |
Urban ecology | 2 | SE | |
Weihenstephan Colloqium on Applied Ecology and Planning | 2 | KO |