We offer a PhD position in Forest Ecology and Dendroecology with Dr. Christian Zang.
The extreme 2018/19 drought resulted in large-scale vitality loss, partial crown dieback and tree mortality in European beech (Fagus sylvatica), the most important tree species of Central Europe’s natural forest vegetation. This project at the Professorship for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions seeks to quantify and compare the loss of vitality among trees through decline indicators derived from radial growth and tree-ring stable isotopes, and develop a novel strategy for risk assessment across the distributional range of European beech.
The professorship for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan invites applications for a PhD position in Forest Ecology and Dendroecology (TV-L E13, 65%, 36 months) for the research project “BEECHDECLINE - Drought-induced tree mortality of European beech affected by legacy effects and small-scale heterogeneity in soil properties and tree neighborhood composition”, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).