We offer a position as LSAI Research Associate.
The Professorship for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions investigates the response of the terrestrial biosphere to global climate and land use change. The goal is to gain a deeper knowledge of the functioning of ecosystem processes in a changing climate and provide guidance for sustainable management and adaptation of our ecosystems in the future. Our methodological approach includes a combination of observational data analysis and modeling, ranging from statistical modeling to the development of complex process-based models at local, regional, and global scales. We work with a range of different data streams, comprising ground-based measurements (tree rings, eddy covariance, ecosystem manipulation experiments) and remote sensing data. Using a variety of statistical methods, we explore these datasets to obtain deeper insights into the functioning of the terrestrial biosphere and its responses to environmental change. We develop and apply the well-established dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS (https://www.lsai.wzw.tum.de/lpj-guess/), which is a joint effort of an international developer team of which we are active members (http://web.nateko.lu.se/lpj-guess/credits.html). This model is the basis for exploring potential responses of the terrestrial biosphere to environmental changes and for assessing scenarios of land management. The job comprises the application and development of the dynamic ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS, the handling of large datasets (e.g., formatting input and output data), and statistical data analysis (e.g., comparison of simulated data with remote sensing data, eddy-flux-data, etc.). The contribution to university teaching (forestry and environmental sciences) is required (5 hours per week during the semester).
We offer a stimulating working environment in an interdisciplinary research team with the opportunity to contribute to existing projects and to develop your own research agenda.
For more information please contact Dr. Andy Krause