News Archive
10:21, 07.12.2020 | Anja Rammig wins the TUM Sustainability Award 2020 Anja Rammig received the TUM Sustainability Award 2020 in recognition of her outstanding research in the field of land surface-atmosphere interactions. Watch her receive the award on TUM Dies Academicus 2020 online on or on YouTube (from 1:43:00). | |
15:20, 03.12.2020 | New paper in Nature Communications out now! Our new paper "Excess forest mortality is consistently linked to drought across Europe" is out in Nature Communications now! We show that drought caused 500,000ha of excess forest mortality between 1987 and 2016 in Europe. Read and download: | |
16:36, 10.11.2020 | Ben Meyer published his first paper PhD student Ben Meyer published his first paper "Higher susceptibility of beech to drought in comparison to oak" in Dendrochronologia. His findings suggest a higher susceptibility of European beech to recent drought events in comparison to pedunculate oak. Download and read it for free until Dec. 29th 2020. | |
11:42, 21.10.2020 | 7th BLIZ workshop on Oct. 19th On October 19th the BLIZ Team held their 7th Workshop. After listening to updates of the subprojects, the milestones of 2020 and 2021 were reviewed. Further, a joint paper project was discussed | |
20:52, 06.10.2020 | Forest Condition Monitor in Süddeutsche Zeitung The Forest Condition Monitor made it to the Süddeutsche Zeitung "Es ist nicht der Wald der stirbt, es sind die Bäume" ("It is not the forest that dies, it is the trees"). The article discusses if it is only because of climate change that forests in Germany are worse than ever before and what we can do to help them. | |
11:48, 05.10.2020 | BLIZ-bayklif Virtual Conference Oct. 5th - 7th From Oct 5th to Oct 7th BLIZ organises a virtual conference “How to predict future land use and biodiversity change under climatic change at the regional level” in cooperation with bayklif. We expect exciting contributions from international speakers and workshops. | |
14:58, 20.09.2020 | Prof. Anja Rammig on BR2 - listen to it online!!! In an interview on BR2 Anja Rammig talks about the tropical rainforest and the danger of losing its function as a climate buffer. Listen to it online. | |
19:45, 17.08.2020 | Forest Condition Monitor on ZDF A report on climate change and the accumulation of associated drought casting the Forest Condition Monitor was broadcasted on ZDF. Watch it online: | |
14:43, 16.07.2020 | HyBBEx in Ländlicher Raum HyBBEx and the Forest Condition Monitor are in Ländlicher Raum. The article deals with the current state and the future of german forests, also with regard to the leading tree species spruce. The forest shows clear signs of increased stress, with the main tree species of spruce, pine and beech being particularly affected. | |
14:25, 16.07.2020 | Katrin Fleischer in Ländlicher Raum Katrin Fleischer and her research are portrayed in Ländlicher Raum with regard to the decreasing CO2 storage capacity of tropical forests. | |
20:56, 30.06.2020 | Anja Rammig in the magazine Dahome Anja Rammig is speaking about AmazonFACE and its importance to science in the magazine Dahome, a publication of Münchner Merkur. You find the article from page 66 on in the e-paper. | |
12:20, 18.05.2020 | Dr. Allan Buras on radio BR2 - listen to it online! On Saturday (May 23rd, 13:05 - 14:00) and on Sunday (May 24th, 21:05-22:00) there was a radio and podcast show "The new German forest dieback - a feature about tree corpses, climate change and conflicting experts" (in German) with Dr. Allan Buras. | |
14:23, 30.04.2020 | Allan Buras and Forests for Future on ARD Alpha Dr. Allan Buras is speaking of Forests for Future on ARD Alpha, Campus Talks: The extremely dry summers of 2018 and 2019 left their mark on the forest. The frequent death of individual trees or even complete stands of the most important tree species is alarming. Allan Buras gives insights on how we can adapt the forest to climate change during Campus Talks. Watch it now. | |
12:45, 30.04.2020 | "A dynamic Model for Strategies and Dynamics of Plant Water-Potential Regulation Under Drought Conditions" published in Frontiers in Plant Science Phillip Papastefanou's paper " A dynamic Model for Strategies and Dynamics of Plant Water-Potential Regulation Under Drought Conditions" got published in Frontiers in Plant Science. Read it | |
14:21, 28.04.2020 | Carbon storage in Bavarian ecosystems under climate and land-use change Do you want to find out how cabon storage may change under climate and land-use change in Bavaria? Have a look at our Shiny app! | |
12:17, 05.03.2020 | Decline in the tropical carbon sinks A new paper in Nature from Hubau et al. reports a decline in the tropical carbon sinks. This is an alarming finding since undisturbed old-grown tropical forests have been taking up about 15% of our greenhouse gas emissions. If the carbon sink capacity is lost, which Hubau et al. predict might happen by 2035 in the Amazon forest, more CO2 will remain in the atmosphere thereby accelerating climate change. The findings of Hubau et al. are in stark contrast to global model projections, which mostly simulate an increase in the tropical carbon sink. See my comment in Nature and articles covering this very important topic in Carbon Brief and the Guardian. Link to Anja Rammig's comment:, Link to the paper:, Link to Carbon Brief article:, Link to the article in the Guardian: | |
11:53, 17.02.2020 | 5. BLIZ Meeting The BLIZ team met on February the 12th in Iffeldorf for a meeting. The subprojects presented their current state of work. We discussed preliminary results, conferences 2020 and a possible Summer School in 2021. We exchanged ideas and made plans on how to proceed further. | |
11:42, 17.02.2020 | Bayklif Staff Seminar Andy Krause and Mona Reiss from BLIZ and Christian Zang from HyBBEx joined the first staff seminar of the Bavarian Climate Research Network. It took place from February 10th to 11th 2020 at the Evangelische Akademie in Tutzing. Due to storm Sabine the event was delayed – nevertheless most of the members of the network arrived at noon. From Monday afternoon, junior projects and a large part of the network’s subprojects introduced themselves. In the evening, there was lively exchange in the castle room and new ideas were forged. On Tuesday, the last subprojects were presented and various enriching workshops were held on topics such as science communication, biodiversity models and species distribution models. Many thanks to the bayklif team for the successful staff seminar! | |
17:49, 10.02.2020 | "A regional assessment of land‐based carbon mitigation potentials: bioenergy, BECCS, reforestation, and forest management" published in GCB Bioenergy Dr. Andy Krause's paper "A regional assessment of land‐based carbon mitigation potentials: bioenergy, BECCS, reforestation, and forest management" got published in GCB Bioenergy. You can read it here. | |
13:41, 28.11.2019 | Public Climate School Event On November 25th we held a well-attended evening event supporting the Public Climate School. Anette Menzel started by talking about climate change in general. Christian Zang showed the importance of forests in the global climate system and Allan Buras highlighted the forest condition in Germany after the last years droughts. Christian Hof gave a talk on biodiversity and climate change stating the need for compromises between climate change and nature conservation so climate change and biodiversity may both benefit. Each talk was followed by lively discussions- overall it was a successful event! | |
12:00, 28.11.2019 | Forest Condition Monitor new web presence The Forest Condition Monitor moved to a new web presence: | |
14:08, 21.11.2019 | Open discussion on 25th Nov., Public Climate School Supporting the Public Climate School, we organize an evening event: What: Open discussion with short presentations regarding climate change, When: Monday, 25th of November, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Where: Hörsaal 22, forestry faculty, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, Freising | |
11:42, 14.11.2019 | Public Climate School We support the Public Climate School from November 25. -29. For more information check out Students for Future. | |
12:55, 04.11.2019 | Registration open for Conference "Managing forests in the 21st century”, 3-5 March 2020 @Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research The conference “Managing forests in the 21st century” planned for the 3-5 of March 2020 at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research is open for registration. The full conference announcement is available here. The conference is organized by the research projects FORMASAM, REFORCE and FOREXCLIM and will bring together scientific experts on forest management from all over Europe. The aim is to discuss and improve the understanding the role of forests and forest management in the context of climate change. The conference will address climate change impacts, as well as needs for mitigation and adaptation especially with regard to the following scientific questions: 1. What are the impacts of climate extremes and disturbances? 2. What are the management challenges (and options) for resilient forests? 3. What can we do to increase the contribution of forest management to climate change mitigation? Registration is open from now on until 30th November 2019 at There are no registration fees for this conference and catering will be provided free of charge during the conference days. | |
13:02, 23.10.2019 | 4. BLIZ meeting and FGG-Event in Erlangen On October 21st the BLIZ team met again at the FAU in Erlangen. We exchanged ideas and discussed our temporary results, milestones 2020 and further outreach ideas. In the evening event of the FGG lecture series Anja Rammig, Thomas Knoke and Perdita Pohle presented the BLIZ-project. Anja Rammig gave an insight into the current state of science on the topic of climate change and the effects of the summer drought 2018 and presented the first results of our project. Using examples, Thomas Knoke examined the situation of forests and forest management and showed how scientific studies quantify the changing risks for forests and forestry and help to establish a more stable forest in the future. Perdita Pohle closed the event with thoughts on ecological and social tipping points and how they can be integrated into a political and social landscape. | |
10:06, 27.09.2019 | Anja Rammig speaking about AmazonFACE on TV at Scobel - Ausverkauf des Regenwaldes Anja Rammig is in the discussion round at Scobel. She is debating the ecology of the Amazon rainforest and its functions regarding climate change on TV. Watch the TV episode in the 3sat media library here. | |
19:20, 25.09.2019 | Allan Buras and the Forest Condition Monitor in ZEIT ONLINE Using the Forest Condition Monitor, Allan Buras explains the poor condition of Germany's forests in ZEIT ONLINE. To view the article, please click here. | |
12:24, 24.09.2019 | Christian Zang in BR Abendschau Christian Zang is speaking about his research regarding the beech dieback Germanys' forests in BR Abendschau, 23.09.2019. Watch it here in the BR-Mediathek (minute 12:38 - 15:09). | |
11:54, 26.08.2019 | ZEIT ONLINE reports on the Forest Condition Monitor Click here to view the article "Jetzt heißt es wieder Waldsterben" in ZEIT ONLINE. | |
10:07, 06.08.2019 | TUM press release on Katrin Fleischers' new publication in Nature Geoscience "Amazon forest response to CO2 fertilization dependent on plant phosphorus acquisition" by Fleischer et al. published in Nature Geoscience! Please click here to see the press release. Please click here to see the publication. | |
11:44, 05.08.2019 | Forest Condition Monitor online! The Forest Condition Monitor is now live on our homepage! It visualizes the condition of forests in Germany and Europe and was developed as a response to the past drought summers, as an increased dieback in various tree species in Germany and Europe was observed. Please, click here. | |
20:17, 24.07.2019 | "Multi‐model Analysis of Future Land‐use and Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Functioning" by Krause et al. published in Earth's Future on July 12th We forced three dynamic vegetation models by three combinations of global land-use and climate change scenarios. In all models future land use decreases carbon stocks while climate change (including atmospheric CO2) typically increases terrestrial carbon storage. A number of other ecosystem functions are affected as well. However, there is often a large unexplained residual effect which is likely a result of the ecosystem not yet being in equilibrium with historic environmental changes. To have a look at the paper, please click here. | |
20:25, 17.07.2019 | 3. BLIZ meeting in Regensburg On July 15th we had our third BLIZ meeting in Regensburg. We presented and discussed each subprojects’ state of affairs. In addition, there were several group works on different topics, such as data exchange, parametrisation and a possible choice experiment. | |
19:05, 08.07.2019 | 2nd LSAI seminar - Amazon and climate change The seminar brought together scientists from the TUM Soil Science chair and the Terrestrial Ecosystem research laboratory in Vienna with researchers from TUM Land Surface – Atmosphere Interactions and INPA in Manaus. Presentations and discussions focused on belowground research that plays a central role in understanding tropical ecosystems and their responses to global change, with a particular focus on the Amazon region. We set out to discuss and align future research activities surrounding field measurements, laboratory and ecosystem experiments. We discussed in particular how we can strengthen and extend the involvement of the respective research chairs in the AmazonFACE project. | |
13:30, 11.06.2019 | Dr. Beto Quesada visiting Professor at LSAI Dr. Beto Quesada from INPA, Manaus, Brazil is visiting LSAI until the beginning of July. He is an expert on tropical soil science and tropical ecology and working with us on the AmazonFACE project. On June 17th he is giving a public talk "Amazonia and climate change" in S4 from 13:00-15:00. | |
20:44, 08.05.2019 | Second BLIZ-meeting in Würzburg The second BLIZ internal meeting took place on May 6th 2019 at the University of Würzburg. Temporary results were presented and actively discussed. Furthermore, Alice Claßen presented her Junior Research Group “ADAPT – Adaptation of Alpine Pollinators in Times of Global Change”. | |
13:29, 29.04.2019 | Amazon FACE project on Youtube Watch "The Amazon FACE project: Exploring the impact of climate change on the rainforest" on Youtube: For german version click here. For english version click here. | |
15:06, 17.03.2019 | Mona Reiss at Scenarios Forum in Denver Mona joined the Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures and presented the BLIZ project during the poster session. | |
19:24, 26.02.2019 | FOREXCLIM: A survey on risk-resilient forest management strategies In an online survey we would like to collect experts’ experiences with the adaptation to extreme weather events and know their attitude toward certain adaptation options in forestry. In the FOREXCLIM project we are developing a strategy for operationalizing risk resilient forest management in a changing climate. Please take a few minutes (approx. 10 -15 min) to complete this survey! Choose your preferred language: english version, german version | |
17:48, 22.02.2019 | LSAI is project partner in NERC project "ForeSight" LSAI is project partner in a new interdisciplinary study designed to predict and monitor the response of European forests to drought and temperature change. The ForeSight project will anticipate how forests will be adversely impacted as the climate warms and becomes more extreme, hampering tree growth, and causing dieback and mortality. Professor Alistair Jump, of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Stirling, will lead the study, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and involving colleagues at Durham University, Forest Research, the Technical University of Dresden and the Technical University of Munich. At the Professorship of Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions at TUM, Christian Zang will co-lead work packages to predict temporal changes of tree growth across the geographical range of beech, and to operationalise novel modelling and monitoring research to develop silviculturally robust management guidance for beech. Link to University of Stirling press release | |
13:19, 05.02.2019 | Feb 1st LPJ-GUESS meeting
Ekaterina Sycheva presented on “Comparison of LPJ-GUESS results with long-term inventory data and simulation of management strategies” and Thomas Pugh gave a talk on “Self-thinning across biomes”. The presentations were followed by a discussion on European PFT parameterization for modelling forest management and effects of extreme events. | |
10:33, 15.01.2019 | Katrin Fleischer at the AGU conference in Washington Katrin presented results from the AmazonFace model intercomparison at the AGU conference in Washington. | |
10:39, 17.12.2018 | bayklif-Meeting at the "Museum Mensch und Natur" in Munich Our groups BLIZ and HyBBEx participated in the bayklif Kick-off-Meeting at the Museum Mensch und Natur, on December 10th. Following the presentation of all joint research projects and the junior research projects, Anja Rammig participated in the panel discussion with the topic “Does knowledge freeze climate change?”. After that Prof. Dr. Josef Settele provided insights into international assessments of the past years. At a Get-together with a museum tour, the event came to an end. | |
10:08, 07.11.2018 | TUM delegation visited the AmazonFACE Experiment in Manaus, Nov 26-28, 2018 A group of TUM scientists visited INPA, Manaus and the AmazonFACE Experiment in Brazil to discuss about research ideas and funding options for the long-term collaboration with Brazilian colleagues. The TUM Liason Office, DFG and DWIH participated on our trip to the field site. We were joined by a team of filmmakers and journalists. The trip is funded by the TUM Global Incentives Fund. | |
10:08, 07.11.2018 | AmazonFACE writing workshop in Manaus, Nov 21-25, 2018 A. Rammig and K. Fleischer travel to Manaus to participate in the first AmazonFACE writing workshop. The workshop brings together the whole AmazonFACE team and aims to finalize publications from the pre-treatment measurement phase. | |
10:06, 07.11.2018 | FORMASAM Meeting in Wageningen, Nov 12-14, 2018 The first meeting of the EFI-Network group FORMASAM took place in Wageningen from November 12-14, 2018! Anja Rammig, Ekaterina Sycheva (both LSAI) and Thomas Rötzer (Forest Growth and Yield Science) joined the meeting to discuss forest management scenarios for modelling that are consistent across the landscape to the continental level, allowing to explore climate mitigation and adaptation options for the European bioeconomy. | |
09:58, 07.11.2018 | "Amazon forest dieback risk: mitigation or adaptation?" published in PNAS, Nov 6, 2018 Together with our colleagues from Brazil, we have evaluated the costs of socioeconomic damages to the Amazon region in case an Amazon forest dieback would occur. We estimated the costs amounting to around $957 billion to $3,589 billion, with the estimated cost of preemptive action between $64.2 and $122 billion, a figure substantially lower than estimated damages. We recommend a set of mitigation and adaptation measures. The paper is published as a Perspective in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. | |
09:54, 07.11.2018 | Wolfgang Cramer from the Mediterranean Institute for Ecology and Biodiversity (IMBE) is visiting, November 5, 2018 Wolfgang Cramer (IMBE, France) visited our group and gave a presentation about "Risks of accelerating climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean Basin" in the Weihenstephaner Kolloquium. Thank you for interesting insights in the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C warming and climate impacts in the Mediterranean! | |
09:49, 07.11.2018 | Anja Rammig visiting PIK , October 28-Nov 1, 2018 To discuss about the progress of the CLIMAX project and modelling activities related to fires on grassland and forest edges, Anja visited colleagues @PIK. | |
09:38, 01.11.2018 | Carolina Vera writing about CLIMAX in Nature, October 1, 2018 Carolina Vera describes in the scientific journal "Nature" the co-production process used in the CLIMAX project in which we are involved with modelling activities: | |
15:49, 23.10.2018 | BLIZ- and HyBBeX-Kick-off Meeting in Freising On October 22nd a kick-off meeting for the bayklif-projects BLIZ, HyBBeX, MINTBIO and BayForDemo took place at TUM. The project presentations were followed by lively discussions on this years‘ drought and data availability. Around 40 people participated – among them experts from LfU and BaySF. In a final poster session the BLIZ subprojects and junior research projects were presented more detailed. | |
14:31, 19.09.2018 | First PhD seminar of LSAI on "Amazonia and Global Change" Coinciding with the visit of PhD student Nathielly Pires Martins (INPA, Manaus) at our group from July until September 2018, our seminar dealt with experimental and modelling work surrounding nutrient controls on the CO2 fertilization effect, all under the umbrella of AmazonFACE. Katrin Fleischer, Tatiana Reichert and Nathielly Pires Martins presented their current work and opened up lively discussions on phosphorus feedbacks in the Amazon. | |
13:23, 12.06.2018 | Open positions at LSAI! Deadline for applications: June 15, 2018 We have 6 (six!) positions to fill at Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions at @TU_Muenchen - 4 with Anja Rammig and 2 with Christian Zang: | |
13:24, 23.05.2018 | Start of the Bavarian Network for Climate Change Research (bayklif)! | |
16:14, 18.05.2018 | 6 (six!) open positions at LSAI! We have 6 (six!) positions to fill at Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions at @TU_Muenchen - 4 with Anja Rammig and 2 with Christian Zang: | |
21:11, 08.05.2018 | First Meeting of the Bavarian climate network "bayklif" in Munich We will soon start with our new collaborative project BLIZ and the junior research group HyBBEx! Positions will be announced soon. | |
21:04, 30.04.2018 | Expert workshop and project meeting of the FOREXCLIM project held in Ljubljana from April 25-28, 2018 See | |
10:57, 16.04.2018 | LSAI @ EGU General Assembly 2018 in Vienna, Apr 9-13, 2018 Anja Rammig and Christian Zang attended the EGU General Assembly from April 9-13 in Vienna, Austria. Anja gave a talk about model-based hypotheses for the upcoming AmazonFACE project in the session "Terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change: integrating carbon, nutrient, and water cycles in experiments and models". She also presented a PICO in the session "Climate extremes, biosphere and society: impacts, remote sensing, and feedbacks" about estimating the likelihood of an Amazon forest dieback and potential socio-economic impacts. In the session "Forests under pressure: current knowledge and future science directions", she presented a poster about the FOREXCLIM project. Christian gave a talk on climate and drought signals in the European Beech Tree-Ring Network in the session "Interdisciplinary tree-ring research". We enjoyed our time in Vienna with great discussions and feedback, meeting many colleagues and friends, and making new contacts for future collaboration. | |
16:02, 07.02.2018 | New topic for Master thesis: Seasonal variation in chlorophyll induced fluorescence and forest productivity in the Amazon basin See here for details. | |
14:06, 25.01.2018 | Open PhD position "Constraining phosphorus feedbacks on the CO2 fertilization effect in the Amazon rainforest (PhosPhorest)" See our jobs page for details. | |
11:32, 18.12.2017 | TUM-LSAI @AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans, Dec 11-14, 2017 Anja Rammig and Phillip Papastefanou attended the Annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union from December 11-14 in New Orleans. Phillip presented first results on drought impact modelling for the CLIMAX project in the session "Understanding plant and ecosystem function across scales through the lens of plant hydraulics". Anja gave a presentation on effects of elevated CO2 on Amazon rainforest productivity in the session "Tropical forests under a changing climate". We had very good discussions and feedback. It was great to meet many collaborators and to make new friends! Our collaborator and colleague Rich Norby from Oak Ridge National Lab was elected as AGU fellow, congratulations! | |
11:38, 11.12.2017 | 2nd CLIMAX Meeting in Brasilia, Brazil, Dec 7-8, 2017 The second CLIMAX meeting took Phillip Papastefanou to Brasilia, Brazil this time. Similar to last year's meeting many scientists from different disciplines participated and we had an interesting discussion about extreme events (their cause, impacts and how to communicate these to stakeholders) in the Amazon region. It was nice to meet all the people from last year again and many new ones! | |
11:42, 08.12.2017 | Phillip Papastefanou visits the group of David Lapola @UNICAMP, Brazil, Dec 1-6, 2017 To join forces of modellers and experimentalists in research on tropical plant hydraulics and plant mortality induced by drought, Phillip Papastefanou visited the groups of David Lapola and Rafael Oliveira at UNICAMP University in Campinas. In a seminar, results of different modelling approaches were presented. It was a great exchange and we could solve some open questions on how to model drought mortality. | |
11:23, 15.11.2017 | 1st FEEDBACK workshop 1st FEEDBACK workshop co-organized by the Professorship of Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions on Nov, 15 and 16. We discussed our conceptual modelling approach for simulating coupled socio-ecological systems with international experts. The goal is to identify tipping points and critical thresholds in coupled socio-ecological systems. | |
10:09, 01.11.2017 | Ekaterina Sycheva joins LSAI as new PhD student LSAI welcomes Ekaterina Sycheva as new PhD student in the FOREXCLIM project! | |
11:49, 18.10.2017 | Sumforest final conference in Barcelona Our new project "Forests and extreme weather events: Solutions for risk resilient management in a changing climate" (FOREXCLIM, link) was presented at the Sumforest final conference( in Barcelona by Prof. Anja Rammig. We had our first internal project meeting with our partners from Lund University, Sweden. | |
09:44, 16.10.2017 | 3rd Amazonia and Climate Change field course The AmazonFACE team, including Katrin Fleischer and Anja Rammig, conducted the 3rd Amazonia and Climate Change field course for 24 participants. Read more on this annual event under | |
11:46, 13.10.2017 | IMPACTSWORLD conference in Potsdam Prof. Anja Rammig presented a poster on "Estimating the socio-economic impacts of a potential Amazon forest dieback" at the IMPACTS WORLD ( conference in Potsdam. The IMPACTS WORLD conference on "Counting the true costs of climate change" brought together over 450 participants from 68 countries. | |
11:42, 10.10.2017 | AmazonFACE model-experiment integration @PROFOUND First results from AmazonFACE model-experiment integration project were presented at the PROFOUND final conference in Potsdam, Oct 10, 2017. The EU-Cost Action "PROFOUND" (Link: works towards providing robust projections of European forests under climate change. In the final conference, Prof. Anja Rammig gave a keynote talk on "How robust are projections of forests under climate change? An example from the tropical rainforest". | |
09:43, 06.10.2017 | Katrin Fleischer gives talk INPA in Manaus Katrin Fleischer gave a seminar talk at the Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA) in Manaus, Brazil, on model-experiment integration for the AmazonFACE project. | |
09:41, 19.09.2017 | LSAI visits MPI-BCG in Jena Katrin Fleischer gave a guest talk at the Max-Planck-Institut of Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany, where she and Anja Rammig visited Dr. Sönke Zaehle, a collaborator on several ongoing projects. | |
09:40, 11.09.2017 | LSAI at 5th iLeaps conference Katrin Fleischer participated in the 5th iLeaps conference from 11th to 14th of September in Oxford, where she presented the ongoing research on model-experiment integration for the AmazonFACE project. | |
10:03, 17.07.2017 | AmazonFACE model-experiment integration (MEI) workshop at TUM 10-12th of July 2017 at LSAI in Freising, Germany. From July 10-12 the "International Workshop on model-experiment integration for AmazonFACE” was held at WZW in Freising, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The main objective of the workshop was the initiation of collaboration between international modelling experts and experimentalists to maximize the scientific outcome of AmazonFACE. AmazonFACE is a research program in Brazil that includes the establishment of a free-air CO2 enrichment experiment at the ZF2-field site close to Manaus, Amazonia, Brazil. In the course of this international workshop with 26 participants from Brazil, Australia, the USA, Austria, the Netherlands, France, and Germany, we derived model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment based on a multi-model comparison. We discussed model output, model assumptions, model-based hypotheses and their integration with field observations for the finalization of the manuscript and related scientific output. Based on these, recommendations were formulated for the experimental setup of the experiment and for future model development. The workshop aimed to foster strong exchange between modelling and observational research on the expected CO2 response in the Amazon. | |
11:02, 13.07.2017 | Upcoming talk: The AmazonFACE Program: Climate change, environment and society in the world's largest tropical forest Public talk by David M. Lapola on July 19th 2017. Prof. Dr. David M. Lapola, University of Campinas, Brazil August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor@TUM, Wednesday, 19th July 2017, at 11:00 in the Forestry Building, Lecture Hall 22. Abstract: In this talk I will present the AmazonFACE research program, the main feature of which is a pioneer CO2 enrichment experiment in central Amazonia, focused on assessing the impacts that future climate change will have on the forest. The program is based on the hypothesis of the Amazon forest dieback or savannization, in which extreme climatic changes would cause a catastrophic and large- scale loss of biomass and biodiversity in the region. As such, the research conducted in the scope of the program is not constrained to biophysical studies, but also permeates a socio-economic component evaluating, for example, the impacts of this potential forest dieback for agriculture, energy production and even people migration. The results obtained in the program are also relevant for public policies on climate change and biodiversity. AmazonFACE is considered as one of the most relevant scientific endeavors currently being conducted in world's largest tropical forest. | |
10:58, 13.07.2017 | Upcoming talk: Vegetation dynamics and land surface-atmosphere interactions in the Amazon basin: Novel insights from dynamic modelling Public talk by Anja Rammig, Wednesday July 26th 2017. Wednesday, 26th July 2017, at 14:00 in the Forestry Building, Seminar Room S4. Public talk for the Tenure-Track Status Assessment | |
11:29, 06.07.2017 | Dr. Anthony P. Walker from Oak Ridge National Laboratory is visiting LSAI Anthony P. Walker's research focusses on trying to understand how increasing atmospheric CO2 affects plant growth across scales, from photosysnthesis within leaves, through longer term ecosystem scales and feedbacks, and how these responses scale and interact with the Earth System as a whole. He uses computational models to address research questions in this area with the aim to advance our understanding of how models work at the process level, to connect modelling directly with experimental work and scientists, and to provide robust modelling frameworks that account for and provide confidence in our understanding and predictions. | |
10:58, 03.07.2017 | Prof. David Lapola is August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor@TUM David Lapola is a researcher of the Center for Meteorological and Climatic Studies Applied to Agriculture of the University of Campinas (Unicamp) in Brazil. He has previously acted as a professor at São Paulo State University (Unesp). David currently chairs the AmazonFACE (Free-Air CO2 Enrichment experiment in the Amazon forest) Scientific Steering Committe and has his research focused on modeling of the Earth System. Lately he's been interested in alternative ways of representing hyper-diverse tropical forests into global vegetation models and how climate change might affect biodiversity in these ecosystems. | |
10:59, 30.06.2017 | New paper published in Geophysical Research Letters: "Deforestation effects on Amazon forest resilience" We show that deforestation may cause rainfall reductions by up to 20% downwind of the deforested area in the western Amazon and subtropical South America. Such rainfall reductions increase the ecological vulnerability of the remaining forest to perturbations (logging, fire, and extreme drought), in particular, in southwestern Amazonia. Our results suggest that increasing deforestation might lead to permanent forest loss in the Amazon region. Zemp DC, Schleussner C-F, Barbosa HMJ, Rammig A (2017). Deforestation effects on Amazon forest resilience. Geophysical Research Letters, Early View. DOI:10.1002/2017GL072955 | |
11:00, 23.06.2017 | Tree mortality workshop in Hannover: "Crossing scales and disciplines to identify global trends in tree mortality as an indicator of forest health" We discussed on how to establish a global network for monitoring forest health and forest mortality, and how models can contribute to such a network. Link: | |
12:28, 04.04.2017 | LSAI visits KROOF site Thorsten Grams (TUM) took the LSAI to Kranzberg Forest and provided an in-depth site tour of the research facilities there, including the ongoing KROOF (Kranzberg Roof) rain exclusion experiment. | |
09:51, 27.03.2017 | Open PhD position in FOREXCLIM project "Forests and extreme weather events: Solutions for risk resilient management" See here for details. | |
13:52, 13.03.2017 | Vicious circle of drought and forest loss in the Amazon: new publication in Nature Communications A new study conducted by an international team of researchers from PIK (press release) and TUM (press release) recommends supporting measures to safeguard diversity in the Amazon, as this maintains the resilience of this ecosystem. | |
16:48, 02.03.2017 | Seminar "Amazonia and Climate Change", International Seminar at LSAI The seminar "Amazonia and Climate Change" was held on the 1st of February 2017, for which associated researchers and students came together with the LSAI group to present and discuss their research related to the ecology and climate of the Amazon rainforest. The meeting started with an introduction by Prof Rammig on the current state of the Amazon Dieback Hypothesis and Dr. Christian Zang (both LSAI) on the modelled reproducibility of the recently observed mortality patterns in the Amazon. Dr. Katrin Fleischer (LSAI) gave an overview of current research challenges surrounding the predictability of the elevated CO2 response in the Amazon and the expected outcome of the AmazonFACE project. Phillip Papastefanou (LSAI) and Thomas Janssen (VU Amsterdam) presented their PhD research into drought effects in the Amazon, while Helena Prado and Bianca Rius (Unesp, Brazil) introduced their MSc project, the development of a trait-based model (CAETÊ) to approximate the effect of high biodiversity in the Amazon in regulating the ecosystem response to global change. Prof. Han Dolman explained his latest findings on the relationship between Amazonian rainfall and temperature patterns and how this may be constrained using models and observations. Dr. Boris Sakschewksi (PIK Potsdam) presented the results of his recently published work in Nature Climate Change, the application of the trait-based model LPJ-mL-FIT over the Amazon, which demonstrated the potential of the resilience of the Amazon rainforest to global change due to high functional diversity. Edna Rödnig (UFZ Leipzig) presented a model-based approach for producing high-resolution biomass and forest structure maps of the Amazon and Jens Heinke (PIK Potsdam) demonstrated how plot-based measurements should be used directly to evaluate model predictions over the Amazon more accurately. The group finished off the seminar day with a guided tour around the Weihenstephan research brewery, after which discussions surrounding the future of the Amazon, potential collaborations and research ideas continued until late at night. | |
10:03, 31.01.2017 | Open PostDoc position in socio-ecological modeling! We invite applications for an open PostDoc position in socio-ecological modeling! | |
12:56, 12.01.2017 | Helena Prado and Bianca Rius from UNESP Brazil are visiting our group! | |
10:55, 24.10.2016 | BMBF Green Talents: Alejandra Carmona visits our group! | |
10:57, 01.10.2016 | New team member: Phillip Papastefanou joins LSAI group! | |
13:55, 06.07.2016 | treeclim workshop with Christian Zang treeclim from the horses mouth: Christian Zang will teach his R package for dendroclimatical analysis to PhD students and postdocs on Wednesday, 16th March 2016. | |
13:54, 06.07.2016 | New paper in Global Change Biology Johnson et al. (2016): Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of aboveground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models. Global Change Biology. | |
13:53, 06.07.2016 | PhD position on modelling impacts of extreme events on tropical forest ecosystems and climate feedbacks At the Professorship for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions we are offering one PhD position on the topic of climate and land-use change impacts on tropical rainforests and the implications for vegetation-atmosphere feedbacks. | |
13:49, 06.07.2016 | PhD position on modelling impacts of extreme events on tropical forest ecosystems and climate feedbacks At the Professorship for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions we are offering one PhD position on the topic of climate and land-use change impacts on tropical rainforests and the implications for vegetation-atmosphere feedbacks. | |
13:45, 03.05.2016 | New paper in Global Change Biology Johnson et al. (2016): Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of aboveground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models. Global Change Biology. | |
19:44, 15.03.2016 | treeclim workshop with Christian Zang treeclim from the horses mouth: Christian Zang will teach his R package for dendroclimatical analysis to PhD students and postdocs on Wednesday, 16th March 2016. | |
12:49, 11.02.2016 | New paper in Frontiers in Earth Science published! Hofhansl et al: Amazon forest ecosystem responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 and alterations in nutrient availability: filling the gaps with model-experiment integration | |
12:46, 11.02.2016 | Dr. Katrin Fleischer from UNESP Rio Claro, Brasilien, is visiting! | |
12:03, 11.02.2016 | New paper in Frontiers in Earth Science published! Hofhansl et al: Amazon forest ecosystem responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 and alterations in nutrient availability: filling the gaps with model-experiment integration | |
12:46, 22.11.2015 | Interview mit Prof. Anja Rammig in "Nature" | |
11:45, 22.11.2015 | Anja Rammig writes about extreme events in Nature News & Views | |
12:39, 05.10.2015 | Interview with Prof. Anja Rammig in "Nature" |