Leonie Hahn
email: leonie.hahn(at)hswt.de
Phone: 08161-71 5148
Office: F9.310
Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 3, 85354 Freising
Since 2022 | PhD student at the Professorship for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions, Technical University of Munich and at the Professorship for Forests and Climate Change, Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf |
2017 - 2021 | M. Sc. Physische Geography, Philipps-University Marburg |
2013 - 2017 | B. Sc. Geography, University Wien |
Media appearance
Radiointerview about the irrigation project published on WDR 5 Quarks (2024)
(You need to scroll down to "Wachsende Wüsten - Sternschnuppen - Waldbewässerung" for the interview from 11.12.2024 (from 1:12:00 onwards)
Documentary at 3Sat about the irrigation on the fieldsites (2023) (from 08:43 onwards)