Last page update on 20.3.25
if you need information, signing of documents, help of any kind - feel free to contact the TUM Landscape Student Exchange Coordinator Andreas Printz:
-→ Overview information on the Projects/Studios in summer semester 2025
Projects/studios are offered at different levels. Choose the one that is fitting to your education level (highlighted in the download-list). In case you want to up- or downgrade for any reason, talk to the staff. However, BSc-students are normally not admitted to the Master projects (this is different as for the lectures).
Make sure you applied for projects/studios in time according to the information given! This might be important to organize the travel logistic to the project/studio site at the very beginning!
Make sure to be at the very first presentation of the project to understand what is it about and what is required. Working teams are usually built instantly after the presentation.
If you can not decide without getting full presentation information, tell the staff that you are interested and until you will have decided to participate or not. You will have to decide at least in the very first lecture week.
# The Lectures
Also for the lectures it is recommended to be present at the very first lecture date. It is then, when an overview of content, methods, grade nature and expectations is given. Hint: visit more lectures than you booked. Include also possible alternatives. You can change your courses selection and drop later courses, you don't like/need, no problem (from our side). You can change your course selection from the original Learning Agreement according to the agreement of your home University. Talk to the Landscape Student Exchange Coordinator. Be sure to take a full module and not ‘only’ a lecture. Sometimes modules consist of different lectures, some of them even spread over two semesters. a single lecture of a combined module can not be represented in your Transcript of Records. Take care: sometimes “simple” lectures can also be full modules. If you are not sure about your choice, ask the lecturer or the Student Exchange Coordinator.
Electronic course application at our University is not a prerequisite or a key feature for the participation (except for some number limited courses, mostly for e.g. laboratory courses). In most courses, you can just walk in without any application or control and apply later. However, if you finally decide to take at the course, being listed guarantees the flux of side teaching information, introduction and special dates, etc. Once, you are registered, you don't necessarily have to finish the course/participate in the exam.
At the middle of the semester you will have to register for the exam (only for the ones you really want to have an exam).
# Places and Dates
You want to compile your study schedule and need to know, when and where are your lectures/projects? Go the lecture/studio of your choice in TUMOnline and click on “Scheduled Dates”.
# Informal Landscape Welcome Meeting a week before lecture time
Shortly before into seriously diving into your guest studies, let's meet and talk a bit about the most important TUM Landscape survival hacks.
There will be a meeting of guest students and real TUM-Landscape students (your buddies) on 9th of April 3 p.m. Details will follow.
# Semester and project/studio kick offs
There will be a general summer semester kick off at 23rd of April 10:00 a.m. in room U3 Landscape Building. A very general and short overview is given on projects but also lectures. Mainly hold in German, but you can see the main actors of the core landscape professorships. Important Project/studio kick offs follow in the afternoon or the very next days (s. announcement)