The role of eco-evolutionary experience in biological invasions: Implications for theory, management, and conservation
Duration: 2011–2015
Funding: ERA-Net BiodivERsA | German Research Foundation (DFG)
Contact: Jonathan Jeschke | Wolf-Christian Saul | Tina Heger
Dissertation: Wolf-Christian Saul (2015)
International Publications
Saul WC, Roy HE, Booy O, Carnevali L, Chen HJ, Genovesi P, Harrower CA, Pagad S, Pergl J, Jeschke JM (2015) Assessing patterns in introduction pathways of alien species by linking major invasion data bases. – Journal of Applied Ecology 18, 236–245.
Saul W-C, Jeschke JM (2015) Eco-evolutionary experience in novel species interactions. – Ecology Letters 18, 236–245.
Heger T, Haider S, Saul WC, Jeschke JM (2015) Species from different taxonomic groups show similar invasion traits. – Immediate Science Ecology 3, 1–13.
Saul WC, Jeschke JM, Heger T (2013) The role of eco-evolutionary experience in invasion success. – NeoBiota 17, 57–74.
Heger T, Saul WC, Trepl L (2013) What biological invasions ‘are’ is a matter of perspective. – Journal for Nature Conservation 21, 93–96.