Maintain amphibious plant communities of temporarily flooded field ponds in north-east Germany
Duration: 2012–2015
Funding: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) (Project 29317/01)
Contact: Harald Albrecht | Sara Altenfelder
Dissertation: Sara Altenfelder (2016)
International Publications
Altenfelder S, Kollmann J, Albrecht H (2016) Effects of farming practice on populations of threatened amphibious plant species in temporarily flooded arable fields: implications for conservation management. – Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 222, 30–37.
Altenfelder S, Schmitz M, Poschlod P, Kollmann J, Albrecht H (2016) Managing plant species diversity under fluctuating wetland conditions: the case of temporarily flooded depressions. – Wetlands Ecology and Management 24, 597–608.
Altenfelder S, Raabe U, Albrecht H (2014) Effects of water regime and agricultural land use on diversity and species composition of vascular plants inhabiting temporary ponds in northeastern Germany. – Tuexenia 34, 145–162.