Monitoring the success of peatland restoration in relation to climate change
Duration: 2014–2017
Förderung: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt (StMUV)
Contact: Johannes Kollmann | Katharina Strobl
Dissertation: Katharina Strobl (2019)
The project includes the (1) implementation of renaturation measures and their scientific support as well as (2) scientific studies on the efficiency of renaturation measures in degraded moors in the Hohes Fichtelgebirge natural area.
Appropriate renaturation measures, especially rewetting, contribute to climate protection and to improving important habitats for threatened moorland animal and plant species. To do this, we carried out an inventory of two moors in the Steinwald to characterize the moor locations and, based on this, developed a concept of measures. This should now be implemented step by step.
Even though peatland restoration has now become a frequently pursued conservation goal, it remains a complex task that does not always lead to the desired results. Therefore, the success of past measures in moors that were formerly used for forestry purposes should be evaluated. We examine vegetation, site characteristics and selected animal species groups (birds, dragonflies, butterflies, reptiles, amphibians) in 12 moors that were renatured between 1998 and 2015. The results are intended to show how the moors develop in the first few years after the measures have been implemented and which goals are achieved.
Munich Reptile Sanctuary (ARM)
Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT)
State Association for the Protection of Birds (LBV)
International Publications
Strobl K, Kollmann J, Teixeira LH (2019) Integrated assessment of ecosystem recovery using a multifunctionality approach. – Ecosphere 10, e02930.
Strobl K, Moning C, Kollmann J (2019) Positive trends in plant, dragonfly, and butterfly diversity of rewetted montane peatlands. – Restoration Ecology 28, 796–806.
Strobl K, Schmidt C, Kollmann J (2018) Selecting plant species and traits for phytometer experiments. The case of peatland restoration. – Ecological Indicators 88, 263–273.
German Publications
Kollmann J, Strobl K (2024) Biodiversität und Ökosystemfunktionen von Mooren: Effizienzkontrolle der Moorrenaturierung. In: Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften (Hrsg.): Moore: Ökosystemfunktionen, Biodiversität und Renaturierung. Rungespräche Forum Ökologie 50. Pfeil, Günding: 43–52. ISBN 978-3-89937-290-8
Strobl K, Kollmann J (2018) Inseln im Gebirge: Renaturierung fragmentierter und degradierter Mittelgebirgsmoore. – Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 30, 122–132.