Life Science Systems Winter Colloquium
Scientific journeys: Ecological principles and applications in practice
TUM Dept Life Science Systems, Winter term 2024/25, Monday, 16:15–17:30
Online Zoom Meeting:
Meeting-ID: 690 7948 3987
Kenncode: 021482
14.10.24 | Make it real! Urban climate science for planning healthy cities in Asia | Prof. Dr. Chao Ren (Univ. Hong Kong), Pauleit |
21.10.24 | Control of plant invasions in grasslands | Dr. Leonardo Teixeira (Free Univ. Brussels), Kollmann |
28.10.24 | Nationwide assessment of genetic variation of grassland plants as basis for the development of generalized seed transfer zones | Dr. Walter Durka (UFZ Halle), Kollmann |
04.11.24 | Terrestrial carbon cycle and vegetation dynamic | Dr. Simon Besnard (GFZ Potsdam), Senf |
11.11.24 | Smartphones, drones and satellites: vegetation dynamics from a wide variety of perspectives | Prof. Dr. Teja Kattenborn (Univ. Freiburg), Senf |
18.11.24 | Pollination networks | Prof. Dr. Chris Kaiser-Bunbury (Univ. Exeter), Leonhardt |
25.11.24 | Evolution of CAM and C4 | Prof. Dr. Gudrun Kadereit (LMU München), Schäfer |
02.12.24 | Water transport in plants - a highly efficient system under pressure | Prof. Dr. Steven Jansen (Univ. Ulm), Häberle |
09.12.24 | The role of urban nature for more just, climate-resilient, healthy and sustainable cities | Dr. Francesc Baró (Free Univ. Brussels), Egerer |
16.12.24 | Functional ecology of climate change | Prof. Dr. Michael Bahn (Univ. Innsbruck), Grams |
13.01.25 | Degradation and recovery of Europe’s waters from multiple stress | Prof. Dr. Daniel Hering (Univ. Duisburg-Essen), Geist |
20.01.25 | Recovery and restoration and marine ecosystems: nudging nature and lessons from freshwater | Prof. Dr. Stephen J. Hawkins (Univ. Southampton), Geist |
27.01.25 | Genomics and AI for one health | Dr. Lara H. Urban (Helmholtz München), Schloter |
03.02.25 | Exploitation or healthy coexistent3://file?uid=10554ce: Are sacred forests in Nigeria mutually beneficial to the ecosystem and indigenous people? | Prof. Dr. Jonathan C. Onyekwelu |
Prof. J. Kollmann (Tel. 08161-713498,, Prof. P. Annighöfer, Prof. M. Egerer, Prof. J. Geist, Prof. T. Grams, Dr. K.H. Häberle, Prof. I. Kögel-Knabner, Prof. T. Knoke, Prof. S. Leonhardt, Prof. S. Pauleit, Prof. R. Peters, Prof. A. Rammig, Prof. M. Rufino, Prof. H. Schäfer, Prof. M. Schloter, Prof. R. Seidl, Prof. C. Senf, Prof. J. Völkel and Prof. W. Weisser