Dr. Markus Bauer
Chair of Restoration Ecology
TUM School of Life Sciences
Technical University of Munich
Emil-Ramann-Straße 6
85354 Freising
Room E16
Phone: 0049 8161 712 493
Email: markus1.bauer[at]tum.de
ORCiD | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Scholia | GitHub | StackOverflow
Research interests
- Grassland restoration
- Community ecology
- Functional ecology
- Vegetation dynamics
The purpose of my research is to predictably achieve a certain target state of vegetation through ecological restoration. The target state can be a certain functional diversity or a certain species composition. In order to achieve the target state, the dispersal, abiotic and biotic filters should be modified with the help of restoration measures. The target state is not defined as a point but as a target area and thus implies spatial variation and temporal turnover. (cf. Cousens 2024 about goal setting)
Selected Publications
Teixeira LH*, Bauer M*, Moosner M, Kollmann J (2023) River dike grasslands can reconcile biodiversity and different ecosystem services to provide multifunctionality. – Basic and Applied Ecology 66, 22–30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2022.12.001
Bauer M, Huber JK, Kollmann J (2023) Fit by design: Developing seed–substrate combinations to adapt dike grasslands to microclimatic variation. – Journal of Applied Ecology 60, 2413–2424. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14497
Bauer M, Huber JK, Kollmann J (2024) Beta diversity of restored river dike grasslands is strongly influenced by uncontrolled spatio-temporal variability. – Journal of Vegetation Science 35, e13293. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13293
Bauer M & Albrecht H (2018) Vegetation monitoring in a 100-year-old calcareous grassland reserve in Germany. – Basic and Applied Ecology 42, 15–26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2019.11.003
Research Projects
Grassworks (2023–2025): What works in grassland restoration in Germany and why?
Danube dikes (2021–2024): Integration of flood protection and biodiversity promotion – Potential of new types of dike greening
Vegetationsmonitoring in the conservation area Garchinger Heide (2021–2022): Concept development and first monitoring as part of the management plan 2020 (PEPL) (Heideflächenverein Münchner Norden)
Brick-based Substrates (2019–2020): Development of brick-based substrates for the development of species-rich meadows on land fills and for urban tree substrates. (ZIM project of the Federal Ministry of Economics, ZF4025032SA8)
- Population and community ecology of plants (WiSe, LV-No. 0240234889 (Vorlesung), 240241395 (Seminar))
- Analysis of ecological data (SuSe, beginning of October 2026, block course; LV 0240055741)
- Exercises for forest vegetation in Central Europe (Excursions, SuSe)
- Excursions for fundamentals of restoration ecology (SuSe)
- Experimental restoration ecology (SuSe)
- Supervision of Bachelor and Master theses and project work
Curriculum vitae
Since 2024 | Postdoc, Chair of Restoration Ecology, TUM School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Since 2022 | Freelancer as vegetation mapper (Landschaftsökologie Bauer) |
2021–2024 | PhD student, Chair of Restoration Ecology, Technical University of Munich, Germany; PhD thesis |
2019 –2024 | Research assistant, Chair of Restoration Ecology, Technical University of Munich, Germany |
2016–2018 | M.Sc. Environmental Planning and Engineering Ecology, Technical University Munich; Master's thesis |
2013–2013 | Research internship and excursions (Namibia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Nicaragua) as well as iInternships at the Nature Conservation Agency Munich (2 months) and landscape planning office 'peb', Dachau (3 months); student assistant at TUM |
2012–2016 | B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning, Technical University of Munich; Bachelor's thesis |
2011–2012 | Apprenticeship to landscape gardener, MGM Landschaft, Hebertshausen |
2011 | Academic high school diploma (Abitur), Gymnasium Markt Indersdorf |
- IAVS: Bremen 2019, Madrid 2022
- SER: Freising 2016, Online 2021, Tartu 2024
- GfÖ: Münster 2019, Metz 2022, Leipzig 2023, Freising 2024
- GfÖ–PopBio (Plant Population Biology): Prag/Online 2021
- FlorSoz: Luxemburg 2019, Rostock 2021, Freising 2022, Koblenz 2023, Oldenburg 2024
Honorary activities
- Reviewer for Applied Vegetation Science; Flora; Journal of Vegetation Science; Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics; and Restoration Ecology (see ORCiD ID)
- Secretary of the Alumni-Club Landschaft TUM (since 2020)
- Advisory board member of the Heideflächenverein Münchner Norden e.V. (since 2024)
- Member of the nature conservation advisory board of the Freising district (since 2024)
Awards and Certificates
- 2024: Certificate for teaching in higher education of the Bavarian universities (basic level)
- 2024: Johannes B. Ortner Prize (PhD thesis, awarded by the president of the TUM Thomas Hofmann)
- 2021: Doctoral Scholarship (DBU, German Federal Environmental Foundation)
- 2019: Award of the city of Freising (Master's thesis, awarded by OB Tobias Eschenbacher)