M.Sc. Marion Lang
Chair of Restoration Ecology
TUM School of Life Sciences
Technische Universität München
Emil-Ramann-Str. 6
85354 Freising
TPhone: +49 8161 71 2570
Fax: +49 8161 71 4143
E-Mail: marion.lang[at]tum.de
"I am a restoration ecologist because I have the aim to restore species-rich, extensively managed arable fields. Therefore, I study how to successfully re-introduce rare and threatened arable plant species by seed transfer."
Curriculum vitae
05/2016 – 2021 | Processing of the project „Ackerwildkräuter für Bayerns Kulturlandschaft“ and PhD-student at the Chair of Restoration Ecology, Research Department Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Freising, Germany and Bayerische KulturLandStiftung, München |
05/2015 – 04/2016 | Conservation consulting for farmers at Bioland Erzeugerring Bayern e.V., Augsburg |
since 05/2014 | Research assistant at the Chair of Restoration Ecology, Research Department Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Freising, Germany |
03/2014 – 04/2014 | Research assistant at the Institute for Organic Farming, Soil and Resource Management, Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture (LfL), Freising, Germany |
10/2012 – 11/2012 | Freelancer at the Institute for Environmental Planning and Spatial, Development (ifuplan), Munich, Germany |
02/2011 – 04/2011 | Internship at the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL), Laufen, Germany |
10/2011 – 03/2014 | Master of Science in Environmental Planning and Engineering Ecology, Technical University of Munich, Germany Thesis on density effects during the re-introduction of rare arable plants on organic farms |
10/2008 – 08/2011 | Bachelor of Science in Biology, Julius Maximilian University of Wuerzburg, Germany Thesis on the movement behavior of butterflies |
06/2007 | Academic high school diploma (Abitur), Karolinen-Gymnasium Rosenheim, Germany |
Re-establishment of rare arable plants in agricultural landscapes
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Johannes Kollmann, PD Dr. Harald Albrecht
The thesis includes two projects:
‘Nature conservation by organic farming: Restoration of local populations of rare and endangered arable field plants on organic farms in Germany’
§ The project aims to find management systems, which allow the integration of arable plant conservation within organic farming practice. Three endangered arable plant species are studied, which are almost absent from the soil seed bank, due to years of intensive farming: European venus' looking glass (Legousia speculum-veneris), Royal knight's-spur (Consolida regalis) and Corn gromwell (Lithospermum arvense). Favorable crop rotations, soil tillage, sowing densities and sowing dates for successful re-establishment within the Munich Plain are investigated.
§ Cooperating with the Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture (LfL) (Institute for Organic Farming, Soil and Resource Management) and the University of Kassel (Department of Organic Farming and Cropping Systems).
§ Funding: Seidlhof Foundation, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture: Federal Organic Farming Scheme and other forms of sustainable agriculture
„Arable plants in cultural landscapes of Bavaria – Production-integrated promotion of rare and threatened arable plant species “
§ Project aim is the promotion and re-establishment of rare arable plants in five biogeographical regions of Bavaria. Therefore, regional value chains are built to provide autochthonous seed material. Depending on the region, study species on sandy (e.g. Arnoseris minima), alternating wet (e.g. Myosurus minimus) and calcareous (z.B. Adonis aestivalis) arable fields are included. After identifying remaining populations, seeds of the rare arable plants are collected, propagated and sown on extensively managed fields. Seed propagation and re-establishment of the study species are addressed in scientific investigations.
§ Cooperating with the Bayerischen KulturLandStiftung (Bavarian Foundation for cultural landscapes)
§ Funding: Bayerischer Naturschutzfonds (Bavarian nature protection fund ), Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
- Lang, M., Prestele, J., Wiesinger, K., Kollmann, J. & Albrecht, H. (2018): Reintroduction of rare arable plants: Seed production, soil seed banks and dispersal three years after sowing. Restoration Ecology (early view)
- Albrecht, H., Cambecèdes, J., Lang, M. & Wagner, M. (2016): Management options for the conservation of rare arable plants in Europe. Botany Letters 163: 389-415.
- Lang, M., Prestele, J., Fischer, C., Kollmann, J. & Albrecht, H. (2016): Reintroduction of rare arable plants by seed transfer. What are the optimal sowing rates? Ecology and Evolution 6: 5506-5516.
- Hermann, J.-M., Lang, M., Gonçalves, J. & H. Hasenack (2016): Forest–grassland biodiversity hotspot under siege: land conversion counteracts nature conservation. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2(6)
- Lang, M., Truffel, C., Prestele, J., Wiesinger, K., Kollmann, J. & Albrecht, H. (2015): Einfluss von Deckfrucht und Fruchtfolge auf die Wiederansiedlung gefährdeter Ackerwildpflanzen. In: Häring et. al. (Hrsg.): Beiträge zur Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, 17.-20.03.2015, Eberswalde, Deutschland. S. 231-235. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin
- Wiesinger, K., Lang, M., van Elsen, T., Albrecht, H., Prestele, J. & Kollmann, J. (2015): Wiederansiedlung seltener und gefährdeter Ackerwildkräuter im Biobetrieb. Online im Internet: URL: http://www.lfl.bayern.de/mam/cms07/schwerpunkte/dateien/praxisbrosch%C3%BCre_ackerwildkraut.pdf