M. Sc. Paula Prucker
Chair of Restoration Ecology
TUM School of Life Sciences
Technische Universität München
Emil-Ramann-Str. 6
85354 Freising
Phone: +49 8161 71 4236
Fax: +49 8161 71 4143
E-Mail: paula.prucker[at]tum.de
Curriculum vitae
from 06/2021 | PhD student Professorship for Plant-Insect-Interactions and Chair of Restoration Ecology, Technical University of Munich |
10/2019 – present | M.Sc. Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning, Technical University of Munich |
Master Thesis at the Chair of Restoration Ecology: How does climate change affect root trait characteristics of wildflower patches? A comparison of four species mixtures | |
05/2019 – 05/2021 | Student assistant at Ohnes & Schwahn, Munich |
10/2018 – present | Scholarship holder of the ‘Deutschlandstipendium’ |
07/2018 – 12/2018 | Student assistant at ‘Naturgutachter’, planning office for landscape ecology, Freising |
2018 | Student internship at the Institute for Plant Protection, Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL), Freising |
08/2017 – 01/2018 | Placement student at Middlemarch Environmental Ltd., Coventry (UK) |
10/2015 – 09/2019 | B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning, Technical University of Munich, area of specialisation: landscape planning |
Bachelor Thesis at the Chair for Terrestrial Ecology: Insecticide application for the control of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar): Effects on the local bat fauna in Franconian oak forests | |
2014 | Academic high school diploma (Abitur), Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium, Landshut |
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Sara Leonhardt & Prof. Dr. Johannes Kollmann
Many of the crops grown in Bavaria depend on flower-visiting insects as pollinators to achieve stable and high rates of fruiting. The animals in turn receive pollen and/or nectar as a valuable and, in the case of some pollinator groups, the only food resource. This results in an interaction structure that directly influences food production and human health.
Climate change threatens numerous pollinator species and aggravates their massive decline, especially in agricultural landscapes. Wild and cultivated plants also show a negative response to changing climatic factors, e.g. smaller flowers and reduced pollen and nectar quantities. However, the consequences of climate change for insect pollination performance and thus the yield of entomophilous crops in agricultural landscapes are still largely unknown.
This project, conducted for the regions of Upper Bavaria and Franconia, aims at clarifying: (i) how changes in temperature and drought affect pollination success and thus yield of Bavarian crops, and (ii) which factors (i.e. occurrence and activity of pollinators, attractiveness of flowers) explain these effects. Based on these findings, the project will (iii) develop strategies (on combinations of wild and cultivated plants, flowering mixtures for fallows and climate change-adapted varieties of cultivated plants) to promote the diversity and abundance of pollinators in agricultural landscapes, and thus secure the yield of pollinator-dependent crops in a changing climate.
The FruKlimaBest project is part of the BayKlimaFit II project network, and it is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection.