Department for Life Science Systems TUM School of Life Sciences Technische Universität München Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2 D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
PhD student at the Chair of Terrestrial Ecology, Technische Universität München.
M.Sc. Environmental Planning and Engineering Ecology at Technische Universität München. Thesis: "Ecosystem functions in degraded subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil".
B.Sc. Biology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Specialization: Evolution and ecology, cell biology. Thesis: "Influence of microplastics combined with persistant organic pollutants (DDT) on selected life-history parameters of Daphnia magna".
B.Sc. Management and Technology at Technische Universität München. Specialization: Innovation management and organization. Thesis: "Markets for Patents: An Empirical Analysis of Ocean Tomo Patent Auctions".
Research interest
Land-use effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
Payments for ecosystem services
The impact of integrated management and forest structure on the biodiversity of managed forest ecosystems in the Steigerwald region in south Germany
Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Biber, Matthias F.; Dolek, Matthias; Fartmann, Thomas; Hochkirch, Axel; Leidinger, Jan; Löffler, Franz; Pinkert, Stefan; Poniatowski, Dominik; Voith, Johannes; Winterholler, Michael; Zeuss, Dirk; Bowler, Diana E.; Hof, Christian: Consistent signals of a warming climate in occupancy changes of three insect taxa over 40 years in central Europe. Global Change Biology 28 (13), 2022, 3998-4012 more…
Pschonny, Sandra; Leidinger, Jan; Leitl, Rudolf; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: What makes a good bat box? How box occupancy depends on box characteristics and landscape‐level variables. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3 (1), 2022 more…
Dröse, William; Podgaiski, Luciana R.; Gossner, Martin M.; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Hermann, Julia-Maria; Leidinger, Jan; Koch, Christiane; Kollmann, Johannes; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; de S. Mendonça, Milton, Jr; Overbeck, Gerhard E.: Passive restoration of subtropical grasslands leads to incomplete recovery of ant communities in early successional stages. Biological Conservation 264, 2021, 109387 more…
Leidinger, Jan; Blaschke, Markus; Ehrhardt, Michael; Fischer, Anton; Gossner, Martin M.; Jung, Kirsten; Kienlein, Sebastian; Kózak, Johanna; Michler, Barbara; Mosandl, Reinhard; Seibold, Sebastian; Wehner, Katja; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Shifting tree species composition affects biodiversity of multiple taxa in Central European forests. Forest Ecology and Management 498, 2021, 119552 more…
Leidinger, Jan; Seibold, Sebastian; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Lange, Markus; Schall, Peter; Türke, Manfred; Gossner, Martin M.: Effects of forest management on herbivorous insects in temperate Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 437, 2019, 232-245 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Leidinger, Jan L. G.; Gossner, Martin M.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Handbook of field protocols for using REFA methods to approximate ecosystem functions - Version 1.0. 2017 more…
Leidinger, Jan L. G.; Gossner, Martin M.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Koch, Christiane; Cayllahua, Zully L. Rosadio; Podgaiski, Luciana R.; Duarte, Marcelo M.; de Araújo, Ademir S. F.; Hermann, Julia; Kollman, Johannes; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Historic and recent land use affects ecosystem functions in subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil. Ecosphere 8 (12), 2017, e02032 more…
Koch, C.; Conradi, T.; Gossner, M. M.; Hermann, J. M.; Leidinger, J.; Meyer, S. T.; Overbeck, G. E.; Weisser, W. W.; Kollmann, J.: Management intensity and temporary conversion to other land-use types affect plant diversity and species composition of subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil. Applied Vegetation Science 19 (4), 2016, 589-599 more…
Fischer, Timo; Leidinger, Jan: Testing patent value indicators on directly observed patent value—An empirical analysis of Ocean Tomo patent auctions. Research Policy 43 (3), 2014, 519-529 more…