Department for Life Science Systems TUM School of Life Sciences Technische Universität München Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2 D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Postdoctoral researcher at Chair for Terrestrial Ecology, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München, Germany
Project Research Associate at Corporacion Universitaria UNICUCES, Colombia
Postdoctoral researcher at CIVIF-Fundacion Abundancia de Corazon, Colombia
PhD in Ecology at Institut d'écologie et des sciences de l'environnement de Paris (iEES Paris). Sorbone Universites_Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Research Assistant at International Center for Tropical Agriculture-CIAT, Colombia
Master of Science – Biology, Department of Biology, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
B.S. with emphasis in Entomology, Department of Biology, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Research interest
My research interest focuses on soil biodiversity and ecosystem services. Particularly, I’m interested in analyzing how human management in agricultural landscapes can underlying changes in soil insect communities (biodiversity, traits, etc) and how this can affect the soil ecosystem services.
Present: Global Microcosm Experiment: This study pretends to examine how current and future climatic conditions, forest habitat degradation and management, influence biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in water-filled microcosms worldwide.
2018-2020: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Soil and Water Management: The Case of the Indigenous Resguardo of Santa Sofia, Amazonas reservation of Santa Sofía, Amazonas. The Amazon is the most biodiverse region on the planet. However, the constant loss of biodiversity and deterioration of the ES is the result of a complex set of interrelated factors. This research aims to evaluate the impact of different land uses in the Santa Sofia reserve (Amazonas), evaluating active and Chagras, Chagras in different states of restoration and comparing them with contrasting systems such as virgin forests and pastures.
2012-2017: Indicators of efficiency in the use of biophysical, socioeconomic and environmental resources of productive systems of the Altillanura: Scenario for the eco-efficient management of the territory. Developed in the complex western highlands of Colombia, the objective of this study was to evaluate how different agricultural practices can affect the landscape and the ecosystem services. This research was funded by the Agricultural Ministry of Colombia and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture.
2007-2011: AMAZ_BD: Biodiversity in Amazonian landscapes, goods production and ecosystem services. This project, funded by French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Institute of Research for Development focused on understanding how the changes in land use in the Amazonian region can affect ecosystem services. More than 30 researchers from France, Colombia, and Brazil were involved in this project.
Lavelle, Patrick; Mathieu, Jérôme; Spain, Alister; Brown, George; Fragoso, Carlos; Lapied, Emmanuel; De Aquino, Adriana; Barois, Isabelle; Barrios, Edmundo; Barros, Maria Eleusa; Bedano, Jose Camilo; Blanchart, Eric; Caulfield, Mark; Chagueza, Yamileth; Dai, Jun; Decaëns, Thibaud; Dominguez, Anahi; Dominguez, Yamileth; Feijoo, Alexander; Folgarait, Patricia; Fonte, Steven J.; Gorosito, Norma; Huerta, Esperanza; Jimenez, Juan Jose; Kelly, Courtland; Loranger, Gladys; Marchão, Robelio; Marichal, Raphael; Praxedes, Catarina; Rodriguez, Leonardo; Rousseau, Guillaume; Rousseau, Laurent; Ruiz, Nuria; Sanabria, Catalina; Suarez, Juan Carlos; Tondoh, Jerôme Ebagnerin; De Valença, Anne; Vanek, Steven J.; Vasquez, Joel; Velasquez, Elena; Webster, Emily; Zhang, Chi: Soil macroinvertebrate communities: A world‐wide assessment. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (7), 2022, 1261-1276 more…
Sanabria, Catalina; Achury, Rafael: Amazonian indigenous territories as reservoirs of biodiversity: The army ants of Santa Sofia (Amazonas – Colombia). Caldasia 44 (2), 2022, 345-355 more…
Sanabria, Catalina; Barot, Sébastien; Fonte, Steven J.; Dubs, Florence: Do morphological traits of ground-dwelling ants respond to land use changes in a neotropical landscape? Geoderma 418, 2022, 115841 more…
Decaëns, Thibaud; Martins, Marlúcia B.; Feijoo, Alexander; Oszwald, Johan; Dolédec, Sylvain; Mathieu, Jérôme; Arnaud de Sartre, Xavier; Bonilla, Diego; Brown, George G.; Cuellar Criollo, Yeimmy Andrea; Dubs, Florence; Furtado, Ivaneide S.; Gond, Valérie; Gordillo, Erika; Le Clec'h, Solen; Marichal, Raphaël; Mitja, Danielle; de Souza, Izildinha Miranda; Praxedes, Catarina; Rougerie, Rodolphe; Ruiz, Darío H.; Otero, Joel Tupac; Sanabria, Catalina; Velasquez, Alex; Zararte, Luz Elena M.; Lavelle, Patrick: Biodiversity loss along a gradient of deforestation in Amazonian agricultural landscapes. Conservation Biology 32 (6), 2018, 1380-1391 more…
Lavelle, Patrick; Dolédec, Sylvain; de Sartre, Xavier Arnauld; Decaëns, Thibaud; Gond, Valery; Grimaldi, Michel; Oszwald, Johan; Hubert, Bernard; Ramirez, Bertha; Veiga, Iran; de Souza, Simão; de Assis, William Santos; Michelotti, Fernando; Martins, Marlucia; Feijoo, Alexander; Bommel, Pierre; Castañeda, Edna; Chacon, Patricia; Desjardins, Thierry; Dubs, Florence; Gordillo, Erika; Guevara, Edward; Fonte, Steven; del Pilar Hurtado, Maria; Lena, Philippe; Lima, Tamara; Marichal, Raphaël; Mitja, Danielle; Miranda, Izildinha; Otero, Tupac; Praxedes, Catarina; Poccard, René; de Robert, Pascale; Rodriguez, Gamaliel; Sanabria, Catalina; Tselouiko, Stéphanie; Velasquez, Alexander; Velasquez, Elena; Velasquez, Jaime: Unsustainable landscapes of deforested Amazonia: An analysis of the relationships among landscapes and the social, economic and environmental profiles of farms at different ages following deforestation. Global Environmental Change 40, 2016, 137-155 more…
Sanabria, Catalina; Dubs, Florence; Lavelle, Patrick; Fonte, Steven J.; Barot, Sébastien: Influence of regions, land uses and soil properties on termite and ant communities in agricultural landscapes of the Colombian Llanos. European Journal of Soil Biology 74, 2016, 81-92 more…
Lavelle, Patrick; Rodríguez, Nubia; Arguello, Orlando; Bernal, Jaime; Botero, Cesar; Chaparro, Paula; Gómez, Yolanda; Gutiérrez, Albert; Hurtado, María del Pilar; Loaiza, Sandra; Pullido, Sandra Xiomara; Rodríguez, Edgar; Sanabria, Catalina; Velásquez, Elena; Fonte, Steven J.: Soil ecosystem services and land use in the rapidly changing Orinoco River Basin of Colombia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 185, 2014, 106-117 more…
Sanabria, Catalina; Lavelle, Patrick; Fonte, Steven J.: Ants as indicators of soil-based ecosystem services in agroecosystems of the Colombian Llanos. Applied Soil Ecology 84, 2014, 24-30 more…
Catalina Sanabria & Patricia Chacón. 2011. Hormigas cazadoras en sistemas productivos del piedemonte amazónico colombiano: diversidad y especies indicadoras". Acta Amazonica. Vol.41, No. 4, p. 503-512. ISSN 0044-5967.
Armbrecht et al. 2011. Influencia de dos acondicionadores orgánicos del suelo sobre el crecimiento de un policultivo de maíz y fríjol Ingeniería de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente, núm. 10, enero-diciembre, 2011, pp. 93-100
Catalina Sanabria, Catalina Gutierrez-Chacon & Inge Armbrecht. 2008. Diversidad de estafilínidos (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) en cinco sistemas productivos de los AndesColombianos. Revista Colombiana de Entomología. Vol.34, No.2, p. 217-223. 2008.
Books and books chapters
Sanabria et al. 2019. Consecuencias ecológicas y económicas del cambio climático global”. Editorial Corporación Universitaria Centro Superior. ISBN: 978-958-5115-16-3
Sanabria et al. 2019. Agricultura Urbana en la Ciudad de Cali, Estrategia de Negocios Sostenibles. Editorial Corporación Universitaria Centro Superior. ISBN: 978-958-5115-05-7
Sanabria et al. 2019. Condiciones socioeconómicas de la comunidad indígena de Santa Sofía (Amazonas) y su influenciaen su calidad de vida como comunidad”. 2019. Editorial Corporación Universitaria Centro Superior. ISBN: 978-958-5417
Armbrecht et al. 2019. Ecología. In: Fernando Fernández (Ed.). Hormigas de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.
Arcila et al. 2012. Guía de campo para la identificación y manejo de enfermedades y plagas en el cultivo de ají. Editorial de Corpoica ISBN: -978-958-740-127-1
Arcila et al. 2012. Guía de campo para la identificación y manejo de enfermedades y plagas en el cultivo de guayaba. Editorial de Corpoica ISBN: 978-958-740-124-0
Arcila et al. 2012. Guía de campo para la identificación y manejo de enfermedades y plagas en el cultivo de fríjol. Editorial de Corpoica ISBN: 978-958-740-125-7 a de campo para la identificación de enfermedades y plagas en el cultivo de yuca". 2013. Editorial de Corpoica ISBN: 978-958-740-156