Department for Life Science Systems TUM School of Life Sciences Technische Universität München Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2 D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Habilitation thesis „Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships and their drivers in natural and anthropogenic systems with an emphasis on species interactions”
Postdoc TUM
Postdoc Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Postdoc University of Kaiserslautern
Doctoral degree (summa cum laude) University of Kaiserslautern
Doctoral project “Ecosystem engineering in fragmented forests: Edge-mediated hyper-abundance of leaf-cutting ants and resulting impacts on forest structure, microclimate, and regeneration” University of Kaiserslautern and University of Recife, Brazil
Diploma Biology University of Kaiserslautern
Diploma project “Herbivory and Drought Stress - Interactive effects of plant stress and feeding by leaf-cutting ants” University of Kaiserslautern
Research internship “Drought resistance of tropical tree seedling” (DAAD Fellowship) Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI); Panama
Research assistant in Case-study on the radioactive contamination of wild boars. Forschungsanstalt für Waldökologie und Forstwirtschaft, Trippstadt, Germany
Studying Biology University of Kaiserslautern
Studying Biochemisty, Molecular Biology and Genetics University of Wales, College Cardiff; UK
My research focuses on the question of how species-rich ecosystems differ from species-poor systems in their properties and functioning. I am especially interested in plant-animal and animal-animal interactions, and I investigate the reciprocal effects among herbivores, their natural enemies, and plant diversity. More applied aspects of my research study how these interactions, and ecosystem functions in general, are altered by human activities including forest fragmentation, land-use, and species introductions.
Current Projects
The Jena Experiment ( The Jena Experiment is one of the largest and longest-running biodiversity experiments worldwide. Grasslands of controlled plant species richness that form a diversity gradient from monocultures over combinations of 2, 4, 8, and 16 species up to communities with 60 different plant species are investigated since the year 2002. I analyse how plant diversity changes functions and properties ranging from abiotic conditions to species interactions, from above- to belowground, and from plants to top predators. These analyses are based on a large pool of data collected during the last 18 years by members of the research unit and are currently continued within the doctoral thesis of Laura Argens. In addition, I measure rates of herbivory and predation investigating their relationship to plant diversity and plant traits as changes in the community of aboveground consumers together with Anne Ebeling (FSU Jena) in Subproject 5: Plant-consumer interactions as cause and consequence of long-term BEF relationships of the new research unit.
Rapid measurements of ecosystem functions (REFA) Quantifying ecosystem functioning is important for both fundamental and applied ecological research. However, there is currently a gap between the data available and the data needed to address topical questions, such as the drivers of functioning in different ecosystems under global change or the best management to sustain provisioning of ecosystem functions and services. To close the identified ecosystem functioning data gap, I research low-tech, easy to use, repeatable, and cost-efficient methods than can be used to measure proxies of ecosystem functions. The collection of these methods for important ecosystem functions I named Rapid Ecosystem Function Assessment (REFA). Using REFA enables standardised and comparable measurements of proxies for ecosystem functions on a large scale within and across studies. A review introducing REFA has been published in Trends in Ecology and Evolution. A handbook of field protocols with detailed descriptions of the methods has been published at MediaTUM.
Urban biodiversity in Munich Rural land use is threatening biodiversity and cities have been suggested as an alternative habitat for wildlife with a potential for species conservation. However, urbanisation increases worldwide due to the migration of humans into cities. Resulting densification within cities and sprawl of cities into the surrounding landscapes contribute to the loss of wildlife habitat. Currently, it remains unclear which properties of urban spaces have the strongest effects on urban wildlife and how to integrate these properties into city planning. We investigate these questions using public squares in the city of Munich as a model system. Investigated squares are a representative sample of all squares in Munich, which span gradients in size, distance to the city centre, and greenness on and in the surrounding of the squares. We monitor the abundance and diversity of various animal groups to investigate the effects of square properties on urban biodiversity. We demonstrate positive effects of an increasing greenness (proportion of grassy surface area, number of trees, shrub volume) on the abundance and diversity of various taxa. Also, we are conducting a rooftop experiment investigating how green roofs can be modified to improve their value as habitat for flora and fauna.
Biodiversity and ecosystem function in future Bavaria How are ecosystem services and biodiversity developing in Bavaria? The interdisciplinary joint project BLIZ (Blick in die Zukunft: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Gesellschaft, Landnutzung, Ökosystemleistungen und Biodiversität in Bayern bis 2100) takes a look into the future and develops new scenarios for a sustainable management of ecosystems in Bavaria. In this joint research project, we investigate the effects of climate change on ecological systems (ecosystem services and biodiversity) and socio-economic systems (land use development) and their interactions. With the help of computer-based simulation models, we investigate which adaptation strategies lead to a stabilisation of these systems and under which circumstances drastic ecological degradation or socio-economic changes (so-called tipping points) can occur. Together with Prof. Anja Rammig (Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions at TUM) we lead the subproject 1: Effects of land-use and climate change on terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity and investigate in the doctoral project of Sven Rubanschi how biotopes and biodiversity in Bavaria are distributed currently and in future.
Degradation of South Brazilian grasslands Natural grasslands in south Brazil have at a large scale been converted into tree plantations or agricultural land or been severely degraded. This project, which is a cooperation between the groups for restoration ecology and terrestrial ecology at TUM, investigates the biotic composition and the ability to perform ecosystem functions at grassland sites spanning a degradation gradient. Also, the potential of these sites for ecological restoration and suitable techniques are assessed.
Schneider, Maja; Gackstetter, David; Prexl, Jonathan; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Körner, Marco: Advancing transnational assessments of biodiversity drivers in European agriculture with an updated hierarchical crop and agriculture taxonomy (HCAT). npj Sustainable Agriculture 3 (1), 2025 more…
Bröcher, M.; Meyer, S.T.; Eisenhauer, N.; Ebeling, A.: The positive plant diversity/consumer relationship is independent of grassland age. Basic and Applied Ecology 76, 2024, 58-68 more…
Dietrich, Peter; Ebeling, Anne; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Asato, Ana Elizabeth Bonato; Bröcher, Maximilian; Gleixner, Gerd; Huang, Yuanyuan; Roscher, Christiane; Schmid, Bernhard; Vogel, Anja; Eisenhauer, Nico: Plant diversity and community age stabilize ecosystem multifunctionality. Global Change Biology 30 (3), 2024 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T: Mehr Raum für Tiere und Pflanzen in der Stadt. One Health, 2024, more…
Mühlbauer, Maximilian; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Apfelbeck, Beate; Müller, Nina; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Bird guilds need different features on city squares. Basic and Applied Ecology, 2024 more…
Rubanschi, Sven; Hof, Christian; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Assessing the conservation and restoration potential of biotopes in a central European region. Biodiversity and Conservation 33 (8-9), 2024, 2305-2328 more…
Argens, Laura; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Lange, Markus; Oelmann, Yvonne; Roscher, Christiane; Schielzeth, Holger; Schmid, Bernhard; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Relationships between ecosystem functions vary among years and plots and are driven by plant species richness. Oikos 2024 (1), 2023 more…
Bröcher, M.; Ebeling, A.; Hertzog, L.; Roscher, C.; Weisser, W.; Meyer, S. T.: Effects of plant diversity on species-specific herbivory: patterns and mechanisms. Oecologia 201 (4), 2023, 1053-1066 more…
Gackstetter, David; von Bloh, Malte; Hannus, Veronika; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Weisser, Wolfgang; Luksch, Claudia; Asseng, Senthold: Autonomous field management – An enabler of sustainable future in agriculture. Agricultural Systems 206, 2023, 103607 more…
Hauck, Thomas (1); Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2); Mühlbauer, Maximilian (2); Bischer, Robert (3); Meyer, Sebastian T. (2); Fairbairn, Andrew (2); Schalk, Gunther (4); Winter, Samuel (2); Weber, Sylvia (5): Animal – Aided Design in der Brantstraße. Detaillierte und technische Beschreibung der Maßnahmen für Tiere. Konferenzversion, 2023 more…
Rubanschi, Sven; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Hof, Christian; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Modelling potential biotope composition on a regional scale revealed that climate variables are stronger drivers than soil variables. Diversity and Distributions, 2023 more…
van der Plas, Fons; Schröder-Georgi, Thomas; Weigelt, Alexandra; Barry, Kathryn; Meyer, Sebastian; Alzate, Adriana; Barnard, Romain L.; Buchmann, Nina; de Kroon, Hans; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Engels, Christof; Fischer, Markus; Gleixner, Gerd; Hildebrandt, Anke; Koller-France, Eva; Leimer, Sophia; Milcu, Alexandru; Mommer, Liesje; Niklaus, Pascal A.; Oelmann, Yvonne; Roscher, Christiane; Scherber, Christoph; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Scheu, Stefan; Schmid, Bernhard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Temperton, Vicky; Tscharntke, Teja; Voigt, Winfried; Weisser, Wolfgang; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Wirth, Christian: Reply to: Plant traits alone are good predictors of ecosystem properties when used carefully. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (3), 2023, 335-336 more…
Achury, Rafael; Clement, Lars; Ebeling, Anne; Meyer, Sebastian; Voigt, Winfried; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Plant diversity and functional identity alter ant occurrence and activity in experimental grasslands. Ecosphere 13 (10), 2022 more…
Wagg, Cameron; Roscher, Christiane; Weigelt, Alexandra; Vogel, Anja; Ebeling, Anne; de Luca, Enrica; Roeder, Anna; Kleinspehn, Clemens; Temperton, Vicky M.; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Buchmann, Nina; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schmid, Bernhard: Biodiversity–stability relationships strengthen over time in a long-term grassland experiment. Nature Communications 13 (1), 2022 more…
Berthon, Katherine; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Thomas, Freya; Frank, Andrea; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Bekessy, Sarah: Small-Scale Habitat Conditions Are More Important Than Site Context for Influencing Pollinator Visitation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 2021 more…
Dröse, William; Podgaiski, Luciana R.; Gossner, Martin M.; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Hermann, Julia-Maria; Leidinger, Jan; Koch, Christiane; Kollmann, Johannes; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; de S. Mendonça, Milton, Jr; Overbeck, Gerhard E.: Passive restoration of subtropical grasslands leads to incomplete recovery of ant communities in early successional stages. Biological Conservation 264, 2021, 109387 more…
Mühlbauer, Maximilian; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Müller, Nina; Meyer, Sebastian T.: A green design of city squares increases abundance and diversity of birds. Basic and Applied Ecology 56, 2021, 446-459 more…
Skarbek, Carl J.; Ebeling, Anne; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Schulze, Clemens; Sepperl, Andrea; Pufal, Gesine: Testing a highly replicable and standardized method to rapidly assess seed removal probabilities. Basic and Applied Ecology 52, 2021, 15-23 more…
Buzhdygan, Oksana Y.; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Eisenhauer, Nico; Ebeling, Anne; Borrett, Stuart R.; Buchmann, Nina; Cortois, Roeland; De Deyn, Gerlinde B.; de Kroon, Hans; Gleixner, Gerd; Hertzog, Lionel R.; Hines, Jes; Lange, Markus; Mommer, Liesje; Ravenek, Janneke; Scherber, Christoph; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Scheu, Stefan; Schmid, Bernhard; Steinauer, Katja; Strecker, Tanja; Tietjen, Britta; Vogel, Anja; Weigelt, Alexandra; Petermann, Jana S.: Biodiversity increases multitrophic energy use efficiency, flow and storage in grasslands. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, 2020, 393-405 more…
Ebeling, A.; Lind, E. W.; Meyer, S. T.; Barnes, A. D.; Borer, E. T.; Eisenhauer, N.; Weisser, W. W.: Contrasting effects of plant diversity on β‐ and γ‐diversity of grassland invertebrates. Ecology 101 (7), 2020 more…
Lucero, Jacob E.; Arab, Nafiseh Mahdavi; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Pal, Robert W.; Fletcher, Rebecca A.; Nagy, David U.; Callaway, Ragan M.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Escape from natural enemies depends on the enemies, the invader, and competition. Ecology and Evolution 10 (19), 2020, 10818-10828 more…
Paul, Carola; Hanley, Nick; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Fürst, Christine; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Knoke, Thomas: On the functional relationship between biodiversity and economic value. Science Advances 6 (5), 2020, eaax7712 more…
Eisenhauer, Nico; Bonkowski, Michael; Brose, Ulrich; Buscot, Francois; Durka, Walter; Ebeling, Anne; Fischer, Markus; Gleixner, Gerd; Heintz-Buschart, Anna; Hines, Jes; Jesch, Annette; Lange, Markus; Meyer, Sebastian; Roscher, Christiane; Scheu, Stefan; Schielzeth, Holger; Schloter, Michael; Schulz, Stefanie; Unsicker, Sybille; van Dam, Nicole M.; Weigelt, Alexandra; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wirth, Christian; Wolf, Jochen; Schmid, Bernhard: Biotic interactions, community assembly, and eco-evolutionary dynamics as drivers of long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5, 2019, e47042 more…
Eisenhauer, Nico; Schielzeth, Holger; Barnes, Andrew D.; Barry, Kathryn E.; Bonn, Aletta; Brose, Ulrich; Bruelheide, Helge; Buchmann, Nina; Buscot, François; Ebeling, Anne; Ferlian, Olga; Freschet, Grégoire T.; Giling, Darren P.; Hättenschwiler, Stephan; Hillebrand, Helmut; Hines, Jes; Isbell, Forest; Koller-France, Eva; König-Ries, Birgitta; de Kroon, Hans; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Milcu, Alexandru; Müller, Jörg; Nock, Charles A.; Petermann, Jana S.; Roscher, Christiane; Scherber, Christoph; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Schmid, Bernhard; Schnitzer, Stefan A.; Schuldt, Andreas; Tscharntke, Teja; Türke, Manfred; van Dam, Nicole M.; van der Plas, Fons; Vogel, Anja; Wagg, Cameron; Wardle, David A.; Weigelt, Alexandra; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wirth, Christian; Jochum, Malte: A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. In: Advances in Ecological Research. Elsevier, 2019 more…
Giling, Darren P.; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Roscher, Christiane; Rzanny, Michael; Voigt, Winfried; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Hines, Jes: Plant diversity alters the representation of motifs in food webs. Nature Communications 10 (1), 2019, 1226 more…
Habel, Jan C.; Rasche, Livia; Schneider, Uwe A.; Engler, Jan O.; Schmid, Erwin; Rödder, Dennis; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Trapp, Natalie; Sos del Diego, Ruth; Eggermont, Hilde; Lens, Luc; Stork, Nigel E.: Final countdown for biodiversity hotspots. Conservation Letters 12 (6), 2019, e12668 more…
Hines, Jes; Giling, Darren P.; Rzanny, Michael; Voigt, Winfried; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Eisenhauer, Nico; Ebeling, Anne: A meta food web for invertebrate species collected in a European grassland. Ecology 100 (6), 2019, e02679 more…
Manning, Peter; Loos, Jacqueline; Barnes, Andrew D.; Batáry, Péter; Bianchi, Felix J. J. A.; Buchmann, Nina; De Deyn, Gerlinde B.; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Fischer, Markus; Fründ, Jochen; Grass, Ingo; Isselstein, Johannes; Jochum, Malte; Klein, Alexandra M.; Klingenberg, Esther O. F.; Landis, Douglas A.; Lepš, Jan; Lindborg, Regina; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Temperton, Vicky M.; Westphal, Catrin; Tscharntke, Teja: Chapter Ten - Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of ‘real-world’ ecosystems. In: Eisenhauer, Nico; Bohan, David A.; Dumbrell, Alex J. (Ed.): Advances in Ecological Research. Academic Press, 2019, 323-356 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Heuss, Lisa; Feldhaar, Heike; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Gossner, Martin M.: Land-use components, abundance of predatory arthropods, and vegetation height affect predation rates in grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 270-271, 2019, 84-92 more…
Vogel, Anja; Ebeling, Anne; Gleixner, Gerd; Roscher, Christiane; Scheu, Stefan; Ciobanu, Marcel; Koller-France, Eva; Lange, Markus; Lochner, Alfred; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Oelmann, Yvonne; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Schmid, Bernhard; Eisenhauer, Nico: Chapter Seven - A new experimental approach to test why biodiversity effects strengthen as ecosystems age. Advances in Ecological Research 61, 2019, 221-264 more…
Vogel, Anja; Manning, Peter; Cadotte, Marc W.; Cowles, Jane; Isbell, Forest; Jousset, Alexandre L. C.; Kimmel, Kaitlin; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Reich, Peter B.; Roscher, Christiane; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Tilman, David; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wright, Alexandra J.; Eisenhauer, Nico; Wagg, Cameron: Chapter Three - Lost in trait space: species-poor communities are inflexible in properties that drive ecosystem functioning. Advances in Ecological Research 61, 2019, 91-131 more…
Zytynska, Sharon E.; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Effects of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes on the protective microbiome of insects – a review. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 167 (1), 2019, 2-13 more…
Craven, Dylan; Eisenhauer, Nico; Pearse, William D.; Hautier, Yann; Isbell, Forest; Roscher, Christiane; Bahn, Michael; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Bönisch, Gerhard; Buchmann, Nina; Byun, Chaeho; Catford, Jane A.; Cerabolini, Bruno E. L.; Cornelissen, J. Hans C.; Craine, Joseph M.; De Luca, Enrica; Ebeling, Anne; Griffin, John N.; Hector, Andy; Hines, Jes; Jentsch, Anke; Kattge, Jens; Kreyling, Jürgen; Lanta, Vojtech; Lemoine, Nathan; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Minden, Vanessa; Onipchenko, Vladimir; Polley, H. Wayne; Reich, Peter B.; van Ruijven, Jasper; Schamp, Brandon; Smith, Melinda D.; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.; Tilman, David; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wilsey, Brian; Manning, Peter: Multiple facets of biodiversity drive the diversity–stability relationship. Nature ecology & evolution 2 (10), 2018, 1579-1587 more…
Ebeling, A.; Rzanny, M.; Lange, M.; Eisenhauer, N.; Hertzog, L. R.; Meyer, S. T.; Weisser, W. W.: Plant diversity induces shifts in the functional structure and diversity across trophic levels. Oikos 127 (2), 2018, 208-219 more…
Ebeling, Anne; Hines, Jes; Hertzog, Lionel R.; Lange, Markus; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Simons, Nadja K.; Weisser, Wolfgang W: Plant diversity effects on arthropods and arthropod-dependent ecosystem functions in a biodiversity experiment. Basic and Applied Ecology 26, 2018, 50-63 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Ptacnik, Robert; Hillebrand, Helmut; Bessler, Holger; Buchmann, Nina; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Engels, Christof; Fischer, Markus; Halle, Stefan; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; Oelmann, Yvonne; Roscher, Christiane; Rottstock, Tanja; Scherber, Christoph; Scheu, Stefan; Schmid, Bernhard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Temperton, Vicky M.; Tscharntke, Teja; Voigt, Winfried; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Biodiversity–multifunctionality relationships depend on identity and number of measured functions. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 2018, 44-49 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Leidinger, Jan L. G.; Gossner, Martin M.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Handbook of field protocols for using REFA methods to approximate ecosystem functions - Version 1.0. 2017 more…
Egorov, Eugen; Gossner, Martin M; Meyer, Sebastian T; Weisser, Wolfgang W; Brändle, Martin: Does plant phylogenetic diversity increase invertebrate herbivory in managed grasslands? Basic and Applied Ecology 20, 2017, 40-50 more…
Hertzog, Lionel R.; Ebeling, Anne; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Plant diversity increases predation by ground-dwelling invertebrate predators. Ecosphere 8 (11), 2017, e01990 more…
Husemann, Martin; Rogers, Rebecca; Meyer, Sebastian; Habel, Jan Christian: “Publicationism” and scientists’ satisfaction depend on gender, career stage and the wider academic system. Palgrave Communications 3 (1), 2017, 1-10 more…
Leidinger, Jan L. G.; Gossner, Martin M.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Koch, Christiane; Cayllahua, Zully L. Rosadio; Podgaiski, Luciana R.; Duarte, Marcelo M.; de Araújo, Ademir S. F.; Hermann, Julia; Kollman, Johannes; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Historic and recent land use affects ecosystem functions in subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil. Ecosphere 8 (12), 2017, e02032 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Scheithe, Lukas; Hertzog, Lionel; Ebeling, Anne; Wagg, Cameron; Roscher, Christiane; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Consistent increase in herbivory along two experimental plant diversity gradients over multiple years. Ecosphere 8 (7), 2017, e01876 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Scheithe, Lukas; Hertzog, Lionel; Ebeling, Anne; Wagg, Cameron; Roscher, Christiane; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Consistent increase in herbivory along two experimental plant diversity gradients over multiple years. Ecosphere 8 (7), 2017, e01876 more…
Craven, Dylan; Isbell, Forest; Manning, Pete; Connolly, John; Bruelheide, Helge; Ebeling, Anne; Roscher, Christiane; van Ruijven, Jasper; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wilsey, Brian; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; de Luca, Enrica; Griffin, John N.; Hautier, Yann; Hector, Andy; Jentsch, Anke; Kreyling, Jürgen; Lanta, Vojtech; Loreau, Michel; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Mori, Akira S.; Naeem, Shahid; Palmborg, Cecilia; Polley, H. Wayne; Reich, Peter B.; Schmid, Bernhard; Siebenkäs, Alrun; Seabloom, Eric; Thakur, Madhav P.; Tilman, David; Vogel, Anja; Eisenhauer, Nico: Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 (1694), 2016, 20150277 more…
Hertzog, Lionel R.; Ebeling, Anne; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Eisenhauer, Nico; Fischer, Christine; Hildebrandt, Anke; Wagg, Cameron; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: High Survival of Lasius niger during Summer Flooding in a European Grassland. PloS One 11 (11), 2016, e0152777 more…
Hertzog, Lionel R.; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Ebeling, Anne: Experimental Manipulation of Grassland Plant Diversity Induces Complex Shifts in Aboveground Arthropod Diversity. PLoS One 11 (2), 2016, e0148768 more…
Koch, C.; Conradi, T.; Gossner, M. M.; Hermann, J. M.; Leidinger, J.; Meyer, S. T.; Overbeck, G. E.; Weisser, W. W.; Kollmann, J.: Management intensity and temporary conversion to other land-use types affect plant diversity and species composition of subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil. Applied Vegetation Science 19 (4), 2016, 589-599 more…
Kollmann, J.; Meyer, S. T.; Bateman, R.; Conradi, T.; Gossner, M. M.; de Souza Mendonca, M.; Fernandes, G. W.; Hermann, J. M.; Koch, C.; Muller, S. C.; Oki, Y.; Overbeck, G. E.; Paterno, G. B.; Rosenfield, M. F.; Toma, T. S. P.; Weisser, W. W.: Integrating ecosystem functions into restoration ecologyrecent advances and future directions. Restoration Ecology 24 (6), 2016, 722-730 more…
Lefcheck, Jonathan S.; Brandl, Simon J.; Reynolds, Pamela L.; Smyth, Ashley R; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Extending Rapid Ecosystem Fuction Assessments to Marine Ecosystems: A Reply to Meyer. Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (4), 2016, 251-253 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Hertzog, Lionel; Hillebrand, Helmut; Milcu, Alexandru; Pompe, Sven; Abbas, Maike; Bessler, Holger; Buchmann, Nina; De Luca, Enrica; Engels, Christof; Fischer, Markus; Gleixner, Gerd; Hudewenz, Anika; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; de Kroon, Hans; Leimer, Sophia; Loranger, Hannah; Mommer, Liesje; Oelmann, Yvonne; Ravenek, Janneke M.; Roscher, Christiane; Rottstock, Tanja; Scherber, Christoph; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Scheu, Stefan; Schmid, Bernhard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Staudler, Andrea; Strecker, Tanja; Temperton, Vicky; Tscharntke, Teja; Vogel, Anja; Voigt, Winfried; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Effects of biodiversity strengthen over time as ecosystem functioning declines at low and increases at high biodiversity. Ecosphere 7 (12), 2016, e01619-n/a more…
Schroeder‐Georgi, Thomas; Wirth, Christian; Nadrowski, Karin; Meyer, Sebastian T; Mommer, Liesje; Weigelt, Alexandra: From pots to plots: Hierarchical trait‐based prediction of plant performance in a mesic grassland. Journal of Ecology 104, 2016, 206-218 more…
Zytynska, Sharon E.; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Sturm, Sarah; Ullmann, Wiebke; Mehrparvar, Mohsen; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Secondary bacterial symbiont community in aphids responds to plant diversity. Oecologia 180 (3), 2016, 735-747 more…
Isbell, Forest; Craven, Dylan; Connolly, John; Loreau, Michel; Schmid, Bernhard; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Bonin, Catherine; Bruelheide, Helge; de Luca, Enrica; Ebeling, Anne; Griffin, John N.; Guo, Qinfeng; Hautier, Yann; Hector, Andy; Jentsch, Anke; Kreyling, Jurgen; Lanta, Vojtech; Manning, Pete; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Mori, Akira S.; Naeem, Shahid; Niklaus, Pascal A.; Polley, H. Wayne; Reich, Peter B.; Roscher, Christiane; Seabloom, Eric W.; Smith, Melinda D.; Thakur, Madhav P.; Tilman, David; Tracy, Benjamin F.; van der Putten, Wim H.; van Ruijven, Jasper; Weigelt, Alexandra; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wilsey, Brian; Eisenhauer, Nico: Biodiversity increases the resistance of ecosystem productivity to climate extremes. Nature 526 (7574), 2015, 574-577 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Koch, Christiane; Weisser, Woflgang W.: Towards a standardized Rapid Ecosystem Function Assessment (REFA). Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (7), 2015, 390-397 more…
Overbeck, Gerhard E.; Vélez-Martin, Eduardo; Scarano, Fabio R.; Lewinsohn, Thomas M.; Fonseca, Carlos R.; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Müller, Sandra C.; Ceotto, Paula; Dadalt, Letícia; Durigan, Giselda; Ganade, Gislene; Gossner, Martin M.; Guadagnin, Demetrio L.; Lorenzen, Katrin; Jacobi, Claudia M.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Pillar, Valério D.: Conservation in Brazil needs to include non-forest ecosystems. Diversity and Distributions 21 (12), 2015, 1455-1460 more…
Stephan, J. G.; Wirth, R.; Leal, I. R.; Meyer, S. T.: Spatially Heterogeneous Nest-Clearing Behavior Coincides with Rain Event in the Leaf-Cutting Ant Atta cephalotes (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Neotropical Entomology 44 (2), 2015, 123-128 more…
Ebeling, Anne; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Abbas, Maike; Eisenhauer, Nico; Hillebrand, Helmut; Lange, Markus; Scherber, Christoph; Vogel, Anja; Weigelt, Alexandra; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Plant Diversity Impacts Decomposition and Herbivory via Changes in Aboveground Arthropods. PLoS One 9 (9), 2014, e106529 more…
Gossner, Martin M.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Meyer, Sebastian T.: Invertebrate herbivory decreases along a gradient of increasing land-use intensity in German grasslands. Basic and Applied Ecology 15 (4), 2014, 347-352 more…
Loranger, Hannah; Weisser, Wolfgang W; Ebeling, Anne; Eggers, Till; De Luca, Enrica; Loranger, Jessy; Roscher, Christiane; Meyer, SebastianT: Invertebrate herbivory increases along an experimental gradient of grassland plant diversity. Oecologia 174 (1), 2014, 183-193 more…
Mahdavi-Arab, Nafiseh; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Mehrparvar, Mohsen; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Complex Effects of Fertilization on Plant and Herbivore Performance in the Presence of a Plant Competitor and Activated Carbon. PLoS One 9 (7), 2014, e103731 more…
Turcotte, Martin M.; Thomsen, Christina J. M.; Broadhead, Geoffrey T.; Fine, Paul V. A.; Godfrey, Ryan M.; Lamarre, Greg P. A.; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Richards, Lora A.; Johnson, Marc T. J.: Percentage leaf herbivory across vascular plant species. Ecology 95 (3), 2014, 788-788 more…
Allan, Eric; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Fischer, Markus; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weigelt, Alexandra; Roscher, Christiane; Baade, Jussi; Barnard, Romain L.; Beßler, Holger; Buchmann, Nina; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Engels, Christof; Fergus, Alexander J. F.; Gleixner, Gerd; Gubsch, Marlén; Halle, Stefan; Klein, Alexandra M.; Kertscher, Ilona; Kuu, Annely; Lange, Markus; Roux, Xavier; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Migunova, Varvara D.; Milcu, Alexandru; Niklaus, Pascal A.; Oelmann, Yvonne; Pašalić, Esther; Petermann, Jana S.; Poly, Franck; Rottstock, Tanja; Sabais, Alexander C. W.; Scherber, Christoph; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Scheu, Stefan; Steinbeiss, Sibylle; Schwichtenberg, Guido; Temperton, Vicky; Tscharntke, Teja; Voigt, Winfried; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Wirth, Christian; Schmid, Bernhard: A comparison of the strength of biodiversity effects across multiple functions. Oecologia 173 (1), 2013, 223-237 more…
Gassert, Franz; Schulte, Ulrich; Husemann, Martin; Ulrich, Werner; Rödder, Dennis; Hochkirch, Axel; Engel, Edmée; Meyer, J.; Habel, Jan Christian: From southern refugia to the northern range margin: genetic population structure of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Journal of Biogeography 40 (8), 2013, 1475-1489 more…
Habel, J. C.; Gossner, M. M.; Meyer, S. T.; Eggermont, Hilde; Lens, Luc; Dengler, Jürgen; Weisser, W. W: Mind the gaps when using science to address conservation concerns. Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (10), 2013, 2413-2427 more…
Habel, Jan Christian; Cox, Siobhan; Gassert, Franz; Mulwa, Ronald K.; Meyer, Jobst; Lens, Luc: Population genetics of the East African White-eye species complex. Conservation Genetics 14 (5), 2013, 1019-1028 more…
Loranger, Jessy; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Shipley, Bill; Kattge, Jens; Loranger, Hannah; Roscher, Christiane; Wirth, Christian; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Predicting invertebrate herbivory from plant traits: polycultures show strong non-additive effects. Ecology 94 (7), 2013, 1499-1509 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Neubauer, Meike; Sayer, Emma J.; Leal, Inara R.; Tabarelli, Marcelo; Wirth, Rainer: Leaf-cutting ants as ecosystem engineers: topsoil and litter perturbations around Atta cephalotes nests reduce nutrient availability. Ecological Entomology 38 (5), 2013, 497-504 more…
Milcu, A.; Allan, E.; Roscher, C.; Jenkins, T.; Meyer, S. T.; Flynn, D. F. B.; Bessler, H.; Buscot, F.; Engels, C.; Gubsch, M.; König, S.; Lipowsky, A.; Loranger, J.; Renker, C.; Scherber, C.; Schmid, B.; Thébault, E.; Wubet, T.; Weisser, W. W.; Scheu, S.; Eisenhauer, N.: Functionally and phylogenetically diverse plant communities key to soil biota. Ecology 94 (8), 2013, 1878–1885 more…
Overbeck, G. E.; Hermann, J.-M.; Andrade, B. O.; Boldrini, I. I.; Kiehl, K.; Kirmer, A.; Koch, C.; Kollmann, J.; Meyer, S. T.; Müller, S. C.; Nabinger, C.; Pilger, G.; Trindade, J. P. P.; Vélez, E.; Walker, E.; Zimmermann, D. G.; Pillar, V. D.: Restoration ecology in Brazil – time to step out of the forest;Ecologia de restauração no Brasil – mais do que plantar árvores? Sociedade & Natureza 11 (1), 2013, 92-95 more…
Loranger, J.; Meyer, S. T.; Shipley, B.; Kattge, J.; Loranger, H.; Roscher, C.; Weisser, W. W.: Predicting invertebrate herbivory from plant traits: evidence from 51 grassland species in experimental monocultures. Ecology 93 (12), 2012, 2674-2682 more…
Ribeiro Neto, José Domingos; Pinho, Bruno Ximenes; Meyer, Sebastian Tobias; Wirth, Rainer; Leal, Inara Roberta: Drought stress drives intraspecific choice of food plants by Atta leaf-cutting ants. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 144 (2), 2012, 209-215 more…
Dohm, C.; Leal, I. R.; Tabarelli, M.; Meyer, S. T.; Wirth, R.: Leaf-cutting ants proliferate in the Amazon: an expected response to forest edge? Journal of Tropical Ecology 27 (6), 2011, 645-649 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Leal, Inara R.; Tabarelli, Marcelo; Wirth, Rainer: Ecosystem engineering by leaf-cutting ants: nests of Atta cephalotes drastically alter forest structure and microclimate. Ecological Entomology 36 (1), 2011, 14-24 more…
Meyer, Sebastian T.; Leal, Inara R.; Tabarelli, Marcelo; Wirth, Rainer: Performance and fate of tree seedlings on and around nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta cephalotes: Ecological filters in a fragmented forest. Austral Ecology 36 (7), 2011, 779-790 more…
Meyer, S. T.; Leal, I. R.; Wirth, R.: Persisting hyper-abundance of leaf-cutting ants (Atta spp.) at the edge of an old Atlantic Forest fragment. Biotropica 41 (6), 2009, 711-716 more…
Wirth, R.; Meyer, S. T.; Leal, I. R.; Tabarelli, M.: Plant-herbivore interactions at the forest edge. Progress in Botany 69, 2008, 423-448 more…
Wirth, Rainer; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Almeida, Walkiria R.; Araújo, Manoel Vieira; Barbosa, Veralucia S.; Leal, Inara R.: Increasing densities of leaf-cutting ants (Atta spp.) with proximity to the edge in a Brazilian Atlantic forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23 (4), 2007, 501-505 more…
MEYER, S. T.; ROCES, F.; WIRTH, R.: Selecting the drought stressed: effects of plant stress on intraspecific and within-plant herbivory patterns of the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica. Functional Ecology 20 (6), 2006, 973-981 more…