Research Staff (Postdoc)
Dr. Aaron Sexton
PhD in Biology; Evolution, Ecology and Behavioral Biology
Topics: urban ecology, insect ecology, plant-insect interactions, urbanisation

Reasearch Staff (Postdoc)
Dr. Elie Hanna
PhD in Urban Green Infrastructure Planning
Project: “CitySoundscapes”
Topics: Green Infrastructure, Urban Planning, Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Development, Climate Change.

Research Assistant
Theresia Endriß
Environmental Planning and Engineering Ecology (TUM)
Topics: Conservation Ecology & Biodiversity Sciences; Education for Sustainable Development; Social-Ecological Transformation

Research Assistant
David Schoo
Project: ‘BioDivHubs’
Topics: geography, market gardening, biodiversity, spatial tools and interdisciplinary research

Research Staff
Leonie Schulz
Projects: “CitySoundscapes”, “Concepts and Evalutation of Outside Education in Germany”

Stefanie Burger
Project: Urban oases in climate change
Topics: health co-benefits of nature-based solutions; mixed method approaches; participatory methods; science-policy interfaces

Astrid Neumann
Project: Forschen für Wildbienen
Topics: Urban Ecology; Conservation; Ornithology; Pollinators; Citizen Science

Lauren Porter
Project: DFG RTG UGI
Topics: Urban soils for sustainable drainage systems; horticulture

Birgit Probst
Project: StOasenWandel & CitySoundscapes
Topics: Nature perception and experience from an environmental psychology perspective

Gaya ten Kate
Project: CityBees
Main supervisor: Chair for Plant-Insect-Interactions
Topics:plant ecology; plant-insect interactions; climate change; urban ecology

Alexandra (Alex) Zink
Project: CityBees
Co-supervision: Professorship for Plant-Insect-Interactions
Topics: Pollinator ecology; plant-insect interactions; urban ecology

Flora Heckner
Ecological Engineering MSc (TUM)
Topics: CitySoundscapes; urban planning; science communication

Sebastian Speth
Computer Science (TUM)
Topics: Website development and support; App Development; Citizen Science

Dr. Joan Casanelles Abella
Project: BioDiverCities; SNF Postdoc Fellow
Topics: Urban ecology, biodiversity, interactions between species, biogeography and conservation biology

Dr. Susanne Raum
Marie-Curie Fellow
Topics: Urban Green; Societal Perceptions; Forest Policy; Governance; Ecosystem Services
UPE Alumni
Graduated Masters students:
Carolina Achilles, Tobias Bahlmann, Jorge Alberto Benitez, Claudio Caci, Yannik Hecher, Michael Hemauer, Ying Huang, Christian Lanfranchi, Julia Felderhoff, Hien Nguyen, Janine Opitz, Alejandra Orenday Valderrama, Veronica Sebald
Graduated Bachelors students:
Bigna Lu Abderhalden, Anne Behrens, Phoebe Koppendorfer, Denis Mandic, Ilja Schoenheinz, Vanessa Zahl
Dr. Julia Schmack
Research assistants:
Felix Conitz, Michael Hemauer, Christian Lanfranchi, Christian Leib, Hien Nguyen, Nina Schäle, Veronica Sebald