Peer-reviewed publications
(bold text = UPE-affiliated Postdoc, PhD or MSc-Student)
Sexton AN, Conitz F, Karlebowski S, Neumann AE, Schmack JM, Sturm U, & Egerer M. (2025). Urban pollinator communities are structured by local-scale garden features, not landscape context. Landscape Ecology, 40(3), 50.
Helmreich B, Deeb M, Eben P, Egerer M, Kollmann J, Schulz S, ... & Schloter M. (2025). Converting infiltration swales to sustainable urban drainage systems can improve water management and biodiversity. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, 1524239.
Casanelles-Abella J & Egerer M. (2025). The ecology of future cities. Basic and Applied Ecology.
Opitz J & Egerer M. (2025). Cultivating nut tree species in urban community gardens in Germany: motivations, challenges, and opportunities. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 40, e3.
Tsang TP, De Santis, AA., Armas‐Quiñonez, G., Ascher, J. S., Ávila‐Gómez, E. S., Báldi, A., ... & Bonebrake, T. C. (2025). Land use change consistently reduces α‐but not β‐and γ‐diversity of bees. Global Change Biology, 31(1), e70006.
Tomatis F*, Egerer M, & Navas-Gracia LM. (2024). Evaluating Food Production, Cooling Potential, and Gardener Perspectives in Urban Allotment Gardens of Valladolid, Spain. Horticulturae, 10(11), 1232.
Lin BB, Bichier P, Liere H, Egerer M, Philpott S, Jha S. (2024) Community gardens support high levels of food production, but benefit distribution is uneven across the gardener community. Sustainability Science.
Arzberger S.*, Egerer M., Suda M., & Annighöfer P. (2024). Thermal regulation potential of urban green spaces in a changing climate: winter insights. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 128488.
Egerer M, Karlebowski S, Schoo D, & Sturm U. (2024). Growing gardens into neighborhoods through transdisciplinary research. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 128481.
Raum S*, Hossu CA, Lupp G, Pauleit S, & Egerer M. (2024). Stakeholder exposure to and knowledge of tree pests and diseases and their management in urban areas. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 128456.
Deeb M, Egerer M. (2024) The Importance of Soil and its Organisms in the City. Frontiers for Young Minds,
Neumann AE, Conitz F, Karlebowski S., Sturm, U., Schmack JM, & Egerer M. (2024). Flower richness is key to pollinator abundance: the role of garden features in cities. Basic and Applied Ecology.
Egerer M, Schmack JM, Vega K, Barona CO., & Raum S. (2024) The challenges of urban street trees and how to overcome them. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 6, 1394056.
Probst BM, Toraño Caicoya A., Hilmers T, Ramisch K., Snäll T., Stoltz J., Grahn P., & Suda,M. (2024). How forests may support psychological restoration: Modelling forest characteristics based on perceptions of forestry experts and the general public. People and Nature, 00, 1–19.
Egerer M, Sturm S. (2024) Gemeinschaftsgärte als Orte der Biodiversität in der Stadt. In: Baier, A., Müller, C., & Werner, K. (Eds.). (2024). Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft: Urbane Gärten als Orte der Transformation (Vol. 11). transcript Verlag.
Casanelles-Abella J, Pellissier L, Aleixo C, Orti MA, Chiron F, Deguines N. et al. (2024) Urban intensity gradients shape community structure,life-history traits and performance in a multitrophic system. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 17(2), 243–258. Available from:
Egerer M, Karlebowski S, Conitz F*, Neumann AE*, Schmack JM*, Sturm U. (2024) In defense of urban community gardens. People and Nature.
Egerer M, Annighöfer P, Arzberger S, Burger S*, Hecher Y*, Knill V, Probst B*, Suda M. (2024) Urban oases: the social-ecological importance of small urban green spaces. Ecosystems and People.
Schmack JM, Egerer M, Karlebowski S, Neumann AE, Sturm U. (2024) Overlooked and misunderstood: how urban community gardeners perceive social wasps and their ecosystem functions. Journal of Insect Conservation.
Nguyen H, Schmack JM, Egerer M. (2023) Drivers of cultivated and wild plant pollination in urban agroecosystems. Basic and Applied Ecology.
Kingsley J, Donati K, Litt J, Shimpo N, Blythe C, Vávra J…Egerer M, Marsh, Byrne J. (2023) Pandemic gardening: A narrative review, vignettes and implications for future research. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.
Sebald V, Schmack J, Egerer M. (2023) Occurrence and diversity of poisonous plants in urban community gardens. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 38.
Egerer M. & Suda M. (2023) Designing “Tiny Forests” as a lesson for transdisciplinary urban ecology learning. Urban Ecosystems.
Clarke M, Wallace C, Cadaval S, Anderson E, Egerer M, Dinkins L, Platero R. (2023) Factors that enhance or hinder social cohesion in urban greenspaces: A literature review. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening.
Jha S, Egerer M, Bichier P, Cohen H, Liere H, Lin B, et al. (2023) Multiple ecosystem service synergies and landscape mediation of biodiversity within urban agroecosystems. Ecology Letters.
Schmack JM & Egerer M (2022) Floral richness and seasonality influences bee and non-bee flower interactions in urban community gardens. Urban Ecosystems.
Felderhoff J, Gathof A, Buchholz S, Egerer M. (2022) Vegetation complexity and nesting resource availability predict bee diversity and functional traits in community gardens. Ecological Applications.
Egerer M & Philpott S (2022) ‘Tidy’ and ‘messy’ management alters natural enemy communities and pest control in urban agroecosystems. PLoS One 17: e0274122.
Straka TM, Bach L, Klisch U, Egerer M, Fischer LK, Kowarik I. (2022) Beyond values: how emotions, anthropomorphism, beliefs and knowledge relate to the acceptability of native and non-native species management in cities. People and Nature. 1-15. doi:10.1002/pan3.10398
Ong TW, Lin BB, Lucatero A, Cohen H, Bichier P, Egerer M, ... & Liere H. (2022). Rarity begets rarity: Social and environmental drivers of rare organisms in cities. Ecological Applications. 776-780. doi: 10.1002/eap.2708
Egerer M (2022) Bee discovery suggests the importance of urban gardens in a changing world. Renew Agric Food Syst 1–4. doi: 10.1017/S1742170522000199
Kingsley J, Diekmann L, Egerer M, Lin BB, Ossola A, & Marsh P. (2022). Experiences of gardening during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health & Place, 102854.
McMunn M, Hudson AI, Zemenick AT, Egerer M, Bennett L, Philpott SM, Vannette RL (2022) Thermal sensitivity and seasonal change in the gut microbiome of a desert ant, Cephalotes rohweri, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98, 7
Wagner & Egerer M (2022) Application of UAV remote sensing and machine learning to model and map land use in urban gardens. Journal of Urban Ecology 1–12.
Korányi D, Egerer M, Rusch A, et al (2022) Urbanization hampers biological control of insect pests: A global meta-analysis. Sci Total Environ 834:155396. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155396
Nolte AC, Buchholz S, Pernat N, Egerer M (2022) Temporal Temperature Variation in Urban Gardens Is Mediated by Local and Landscape Land Cover and Is Linked to Environmental Justice. Front Sustain Food Syst 6:1–11. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.826437
Seitz B, Buchholz S, Kowarik I, …Egerer M. (2022) Land sharing between cultivated and wild plants: urban gardens as hotspots for plant diversity in cities. Urban Ecosystems. doi: 10.1007/s11252-021-01198-0
Egerer M, Lin BB, Kingsley J, Marsh P, Diekmann L, Ossola A. (2022) Gardening can relieve human stress and boost nature connection during the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 68.
Cohen H, Egerer M, Thomas SS, Philpott S. (2021) Floral resources in urban landscapes constrain the trait and taxonomic diversity of wild bees. Landscape Ecology.
Lin B, Egerer M, Kingsley J, Marsh P, Diekmann L, Ossola A. (2021) COVID-19 gardening may plant the seeds for a greener, healthier future. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.19:491–493.
Sturm U, Straka TM, Moormann A, Egerer M. (2021) Fascination and Joy: Emotions Predict Urban Gardeners’ Pro-Pollinator Behaviour. Insects 12, 785.
Marsh P, Diekmann, LO, Egerer M, Lin B, Ossola A, Kingsley J. (2021) Where birds felt louder: The garden as a refuge during COVID-19. Wellbeing, Sp. Soc. 2: 100055.
Egerer M & Buchholz S. (2021) Reframing urban “wildlife” to promote inclusive conservation science and practice. Biodiversity Conservation 30(7).
Zimmerer KS, Bell MG, Chirisa I, Duvall CS, Egerer M, Hung P, Lerner AM, Shackleton C, Ward JD, Yacamán Ochoa C. (2021) Grand Challenges in Urban Agriculture: Ecological and Social Approaches to Transformative Sustainability. Front. Sustain. Food Systems 5: 1–8
Egerer M, Haase D, McPhearson T, Frantzeskaki N, Andersson E, Nagendra H, Ossola A. (2021) Urban change as an untapped opportunity for climate adaptation. npj Urban Sustainability 1:22.
Kingsley J, Egerer M, Nuttman S, et al. (2021) Urban agriculture as a nature-based solution to address socio-ecological challenges in Australian cities. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 60: 127059.
Egerer M & Anderson E. (2020) Social-ecological connectivity to understand ecosystem service provision across networks in urban landscapes. Land 9(12)
Kendal D, Egerer M, Byrne J, Jones, P, Marsh P, Threlfall C, Allegretto G, Kaplan H, Nguyen C, Pearson S, Wright A, Flies E. (2020) City-size bias in knowledge on the effects of natural urban environments on people and biodiversity, Environmental Research Letters 15(12)
Egerer M & Kowarik I. (2020) Confronting the modern Gordian Knot of urban beekeeping, Trends in Ecology and Evolution 1-4.
Featured in WIRED:
Philpott SM, Egerer M, Bichier P, Cohen H, Cohen R, Liere H, Jha S, Lin BB. (2020) Gardener demographics, experience, and motivations drive differences in plant species richness and composition in urban gardens, Ecology and Society 25(4)
Liere H, Egerer M, Sanchez C, Bichier P, Philpott SM (2020) Social context influence on urban gardener perceptions of pests and management practices. Front Sustain Food Syst 4:162. doi: 10.3389/FSUFS.2020.547877
Philpott SM, Lucatero A, Bichier P, Egerer M, Jha S, Lin BB, Liere H. (2020) Changes in natural enemy-herbivore networks along local and landscape gradients in urban agroecosystems, Ecological Applications 0: 1-13.
Egerer M, Lin BB, Diekmann L. (2020) Nature connection, experience and policy encourage and maintain adaptation to drought in urban agriculture, Environmental Research Communications 2: 1-12.
Egerer M, Liere H, Lucatero A, Philpott SM. (2020) Plant damage in urban agroecosystems varies with local and landscape factors, Ecosphere 11(3): 1-19.
Egerer M, Fouch N, Anderson EC, and Clarke M. (2020) Socio-ecological connectivity differs in magnitude and direction across urban landscapes, Scientific Reports 10: 1-16.
Egerer M, Wagner B, Lin BB, Kendal D and Zhu K. (2020) New methods of spatial analysis in urban gardens inform future vegetation surveying, Landscape Ecology 1: 1-18.
Egerer M, Cecala JM and Cohen H. (2020) Wild bee conservation within urban gardens and nurseries: effects of local and landscape management, Sustainability 12: 1-10.
Lin BB & Egerer M. (2020) Global social and environmental change drives the management and delivery of ecosystem services from urban gardens: a case study from Central Coast, California, Global Environmental Change 60: 1-10.
Egerer M, Ordoñez C, Lin BB, Kendal D. (2019) Multicultural gardeners and park users benefit from and attach diverse values to urban nature spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 46:1–14.
Liere H, Egerer M, Philpott SM. (2019) Environmental and spatial filtering of ladybird beetle community composition and functional traits in urban landscapes, Journal of Urban Ecology 5(1): 1-12.
Egerer M, Lin BB, Kendal D. (2019) Towards better species identification processes between scientists and community participants, Science of the Total Environment 694: 133738
Anderson EC, Egerer M, Fouch N, Clarke M, Davidson MJ. (2019) Growing local on the landscape: assessing patterns of community garden topology within and between Baltimore, Chicago, and New York City (USA), Urban Ecosystems 22(4): 671–681.
Philpott S, Albuquerque S, Bichier P, Cohen H, Egerer M, Kirk C, Kipling W. (2019) Local and landscape drivers of carabid activity, species richness, and traits in urban gardens, Insects 10(112): 1-14.
Egerer M, Lin BB, Kendal D. (2019) Temperature variability differs in urban agroecosystems across two metropolitan regions, Climate 7(50): 1-18.
Lin BB, Egerer M, Ossola A. (2018) Urban gardens as a place to engender biophilia: Evidence and ways forward, Frontiers in the Built Environment 4(79): 1-10.
Ossola A, Egerer M, Lin BB, Setala HM, Rook G. (2018) Lost food narratives to promote human health in cities. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16(10): 560-562.
Egerer M, Lin BB, Philpott S. (2018) Water use behavior, learning and adaptation to future change in urban gardens. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2(71): 1-14.
Lin BB, Egerer M, Liere H, Jha S, Philpott SM. (2018) Soil management is key to maintaining soil moisture in urban gardens facing changing climatic conditions, Scientific Reports 8(1): 17565.
Shellabarger R, Voss R, Egerer M, Chiang S. (2018) Challenging the urban-rural dichotomy in agri-food systems, Agriculture and Human Values 00: 1-13.
Glowa KM, Egerer M, Jones V. (2018) Agroecologies of displacement: a study of land access, dislocation, and migration in relation to sustainable food production in the Beach Flats Community Garden, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 00: 1–24.
Egerer M, Lin BB, Threlfall CG, Kendal D. (2018) Temperature variability influences urban garden plant richness and gardener water use behavior, but not planting decisions, Science of The Total Environment. 646: 111-120.
Egerer M & Fairbairn M. (2018) Gated gardens: Effects of urbanization on community formation and commons management in community gardens, Geoforum 96: 61-69.
Egerer M, Li K, Ong TYW. (2018) Context matters: contrasting ladybird beetle responses to urban environments across two US regions, Sustainability 10: 1–17.
Egerer M, Liere H, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2018) Cityscape quality and resource manipulation affect natural enemy biodiversity in and fidelity to urban agroecosystems, Landscape Ecology 33(6): 985-998.
Egerer M, Liere H, Lin B, Jha S, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2018) Herbivore regulation in urban agroecosystems: direct and indirect effects, Basic and Applied Ecology 29: 44-54.
Egerer M, Ossola A, Lin B. (2018) Creating socio-ecological novelty in urban agro-ecosystems from the ground up, BioScience 68: 25-34.
Egerer M, Fricke E, Rogers H. (2018) Seed dispersal as an ecosystem service: Frugivore loss leads to decline of socially valued plant, Ecological Applications 28(3): 655-667. Featured in Massive Science:
Egerer M, Philpott SM, Bichier P, Jha S, Liere H, Lin BB. (2018) Gardener well-being along social and biophysical landscape gradients, Sustainability 10(96): 1–14.
Egerer M, Philpott SM, Liere H, Jha S, Bichier P, Lin BB. (2018) People or place? Neighborhood opportunity influences community garden soil properties and soil-based ecosystem services, Int. J. Biodivers. Sci. Ecosyst. Serv. Manag. 14: 32–44.
Coelho FC, Coelho EM, and Egerer M. (2018) Local food: benefits and failings due to modern agriculture, Scientia Agricola 75(1): 84–94.
Lin BB, Egerer M, Liere H, Jha S, Bichier P, Philpott SM. (2018) Local- and landscape-scale land cover affects microclimate and water use in urban gardens, Science of The Total Environment 610: 570–575.
Egerer M, Arel C, Otoshi M, Quistberg R, Bichier P, Philpott S. (2017) Urban arthropods respond variably to changes in landscape context and spatial scale, Journal of Urban Ecology 3(1): 1-10.
Crunchant AS, Egerer M, Zuberbühler K, Corogenes K, Leinert V, Kühl H. (2017) The application and potential of biometric software to generate baseline occurrence estimates in chimpanzee communities, American Journal of Primatology 79(3): 1-12.
Egerer M, Bichier P, Philpott S. (2017) Landscape and local habitat correlates of lady beetle abundance and species richness in urban agriculture, Annals of the Entomological Society of America 110(1): 97-103.
Review articles
Raum S, Collins T, Urquhart J, Potter C, Pauleit S, Egerer M. (2022) Tree insect pests and pathogens: a global systematic review of their impacts in urban settings. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening.
Egerer M & Lin BB. (2022) Balancing urban agriculture with sustaining ecosystem services. CABI Reviews. doi: 10.1079/cabireviews202217003
Buchholz S & Egerer M. (2020) Functional ecology of wild bees in cities: what we know about trait-urbanization relationships, Biodiversity and Conservation 1-23.
Clarke M, Davidson MJ, Egerer M, Anderson EC, Fouch N. (2019) The underutilized role of community gardens in improving cities’ adaptation to climate change: a review, People, Place and Policy 12(3): 241-251.
Arnold JE, Egerer M, Daane KM. (2019) Local and landscape effects to biological controls in urban agriculture - A review, Insects 10: 1–10.
Books and book chapters
Kingsley J & Egerer M. Crisis gardening: A global perspective. CRC Press (in progress)
Kendal D, Minor E & Egerer M. (2023). People's Decisions Shape Urban Habitats. In Routledge Handbook of Urban Biodiversity (pp. 111-126). Routledge.
Egerer M & Cohen H. (2020) Urban Agroecology: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Science, Practice, and Movement. CRC Press
Liere H & Egerer M (2020) Ecology of Insects and Other Arthropods in Urban Agroecosystems, In: Nature and Challenges of Urban Ecology. Editor: Pedro Barbosa. CABI Books
Lin BB & Egerer M (2017) Urban agriculture: an opportunity for biodiversity and food provision in urban landscapes, In: Urban Biodiversity: From Research to Practice. Editors: Alessandro Ossola and Jari Niemelä. Taylor & Francis/Routledge, London, UK.