BoLtFire Dataset
Brittany Engle and Cornelius Senf
The BoLtFire dataset includes 6,902 lightning-ignited wildfires across the boreal biome from 2012- 2022 (4,201 in Eurasia and 2,701 in North America).
The layers included in this dataset are: FireID, StartDate, EndDate, FireYdear, AreaHa (burned area), ClassSize, BiomeName, EcoBiome, EcoName, EcoID, Realm, LCDN (Land cover number), LCName (land cover name), Country, Continent, HoldoverD (days), HoldoverRD (holdover rounded), IgnLat (Ignition location Latitude), IgnLong (Ignition Location Longitude), DisPol (Distance of the ignition location to the fire perimeter if it is located outside the polygon), and PerCheck (designates if the ignition location is within the fire perimeter or oustide the perimeter).
Link to dataset:
Engle, B., Bratoev, I., Crowley, M., Zhu, Y., & Senf, C. (2025). Distribution and Characteristics of Lightning-Ignited Wildfires in Boreal Forests - the BoLtFire database [Data set]. Zenodo.
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