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- What do people know? Ecosystem services, public perception, and sustainable management of urban park trees in London, UK. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019 mehr…
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- Comparing the infiltration potentials of soils beneath the canopies of two contrasting urban tree species. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 38, 2019, 22-32 mehr…
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- Untersuchungen zur Trockenheitsverträglichkeit von Stadtbäumen (Studies on the drought resistance of urban trees). In: Jahrbuch der Baumpflege 2017. , 2017, 137-154 mehr…
- Was Stadtbäume leisten. Deutsche Baumschule 37 (4), 2017 mehr…
- Climate-Smart Soil Management in Semiarid Regions. In: Soil Management and Climate Change – Effects on Organic Carbon, Nitrogen Dynamics and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Elsevier, 2017, 349-368. mehr…
- Greening cities – To be socially inclusive? About the alleged paradox of society and ecology in cities. Habitat International 64, 2017, 41-48 mehr…
- Observatree: Key Lessons. Qualitative Study of the ‘Observatree’ Citizen Science Project. 2017 mehr…
- Planning multifunctional green infrastructure for compact cities: What is the state of practice? Ecological Indicators, 2017 mehr…
- Urbane Grüne Infrastruktur. Grundlage für attraktive und zukunftsfähige StädteHinweise für die kommunale Praxis. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 2017 mehr…
- Vom Weißbuch Stadtgrün zum Praxisleitfaden „Urbane Grüne Infrastruktur“. Grüne Infrastruktur sozialverträglich, gesundheitsfördernd und klimawirksam entwickeln. Inhalte, strategische Schritte, Umsetzungs- und Fördermöglichkeiten. (Vortrag / bdla Tagung Landschaft + Planung 2017: Stadt und Landschaft – zukunftsfähig und rechtssicher planen) 2017 mehr…
- Vom Weißbuch Stadtgrün zum Praxisleitfaden „Urbane Grüne Infrastruktur“. Grüne Infrastruktur sozialverträglich, gesundheitsfördernd und klimawirksam entwickeln. Inhalte, strategische Schritte, Umsetzungs- und Fördermöglichkeiten. (Vortrag / bdla Tagung Landschaft + Planung 2017: Stadt und Landschaft – zukunftsfähig und rechtssicher planen.) 2017 mehr…
- Risk assessment within agricultural production: soil conservation strategies and its environmental and economic aspects – a case study for Bavaria. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 13 (1), 2017, 1-20 mehr…
- Agroforst-Standardtypen und deren Wahrnehmung – erste Ergebnisse. , Hrsg.: Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, IKMZ - Universitätsbibliothek, 2017, mehr…
- Agroforst-Standardtypen und deren Wahrnehmung – erste Ergebnisse. In: Bäume in der Land(wirt)schaft – von der Theorie in die Praxis. Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, IKMZ – Universitätsbibliothek, 2017 mehr…
- Promoting and hindering factors for the implementation of agroforestry systems in Germany. In: IUFRO – Interconnecting forests, science and people, Proceedings of the 125th IUFRO Conference 2017. Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt (FVA) Baden-Württemberg, 2017 mehr…
- Promoting and hindering factors for the implementation of agroforestry systems in Germany. IUFRO – Interconnecting forests, science and people, Proceedings of the 125th IUFRO Conference 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Agroforstforum … Quo vadis? Akteurszusammensetzung der deutschen Agroforstwirtschaft. 1. Erfurter Tagung Schnellwachsende Baumarten: Etablierung, Management und Verwertung, 2017, 82-83 mehr…
- Risk assessment within agricultural production: soil conservation strategies and its environmental and economic aspects - a case study for Bavaria. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 13 (1), 2017, 1 mehr…
- Strategic green infrastructure planning and urban forestry. In: Routledge Handbook of Urban Forestry. Routledge, 2017, 179-193 mehr…
- Management urbaner Wälder zwischen Ansprüchen der Gesellschaft und Besitzerzielen. Schweizer Zeitschrift für das Forstwesesen 5 (168), 2017, 261-268 mehr…
- Assessing Recreation Values of Urban Woodlands. An Ecosystem Service Approach including monetarization in Two Forests in the Munich Metropolitan Region. IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017Freiburg, Sept. 18-22 mehr…
- Using camera traps for visitor monitoring. A study at Grünten Mountain in Bavaria. IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017Freiburg, Sept. 18-22 mehr…
- Comparing patterns of use and perceptions of biodiversity in urban green spaces in Lisbon and Berlin: a participatory mapping approach. (Vortrag / AESOP Annual Congress 2017) 2017 mehr…
- Exploring pathways linking greenspace to health: Theoretical and methodological guidance. Environmental Research (158), 2017, 301-317 mehr…
- Exploring pathways linking greenspace to health: Theoretical and methodological guidance. Environmental Research 158, 2017, 301–317 mehr…
- The long-term prospects of citizens managing urban green space: From place making to place-keeping? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (26), 2017, 78-84 mehr…
- Review of Methods for Integrating Cultural Ecosystem Services, Values and Benefits in Forestry. 2017 mehr…
- Urban Landscapes and Green Infrastructure. 2017 mehr…
- Urban Landscapes. In: Oxford Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. , 2017 mehr…
- Developing urban green infrastructure strategies along a double helix of research and practice – Insights from two research projects. (Vortrag / AESOP Annual Congress 2017) 2017 mehr…
- Strategies for developing urban green infrastructure – lessons from case studies. (Vortrag / AESOP Annual Congress 2017) 2017 mehr…
- Nature-Based Solutions and Climate Change – Four Shades of Green. In: Nature‐based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas. Linkages between Science, Policy and Practice. Springer Nature Verlag, 2017, 29-50 mehr…
- Developing urban green infrastructure strategies along a double helix of research and practice – Insights from two research projects. (Vortrag / Green Infrastructure: Nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities ) 2017 mehr…
- Multifunctional adaption of farmers as response to urban growth in the Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area, Indonesia. Journal of Rural Studies (55), 2017, 100-111 mehr…
- Microclimatic differences and their influence on transpirational cooling of Tilia cordata in two contrasting street canyons in Munich, Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232, 2017, 443–456 mehr…
- Within canopy temperature differences and cooling ability of Tilia cordata trees grown in urban conditions. Building and Environment 114, 2017, 118-128 mehr…
- How useful are our urban trees in mitigating urban heat? (Vortrag / Green infrastructure: nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities) 2017 mehr…
- Exploring city-wide patterns of cultural ecosystem service perceptions and use. Ecological Indicators 77, 2017, 80-95 mehr…
- Reasons for adoption and advocacy of the ecosystem services concept in UK forestry. Ecological Economics Vol: 143, 2017, 47-54 mehr…
- The ecosystem approach, ecosystem services and established forestry policy approaches in the United Kingdom. Land Use Policy Vol: 64, 2017, 282-291 mehr…
- The ecosystem approach, ecosystem services and established forestry policy approaches in the UK. Land Use Policy, 2017 mehr…
- Farmland – an Elephant in the Room of Urban Green Infrastructure? Lessons learned from different case studies. (Vortrag / ALE European Congress 2017) 2017 mehr…
- Strategies for urban green infrastructure development – lessons from Europe and Germany. (Vortrag / IALE European Congress 2017) 2017 mehr…
- An experimental test of the habitat-amount hypothesis for saproxylic beetles in a forested region. Ecology 98, 2017, 1613–1622 mehr…
- How does drought tolerance influence the climate regulating ecosystem services of roadside trees? (Vortrag / Green Infrastructure: Nature based solutions for Sustainable and Resilient Cities) 2017 mehr…
- Mainstreaming nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation in urban governance and planning. In: Nature‐based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas. Linkages between Science, Policy and Practice. Springer Nature Verlag, 2017, 257-273 mehr…
- Urban river restoration, evaluation and conflicts between ecological and social quality. Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung in Wien 2016;, 2017Hubert & Co mehr…
- Societal Drivers of European Water Governance: A Comparison of Urban River Restoration Practices in France and Germany. Water 9, 2017, 206 mehr…
- Regulating urban surface runoff through nature-based solutions - an assessment at the micro-scale. Environmenal Research 157, 2017, 135-144 mehr…
- Stadtökosysteme - Funktion, Management und Entwicklung. Springer Spektrum, 2016 mehr…
- Wie klingt unsere Landschaft? Soundscape – Potenziale für die angewandte Landschaftsforschung. (Vortrag / IALE-D Jahrestagung 2016 „Landschaftsökologie zeitlos“) 2016 mehr…
- Planning multifunctional green infrastructure in urban areas – advanced approaches based on case studies from Denmark, Germany and the UK. Greenways and Landscapes in Change. Proceedings of the 5th Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning, 2016Budapest, Hungary, 30th June – 3rd July 2016, 21-28 mehr…
- Advanced urban green infrastructure planning and implementation. 2016 mehr…
- Developing Multiple-Dimensional Assessment of Urban Vulnerability to Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Hazards 82, 2016, 149-172 mehr…
- AUFWERTEN – ein inter- und transdisziplinärer Forschungsansatz in der Landnutzungsplanung. Nodium 8, 2016, 94 mehr…
- Definition von Agroforsttypen und Bewertung der landschaftsästhetischen Wirkung durch Laien. 5. Forum Agroforstsysteme – Bäume in der Land(wirt)schaft – von der Theorie in die Praxis, 2016 mehr…
- Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action. Ecology and Society 21 (2), 2016, 39 mehr…
- Key insights for the future of urban ecosystem services research. Ecology and Society 21 (2), 2016, 29 mehr…
- Geocaching – A harmless recreational activity of digital natives or a threat for forest conservation? Case studies from Bavaria. In: Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. Abstract Book, 26–30 September 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia. , 2016, 260-262 mehr…
- Assessing the Recreation Value of Urban Woodland Using the Ecosystem Service Approach in Two Forests in the Munich Metropolitan Region. Sustainability 8, 2016, 1156 mehr…
- Using trigger trail cameras for visitor monitoring – Applications in Bavaria. In: Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. Abstract Book, 26–30 September 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia. , 2016, 277-279 mehr…
- Vorsicht Kamera: Besuchermonitoring mit Wildkameras. LWFaktuell (4), 2016, 14-16 mehr…
- Bewirtschafteter Wald als Lieblingsort. BWL 12 25.03.2016: 33, 2016 mehr…
- Erholung in stadtnahen Wäldern: Beispiele in München und FreisingAFZ. Der Wald (4), 2016, 29-33 mehr…
- Outdoor recreation in urban forests - user patterns and impacts. In: Urban Landscape Ecology, Science, Policy and Practice. Routledge, 2016, 209-228 mehr…
- Welcher Wald ist schön? Waldästhetik sucht nach Erklärungen für unser Landschaftsempfinden. LWFaktuell (4), 2016, 10-13 mehr…
- Inter- and intraannual growth patterns of urban small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata mill) at two public squares with contrasting microclimatic conditions. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2016 mehr…
- The urban environment can modify drought stress of small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L). Forests 7 7 (71), 2016 mehr…
- ): Urban Green Infrastructure Planning – A Guide for Practitioners. Field Test Version (I). Greensurge Work Package 5,. GreenSurge, 2016, mehr…
- Urban green infrastructure and urban sustainability. (Vortrag / 2nd Society for Urban Ecology Conference) 2016 mehr…
- Die Gesellschaft und ihre Ansprüche an den Wald der Zukunft. LWFaktuell (4), 2016, 6-9 mehr…
- Peri-urban agriculture in Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area and its relationship with the urban socioeconomic system. Land Use Policy 55, 2016, 265–274 mehr…
- How useful are our urban trees in mitigating urban heat? (Vortrag / Urban Trees Seminar, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen) 2016 mehr…
- Quantifying the cooling effect of trees in relation to their growth conditions, species differences and growth rates. (Vortrag / 2nd International Conference on Urban Tree Diversity) 2016 mehr…
- Comparing the cooling benefits of different urban tree species at contrasting growth conditions. (Vortrag / 46th Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland) 2016 mehr…
- Methods and tools for urban planners to engage citizens in place-making and place keeping—Participatory mapping. (Vortrag / GREEN SURGE Projekt-Workshop für Praktiker) 2016 mehr…
- International policy & UK forestry – the ecosystem approach. 2016 mehr…
- Beitrag der Landschaftsökologie für die Planung urbaner grüner Infrastrukturen – am Beispiel peri-urbaner multi-funktionaler Landwirtschaft. (Vortrag / IALE-D Jahrestagung 2016 „Landschaftsökologie zeitlos") 2016 mehr…
- Development of an integrative heat risk index for urban neighbourhoods: Combining Tmrt modelliing and vulnerability assessment. (Vortrag) 2016 mehr…
- Greenhouse gas emission accounting for EU member states from 1991 to 2012. Applied Energy, 2016 mehr…
- Making headway in climate policy mainstreaming and ecosystem-based adaptation: Two pioneering countries, different pathways, one goal. Climatic Change 135 (3-4), 2016, 71-87 mehr…
- Projected loss of soil organic carbon in temperate agricultural soils in the 21st century: effects of climate change and carbon input trends. Scientific Reports 6 (1), 2016 mehr…
- Using green infrastructure for urban climate-proofing: An evaluation of heat mitigation measures at the micro-scale. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 20 (1), 2016, 305–316 mehr…
- Sustainable conservation perspectives for epiphytic orchids in the Central Himalayas, Nepal. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 13 (5), 2015, 753-767 mehr…
- The status of European green space planning and implementation based on an analysis of selected European city-regions. 2015 mehr…
- The Way Forward: Climate Resilient Cities for Africa’s Future. In: Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Springer, 2015, 369-399 mehr…
- The uptake of the ecosystem services concept in planning discourses of European and American cities. Ecosystem Services 12, 2015, 228–246 mehr…
- Analytical framework milestone 34 - Overview of analytical framework, selected cases and planning documents. GreenSurge, 2015, mehr…
- Report of case study portraits – APPENDIX – GREEN SURGE study on urban green infrastructure planning and governance in 20 European case studies. GreenSurge, 2015, mehr…
- Neue Wege im Waldflächen-Monitoring in Bayern. AFZ-DerWald 17, 2015, 39-42 mehr…
- Green Infrastructure for Climate Adaptation in African Cities. In: Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Springer, 2015 mehr…
- Green Infrastructure for Climate Adaptation in African Cities. In: Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa: A Multidisciplinary Approach.. Springer, 2015, 107-152 mehr…
- Structure and ecosystem services of small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L) in urban environments. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14, 2015, 1110–1121 mehr…
- Planning for climate change mitigation and adaptation: The role of nature-based solutions & green infrastructure. (Vortrag / BfN/ ENCA Workshop „Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas and their rural surroundings“ Vilm, 10 March, 2015 ) 2015 mehr…
- Rural‐urban linkages of nature‐based solutions for climate‐change mitigation and adaptation and planning perspective. Session 7. (Vortrag / ECBCC 2015: Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings - Linkages between Science, Policy and Practice, Bonn, Nov. 17- 19, 2015) 2015 mehr…
- Grüne Infrastrukturen für die Klimawandelanpassung in afrikanischen Städten. (Vortrag / Humboldt Universität Berlin, Tag der Geographie, 26.5.2015 ) 2015 mehr…
- Sustainable land use systems in rural-urban regions: Strategies and tools. (Vortrag / Seminar of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Munich, Oct. 17, 2015) 2015 mehr…
- Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Springer, 2015 mehr…
- Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA)“. (Vortrag / Klimawandel und Urbanisierung in Afrika: Neue Herausforderungen für die internationale Zusammenarbeit. GIZ-Fachgespräch – Eschborn, Sept. 17, 2015) 2015 mehr…
- Urban Green Infrastructure Planning & Governance: Why, who and how? (Vortrag / Green Surge Stakeholder Workshop, Brussels, October 13, 2015 ) 2015 mehr…
- Urban Green Infrastructure Planning & Governance: Why, who and how? (Vortrag / Green infrastructure workshop, City of Malmö, November 13, 2015 ) 2015 mehr…
- Planning for Green Infrastructure in Cities: the Way Forward. (Vortrag / Nature’s solutions for European urban areas, URBES - Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Final conference, Brussels, 14 January 2015) 2015 mehr…
- Die Isarrenaturierung in München: Hochwasserschutz, Ökologie und Erholung integrativ? In: DGGL – Jahrbuch 2015. , 2015, 34-39 mehr…
- Zur Rolle der Stadtnatur für Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung. (Vortrag / Regionalkonferenz Alpen. Klimaforschung Bayern, Munich, Oct. 1-2, 2015 ) 2015 mehr…
- Green infrastructure strategies for climate change in urban areas. (Vortrag / World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Portland, July 5-10, 2015 ) 2015 mehr…
- The dynamics of peri-urban agriculture during rapid urbanization of Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area. Land Use Policy 48, 2015, 13–24 mehr…
- USSDM – Urban Spatial Scenario Design Modelling. In: Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Springer, 2015, 259 – 286 mehr…
- Upscaling the cooling benefits from street trees to street canyons. (Vortrag / Department of Meteorology and Climatology seminar series, the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) 2015 mehr…
- The use of PPGIS to map cultural ecosystem services in cities. (Vortrag / 3. URBES Projekt Symposium und Training, ‘An in-depth insight in the results of the URBES project,’) 2015 mehr…
- A comparative exploration of uptake and potential application of ecosystem services in urban planning. Ecosystem Services 16, 2015, 230-242 mehr…
- The state of urban green infrastructure planning in Europe: a 20 case comparative study. (Vortrag / International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), ) 2015 mehr…
- Forestry paradigms and policy change: The evolution of forestry policy in Britain in relation to the ecosystem approach. Land Use Policy Vol: 49, 2015, 462-470 mehr…
- Forest paradigms and policy change: the evolution of forestry policy in Britain in relation to the ecosystem approach. Land Use Policy, 2015 mehr…
- Landscape indicators for the assessment of ecosystem services along a land use intensity gradient. (Vortrag / 9th IALE World “Congress, Crossing scales, crossing borders: global approaches to complex challenges”) 2015 mehr…
- Linking the distribution of Land use, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – exemplified by potential areas for extensive grassland ecosystems due to geobiophysical conditions, Bavaria, Germany. (Vortrag / IALE-D Jahrestagung 2015 „Ökosystemleistungen zur Sicherung einer nachhaltigen ländlichen Entwicklung und eines nachhaltigen Ressourcenmanagements“) 2015 mehr…
- Crown size and growing space requirement of common tree species in urban centres, parks, and forests. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14, 2015, 466–479 mehr…
- The role of local food products for strategic landscape planning and management. (Vortrag / SIEF2015 12th Congress “Utopias, Realities, Heritages, Ethnographies for the 21st century”) 2015 mehr…
- Remediation of degraded arable steppe soils in Moldova using vetch as green manure. Solid Earth 6 (2), 2015, 609-620 mehr…
- Stagnating crop yields: An overlooked risk for the carbon balance of agricultural soils? Science of The Total Environment 536, 2015, 1045-1051 mehr…
- Green infrastructure strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation. 1st European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference, Vienna, Nov. 23-24 2015 mehr…
- A coupled modelling approach to quantify the microclimatic effects of green infrastructure on residential buildings. ICUC9 - 9th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment, 2015 mehr…
- Green infrastructure strategies for climate change in urban areas. ECCA 2015, May 12-14, 2015, Copenhagen 2015 mehr…
- Advances and gaps in the integration of ecosystem-based approaches in municipal adaptation strategies: the case of Germany. ECBCC 2015: Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings - Linkages between Science, Policy and Practice, Bonn, Nov. 17-19, 2015 2015 mehr…
- Spatial impacts of increased energy crop cultivation on ecosystem services and demand for regulation. (Vortrag / Findings from transdisciplinary research in the Görlitz district (Germany), ISSRM, 13. Juni 2014, Hannover) 2014 mehr…
- Integrating multiple societal demands into urban forestry for the future using the case of Munich (Germany). (Vortrag / MMV 7, 21. August 2014, Tallinn) 2014 mehr…
- Reconceptualizing Urban Land Use. In: Boone C.G., Redman C.L., Blanco H., Haase D., Koch J.A.M., Lwasa S., Nagendra H., Pauleit S., Pickett S.T.A., Seto K.C., Yokohari M. Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era. MIT Press, 2014, 313-330 mehr…
- Urban morphological determinants of temperature regulation ecosystem services in two African cities. Ecological Indicators 42, 2014, 43 – 57 mehr…
- Praxisleitfaden Tourismus und biologische Vielfalt in Zeiten des Klimawandels. IÖR, 2014 mehr…
- Integrating urban built and green structures to improve climate change mitigation and adaptation. (Vortrag / IC2UHI Konferenz, Venedig, Oktober 2014 ) 2014 mehr…
- Integrating urban built and green structures to improve climate change mitigation and adaptation. IC2UHI Konferenz, Venedig, Oktober 2014, Conference proceedings, 2014 mehr…
- A quantitative review of urban ecosystem services assessment: concepts, models and implementation. AMBIO 43 (4), 2014, 413-433 mehr…
- Smart environment for smart cities: Assessing urban fabric types and microclimate responses for improved urban living conditions. REAL CORP 2014, 21-23 May 2014, Proceedings, 2014 mehr…
- Smart environment for smart cities: Assessing urban fabric types and microclimate responses for improved urban living conditions. REAL CORP 2014, 21-23 May 2014, Proceedings, 2014 mehr…
- Urban Flussrenaturierung – Naturschutz und Naherholung. (Vortrag / EcoMeeting 2014, Innsbruck (Austria), 19-20.02.2014) 2014 mehr…
- Urban River Restoration – ecological and social Planning. (Vortrag / InterZA, Université Jussieu in Paris (France), 01.07.2014) 2014 mehr…
- Urban River Restoration and Uses. (Vortrag / Kolloquium des Instituts für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung, Universität Stuttgart, 07.05.2014) 2014 mehr…
- Fish habitat modelling as a tool for river restoration assessment. (Vortrag / Lehrstuhlseminar des Lehrstuhls für Aquatische Systembiologie der TUM, 09.04.2014 ) 2014 mehr…
- Urban River Restoration – between Ecology and Society. (Vortrag / River Sciences 2014, Chinon (France), 22-24.05.2014) 2014 mehr…
- From multifunctionality to multiple ecosystem services? A conceptual framework for multifunctionality in green infrastructure planning for urban areas. AMBIO 43 (4), 2014, 516-529 mehr…
- Integrating social aspects in multifunctional planning approaches. (Vortrag / 2nd URBES Training Session at ICLEI Resilient Cities 2014 conference, Bonn, May 28, 2014) 2014 mehr…
- A transatlantic lens on Green Infrastructure Planning and Ecosystem Services: Assessing Implementation in Berlin and Seattle. In: Revising Green Infrastructure: Concepts Between Nature and Design. Taylor & Francis, 2014, 247-265 mehr…
- Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Tourismusregionen im Kontext von Klimawandel und biologischer Vielfalt. Culterra 64, Schriftenreihe der Professur für Landespflege der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. , 2014 mehr…
- Die Bedeutung des Wintersports für den Tourismus im Südschwarzwald und Überlegungen zu potentiellen schneeunabhängigen Alternativen- Eine Analyse von Wahrnehmungen im Hinblick auf den Klimawandel. tw Zeitschrift für Tourismus (Lucius & Lucius), 2014, mehr…
- Technische, ökonomische und ökologische Begleitforschung für zwei innovative Pilotanlagen zur Biogaserzeugung. 6665, 2014 mehr…
- Probabilistic GIS-based method for delineation of urban flooding risk hotspots. Natural Hazards 73 (2), 2014, 975-1001 mehr…
- Tourismusregionen als Modellregionen zur Entwicklung von Anpassungsstrategien im Kontext biologische Vielfalt, Tourismus und Klimawandel. (Vortrag / Workshop „Biodiversität und Tourismus unter den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels: Harmonie- oder Konfliktverhältnis?“ ITB-Kongress 06.03.2014, Berlin ) 2014 mehr…
- Outdoor recreation, biodiversity and climate change adaptation: challenges for protected area management. MMV 7, 22. August 2014, Tallinn 2014 mehr…
- Outdoor recreation, biodiversity and climate change adaptation: Challenges for protected area management. In: The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV) – Local Community and Outdoor Recreation. , 2014 mehr…
- Erneuerbare Energien und Regionalentwicklung - Nachhaltige Nutzung von Energiepflanzen für eine regionale Entwicklung. Ökologisches Wirtschaften 29 (2), 2014, 42-46 mehr…
- Integrating multiple societal demands into urban forestry for the future using the case of Munich (Germany). ISSRM, 11. Juni 2014, Hannover 2014 mehr…
- Integrating multiple societal demands into urban forestry for the future using the case of Munich (Germany). (Vortrag / European Forum on Urban Forests, 6. Juni 2014, Lausanne) 2014 mehr…
- Integrating multiple societal demands into urban forestry for the future using the case of Munich (Germany). (Vortrag / IALE UK, 1. September 2014, London) 2014 mehr…
- Szenarien klimaangepasster Waldbaustrategien und Auswirkungen auf kulturelle Ökosystemdienstleistungen am Beispiel der Stadtwälder Münchens. (Vortrag / IALE-D, 10. Oktober 2014, Bozen ) 2014 mehr…
- Integrating multiple societal demands into urban forestry for the future: the case of Munich (Germany). In: The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV) – Local Community and Outdoor Recreation. , 2014, 238-239 mehr…
- Increasing temperature may compensate for lower amounts of dead wood in driving richness of saproxylic beetles. Ecography, 2014 mehr…
- Strategies for Sustainable Urban Development and Urban-Rural Linkages. The European Journal of Spatial Development, 2014 mehr…
- Urban environment & adaptation to climate change - The role of ‘Green Infrastructure’. (Vortrag / 11th ENCORE Conference, Bavarian Ministry of the Environment and Comsumer Protection, Schloss Hohenkammer, May 16, 2014 in Munich ) 2014 mehr…
- Convener of Session 6 - Strategies and planning for urban tree diversity. (Vortrag / International Conference on Urban Tree Diversity, 16-18 June 2014, Alnarp, Sweden) 2014 mehr…
- Cool in the city – ökosystemare Leistung von Bäumen in der Stadt. Aktuelle Gehölzverwendung in der Landschaftsarchitektur. (Vortrag / Symposium, TU München, October 20-21, 2014, Freising ) 2014 mehr…
- Public participation GIS for assessing cultural ecosystem services in urban areas: a case study in Berlin. (Vortrag / 20th ISSRM (International Symposium on Society and Resource Management) Conference, Hannover, Germany, June 8-13, 2014) 2014 mehr…
- Bridging the Gap between Ecosystem Service Assessment and Urban Planning. (Vortrag / United States Forest Service’s Urban Field Station Brown Bag Lecture Series, New York) 2014 mehr…
- Forms of Engagement: Exploring Cultural Ecosystem Service Assessment in Urban Areas & Implications for Planning. (Vortrag / e Young Researchers’ Workshop, 23rd IAPS (International Association of People-Environment Studies) Conference. Timisoara, Romania. June 23-27, 2014) 2014 mehr…
- Social Valuation of Urban Ecosystem Services. (Vortrag / Ökologische Stadtentwicklung Seminar für Master-Studenten in Umweltplanung und Ingenieur M.Sc., TUM. Freising) 2014 mehr…
- Social Valuation of Urban Ecosystem Services. (Vortrag / Ökologische Stadtentwicklung Seminar für Master-Studenten in Umweltplanung und Ingenieur M.Sc., TUM. Freising, ) 2014 mehr…
- Operationalizing Ecosystem Services in Urban Planning: an exploration of implementation and challenges in Berlin and New York. (Vortrag / Presentation at the International Workshop Governance of Ecosystem Services: Challenges for Sustainable Development. Frankfurt am Main, Germany, March 10-11, 2014 ) 2014 mehr…
- Grüne Gradienten - Ein Planungsansatz zu Biodiversität und Resilienz in Agrarlandschaften. (Vortrag / IALE-D Jahrestagung 2014 „Ökologie, Resilienz und Management unserer Landschaft“) 2014 mehr…
- Integrating multiple societal demands into urban forestry for the future: the case of Munich (Germany). In: The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV) – Local Community and Outdoor Recreation, Tallinn, Estonia, August 20 - 23, 2014. , 2014, 238-239 mehr…
- Scenarios of bioenergy provision - technological developments in a landscape context and their social effects. Environment, Development and Sustainability 16, 2014, 575-594 mehr…
- Klimawandel und forstliche Anpassungsmaßnahmen verändern das Waldbild von morgen. LWF aktuell 98, 2014, 20-22 mehr…
- Estimation of past and recent carbon input by crops into agricultural soils of southeast Germany. European Journal of Agronomy 61, 2014, 10-23 mehr…
- Identifying synergies for climate change mitigation and adaptation at district level. REKLIM Konferenz, Berlin, Oktober 2014 2014 mehr…
- Identifiying synergies for climate change mitigation and adapation at district level. International REKLIM Conference “Our climate – our future – regional perspectives on a global challenge”. Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2014/1. Terra Nostra, 2014 mehr…
- Stadtlandschaft – vielfältige Natur und ungleiche Entwicklung: Tagungsbeiträge der 5Tagung des Kompetenznetzwerkes Stadtökologie CONTUREC vom 22.09. bis 24.09.2011 in Laufen. Schriftenreihe des Kompetenznetzwerkes Stadtökologie. , 2013 mehr…
- Powerful and large regional authorities are needed to preserve green open space for urban agglomerations. SPOOLJournal of Architecture and the Built Environment. SPOOL 1 (1), 2013, 19-36 mehr…
- Developing scenarios for urban growth – The USSDM for Addis Ababa. (Vortrag / CLUVA final conference. Addis Ababa, Nov. 6-8, 2013 ) 2013 mehr…
- Modeling Urban Growth Dynamics: A Spatial Scenario Approach for the City of Addis Ababa; Ethiopia. (Vortrag / Symposium Metropolis Nonformal – Anticipation. Launching the UN-Habitat Hub on Informal Urbanism. November 20 – 23, 2013 Munich, Germany) 2013 mehr…
- Modeling Urban Growth Spatial Dynamics: Case studies of Addis Ababa and Dar es Salaam. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 (EGU), Vienna/Austria, April 07-12, 2013 2013 mehr…
- Urban morphological determinants of temperature regulating ecosystem services in African cities: the case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (Vortrag / European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 (EGU), Vienna/Austria, April 07-12, 2013) 2013 mehr…
- Delineation of flood-prone areas and the identification of residential hotspots for two African cities. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 (EGU), Vienna/Austria, April 07-12, 2013 2013 mehr…
- The CLUVA project: Climate-change scenarios and their impact on urban areas in Africa. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 (EGU), Vienna/Austria, April 07-12, 2013 2013 mehr…
- CLUVA - Evaluation of CCCA modules: Results". (Vortrag / CCCA module development evaluation meeting of UN Habitat, UN University, IIED and TUM/CLUVA, Bonn, June 1-2, 2013 ) 2013 mehr…
- Educational programmes as long-term capacity-building – EU FP project CLUVA "CLimate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa” Grant agreement no: 26513. CLUVA, 2013, mehr…
- Green infrastructure planning – a visionary approach or just a catchword for state of the art green planning in urban areas? (Vortrag / 7th DoKoNaRa - Internationales DoktorandInnenkolleg Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung Werkstattgespräche: Visionen und Leitbilder für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung (7th International Doctoral College on Sustainable Spatial Planning). Hamburg, 29 August-01 September, 2013) 2013 mehr…
- Are we ready for urban ecosystem services yet? (Vortrag / Institutional conditions for application of the urban ecosystem service framework in Berlin, New York, Rotterdam, Salzburg and Stockholm. First Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE). Berlin, 25-27 July, 2013) 2013 mehr…
- Zwischen Naturschutz und Gestaltung. Stadtbrachen als multifunktionale Freiräume. Stadt + Grün (8), 2013, 28-34 mehr…
- Balancing inner city development and biodiversity protection on urban wastelands - the Central Railway Area of Munich - - Sustainable development applications. nature in the city solutions (4), 2013, 125-131 mehr…
- GIS-based Identification of Urban Residential Hotspots to Flooding and the Quantification of the Uncertainties for two African Cities. (Vortrag / European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 (EGU), Vienna/Austria, April 07-12, 2013) 2013 mehr…
- Climate change induced risk analysis of Addis Ababa city (Ethiopia). European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), Vienna, Austria, Apr. 07-12, 2013 2013 mehr…
- A GIS based assessment of the urban green structure of selected case study areas and their ecosystem services. , 2013, mehr…
- Green Infrastructure: An essential foundation for sustainable urban futures in Africa. , 2013, mehr…
- Manutenção de elevada biodiversidade e diversidade de paisagem papa e através do tourismo – propostas de modelos de confinanciamento / Maintaining high biodiversity and landscape diversity for and through tourism. Approaches for co-financing models. In: Livro de Comuincações dos Seminários no âmbito do Projecto “Tourismo Áreas Rurais. Identificação, promocação, e disemicação de boas practicas“. LPN, 2013, 42-46 mehr…
- Implications from large-scale spatial diversity patterns of saproxylic beetles for the conservation of European Beech forests. Insect Conservation and Diversity 6, 2013, 162–169 mehr…
- Peri-urban futures: Scenarios and models for land use change in Europe. Springer Verlag, 2013 mehr…
- Recommendations for green infrastructure planning in selected case study cities. , 2013, mehr…
- Green infrastructure to face climate change in an urbanizing world. In: Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, 2013 mehr…
- Green Infrastructure and Climate Change. In: Sustainable Built Environments. Springer, 2013, 224-248 mehr…
- Ecosystem services in urban planning: opportunities and constraints in different planning landscapes. (Vortrag / 43rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Potsdam, September 9-13, 2013 ) 2013 mehr…
- Green infrastructure strategies. Climate risks impact and urban planning in Africa. (Vortrag / CLUVA final conference. Addis Ababa, Nov. 6-8, 2013) 2013 mehr…
- Green infrastructure strategies for climate change adaptation in African cities. (Vortrag / CLUVA final conference. Addis Ababa, Nov. 6-8, 2013 ) 2013 mehr…
- Assessing urban green infrastructure and provisioning ecosystem services in African cities. (Vortrag / World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE), Berlin, July 25-27) 2013 mehr…
- CLUVA – Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability. (Vortrag / Afrikatag, Technical University of Munich, Institute of Botany and Landscape Management, November 26, 2013 ) 2013 mehr…
- Integrated CLUVA research for Global Climate Change risk strategies for African Cities. (Vortrag / Networking conference for the development of the Pan African University on Water, Energy and Climate Change (PAUWES) at the occasion of the High Level Delegation from African Union Commission and People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. Invitation by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, 27.6.2013, Berlin, Germany) 2013 mehr…
- Forschung für Strategien zur Risikominierung der Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels auf afrikanische Großstädte. (Vortrag / Seminar on Urban Planning for Geography, Salzburg University, 8.1.2013 ) 2013 mehr…
- Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA). (Vortrag / Cities at risk workshop: Africa, 25.-28.3.2013, Durban, South Africa ) 2013 mehr…
- Cultural ecosystem service assessment in urban areas and implications for planning. (Vortrag / PhD Studenten-Seminar in Ökologie. Freising) 2013 mehr…
- Quantifying the Immeasurable: the use of biophysical data to assess cultural ecosystem services in urban areas. (Vortrag / Presentation at the Ecosystem Services Partnership Workshop on Indication, Integration and Application of Ecosystem Services in Decision Making, Kiel, 6-8 May, 2013 ) 2013 mehr…
- Socio-Ecological Valuation of Interim Use Brownfields in Leipzig. (Vortrag / Seminar für Master-Studenten in Umweltplanung und Ingenieur M.Sc., TUM. Freising) 2013 mehr…
- Uncovering Social Needs and Values in Artena, Italy: A Community Values Mapping Approach. Journal of Biourbanism 3 (1-2Part B), 2013, 155-162 mehr…
- Artena Social Values Map. (Vortrag / Präsentation zur Gemeinde in Artena, Italy, 28. Juli, 2013 als Teil des Summer School in Biourbanism and Neuroergonomics) 2013 mehr…
- Assessing urban green infrastructure and provisioning ecosystem services in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (Vortrag / Annual Meeting of the German Society for Ecology (GfÖ), Potsdam, Sept. 11-13, 2013) 2013 mehr…
- Compact and Green: The Ideal City in Climate Change. In: Urban Flux 29. , 2013, 63-65 mehr…
- Hangzhou - fast urbanisation and high population growth. In: Peri-urban futures: land use and sustainability. Springer Verlag, 2013, 307-337 mehr…
- Besuchermonitoring im Osterzgebirge - Ermittlung der Wertschätzung von Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege und Bestimmung der Nachfrage nach Ökosystemdienstleistungen mit Hilfe von Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalysen. In: VISIMAN - Beiträge zu Besuchermonitoring und. , 2013 mehr…
- Amount, distribution and driving factors of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in cropland and grassland soils of southeast Germany (Bavaria). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 176, 2013, 39-52 mehr…
- Carbon sequestration potential of soils in southeast Germany derived from stable soil organic carbon saturation. Global Change Biology 20 (2), 2013, 653-665 mehr…
- Rebuilding after collapse: evidence for long-term cohort dynamics in the native Hawaiian rain forest. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2012 mehr…
- Green infrastructure maps for selected case studies and a report with an urban green infrastructure mapping methodology adapted to African cities. , 2012, mehr…
- Brachflächen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Naturschutz und (baulicher) Wiedernutzung. BfN-Skript 324. , 2012 mehr…
- Ecosystem services in the National Adaptation Programmes of Action. Climate Policy 12 (4), 2012, 393-409 mehr…
- Ecosystem services in the National Adaptation Programmes of Action. Climate Policy 12 (4), 2012, 393-409 mehr…
- The Current Landscape of Green Infrastructure Planning and Ecosystem Services: the cases of Berlin and New York. In: Proceedings of the Symposium Designing Nature as Infrastructure, Technical University of Munich, Nov28-29, 2012. , 2012, 160-180 mehr…
- The Current Landscape of Green Infrastructure Planning and Ecosystem Services: the cases of Berlin and New York. (Vortrag / Designing Nature as Infrastructure Symposium, Technische Universität München) 2012 mehr…
- Selection Approach of Urban Trees for Inner-city Environments: Learning from Nature. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 38 (5), 2012, 194–204 mehr…
- Forest inventories are a valuable data source for habitat modelling of forest species: an alternative to remote-sensing data. Forestry 0 (1–13), 2012 mehr…
- Tracing the introduction history of a potentially invasive ornamental shrub. Nordic Journal of Botany 30, 2012, 739–746 mehr…
- Process-based long-term evaluation of an ecological network of calcareous grasslands connected by sheep herding. Ecography 35, 2012, 001–009 mehr…
- Ach, Europa! Lust und Frust bei der Erkundung unseres Kontinents. Stadt und Grün (6), 2011, 22-26 mehr…
- A database of international evidence of the ecosystem services of urban green structure in different climate zones. , 2011, mehr…
- The role of urban green space and trees in relation to climate change. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 6 (053), 2011, 1-18 mehr…
- Land use is more important than climate for species richness and composition of bat assemblages on a regional scale. Mammalian BiologyZeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 76 (4), 2011, 451-460 mehr…
- Land use and surface cover as urban ecological indicators. In: Handbook of Urban Ecology. Oxford University Press, 2011, 19-30 mehr…
- Multifunctional green infrastructure planning to promote ecological services in the city. In: Handbook of Urban Ecology. Oxford University Press, 2011, 272-285 mehr…
- Stadtplanung im Zeichen des Klimawandels: nachhaltig, grün und anpassungsfähig (Urban planning under climate change: sustainable, green and resilient). In: Die Natur der Stadt im Wandel des Klimas. 4th Conturec Conference on Urban Ecology, Hohenheim, Conference Proceedings. , 2011, 5-26 mehr…
- Modelling habitat suitability for the Capercaillie Tetrao uro-gallus in the national parks Bavarian Forest and Šumava. Ornitholgischer Anzeiger 50, 2011, 97-113 mehr…
- Studies on planning strategy and sustainable impacts assessment of multi-purpose land use in peri-urban areas of Hangzhou: A case study of Xixi wetland. Chinese Landscape Architecture (27), 2011, 18-21 mehr…
- LiDAR as a rapid tool to predict forest habitat types in Natura 2000 networks. Biodiversity and Conservation 20 (3), 2010, 465-481 mehr…
- Entwicklung eines Indikatorenkonzeptes zur Honorierung von Naturschutzleistungen: eine differenzierte Betrachtung für extensive und intensive Agrarregionen in Bayern. 6665, 2010 mehr…
- Transformation of rural-urban cultural landscapes in Europe: Integrating approaches from ecological, socio-economic and planning perspectives. Landscape Online 20, 2010, 1-10 mehr…
- Drivers of bryophyte diversity allow implications for forest management with a focus on climate change. Forest Ecology and Management, 2010, 1956–1964 mehr…
- Kompakt und grün: die ideale Stadt im Klimawandel (Compact and green: the ideal city under climate change). Garten + Landschaft (4), 2010, 12-15 mehr…
- Habitat Studies Identifying Potential Trees for Urban Paved Environments: A Case Study from Qinling Mt. ChinaArboriculture & Urban Forestry 36 (6), 2010, 261-271 mehr…
- The BIOKLIM Project: Biodiversity Research between Climate Change and Wildingin a temperate montane forest – The conceptual framework. Waldökologie, Landschaftsforschung und Naturschutz 7, 2009, 21–34 mehr…
- Urban Green – Towards an integrated understanding of greenspace in the built environment. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 8 (2), 2009, 65-76 mehr…
- Woodland changes and their impacts on the landscape structure in South Korea, Kwangju city region. Landscape Research 34 (3), 2009, 257–277 mehr…
- Mehr Bedeutung für die regionale Planung. Garten + Landschaft (12), 2009, 36-37 mehr…