We offer a Postdoctoral position in tropical ecology, with a focus in nutrient cycling in the Amazon Rainforest (m/f/d). The Professorship for Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions at TUM School of Life Sciences is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to work in the Amazon-FLUX project (E13 TV-L, 100 %, for 3 years).
Amazon-FLUX is a new project funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery, which aims to investigate how climate change influences soil-vegetation interactions in the most extensive tropical forest of the world, the Amazon rainforest. We are particularly interested in “plant functional strategies” and questions such as how water regulation and nutrient uptake strategies differ across space and time. Can plants with winning strategies contribute more to carbon storage in the Amazon in the future? The successful candidate will be responsible for filling some of the data/knowledge gaps we currently face regarding nutrient cycling by conducting critical measurements from the Amazon, and increasing our mechanistic understanding of complex soil-vegetation processes and fluxes. The project requires analytical and methodological skills for data analysis. Funding for fieldwork in the Amazon rainforest is available. The candidate is expected to communicate the project results to the scientific and non-scientific community and to our funders. The candidate is free and encouraged to bring own research ideas/questions and methods. We offer a friendly and stimulating working environment within an interdisciplinary research team. Learn more about our lab, projects, and the team here.
For more information please contact Tatiana Reichert.