Background & expertise
Habtamu Wakshum Sibilu, from Ethiopia. He is excited to embark on my PhD studies at TUM, focusing on the Restoration of Tropical Grasslands. His academic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences and was enriched with two Master’s degrees – one in Agrometeorology and Natural Risk Management, and another in Sustainable Tropical Forestry. He worked as a lecturer in Agrometeorology and Natural Risk Management at Haramaya University, Ethiopia previously. His passion for environmental science is driven by the real-world challenges it presents, and the potential it offers for finding sustainable solutions. Whether it's exploring new methods for carbon capture, biodiversity conservation, or designing more efficient restoration strategies, there is an array of opportunities to make a positive impact. His research within the LSYS group would focus on tropical grasslands restoration. This dynamic and complex system can present an exciting opportunity to study the balance between human activities, livestock management, and the health of our tropical grasslands.