Susanne Werle, M.Sc.

Research Department Life Science Systems
Technische Universität München
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Phone: +49 (0) 8161 71-4581
Email: susanne.werle(at)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8524-276X
Research interests
- Conservation Biology
- Molecular Ecology
- Bioinformatics
- Nutritional Ecology
- Biodiversity Sciences
As an undergraduate student I became fascinated by the enormous diversity of ecological research. I therefore specialised my Bachelor studies into organismic Biology and did a Master in Biology with a specialisation in Biodiversity, Evolution, Ecology. I saw the importance of combining molecular ecology with bioinformatics and deepened my knowledge by studying the diet of Nyctalus noctula using DNA-metabarcoding as part of my Master thesis.
During my PhD at the Technical University of Munich, I will focus on the interactions between wild bees and plants and how different land use intensities influence both, plant and bee diversity. This work will include two fieldwork seasons within the experimental plots of the Biodiversity Exploratories. The aim of this project (MacroBEEs) is to use field observation data and pollen metabarcoding data to describe bee-plant interaction networks and to better understand their foraging choices.
Curriculum Vitae
05/2023-present | Research assistant, Plant-Insect-Interactions, Research Department Life Science Systems, Technical University of Munich |
04/2020-present | PhD student, Plant-Insect-Interactions, Research Department Life Science Systems, Technical University of Munich |
06/2019-04/2020 | Technical Assistant at AIM - Advanced Identification Methods GmbH |
10/2016-04/2019 | Master of Science in Biology with a specialisation in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology |
10/2012-10/2016 | Bachelor of Science in Biology with a specialisation in organismic Biology |
Part of the online mentoring platform CyberMentor since Oktober 2022
Member of the TUM Bee Paradise Group/Project
- Ulrike H. Taron, Isabel Salado, Mariana Escobar-Rodríguez, Michael V. Westbury, Susanne Butschkau, Johanna L. A. Paijmans, Bridgett M. vonHoldt, Michael Hofreiter, Jennifer A. Leonard (2021) A sliver of the past: The decimation of the genetic diversity of the Mexican wolf. Molecular Ecology 2021;00:1–17. DOI: 10.1111/mec.16073
- Renita Danabalan, Aimara Planillo, Susanne Butschkau, Sita Deeg, Gras Pierre, Cincia Thion, Sébastien Calvignac-Spencer, Stephanie Kramer-Schadt, Camila Mazzoni (2023) Comparison of mosquito and fly derived DNA as a tool for sampling vertebrate biodiversity in suburban forests in Berlin, Germany. DOI: 10.1002/edn3.398