sensFORoak: Klimasensitivität von Forstgenressourcen heimischer Eichen in Deutschland

Acorn seed of pedunculate oak. Photo by M. Seho
Investigating the climate sensitivity of potential forest gene resources of native oaks |
The project aims to assess the climate sensitivity of native oak species in Germany, particularly focusing on potential forest gene resources. With increasing drought damage in forestry, there is a growing demand for tree species and provenances that are better adapted to climate change. Oaks, known for their high drought tolerance, are gaining prominence, and the project will study populations to identify climate-adaptable seed stands. The project involves a combination of ecological niche models (ENM), dendroecological resilience research, and ecological genetics to assess the impact of climate change on seed stands. The goal is to provide drought-resistant oak propagation material to ensure sustainable forest management in the future. Sub-goals of the research project:
Methodology Field data will be collected from approved seed stands, especially from dry marginal sites. The data collection will include:
Expected results The project will generate insights into the climate adaptability of oak stands, contributing to the preservation of forest genetic resources. The findings will support the selection of resilient seed stands, essential for sustainable forest management under climate change. |
Relevant links |
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Duration |
2024-2026 |
Funding |
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (StMELF) |
Partners |
Bayerisches Amt für Waldgenetik Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Freiburg (FVA) - Abteilung für Waldnaturschutz Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft |
Contact |
Torben Hilmers |