Scientific Assistant, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Doctoral degree (magna cum laude), Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Doctoral project “Stability analysis of multitrophic functional-group interaction-networks - a novel modeling approach”, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Scientific Assistant in Ecological Modeling, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig
Diploma Biology, University Potsdam
Diploma project “Modeling on issues of sustainable production of biomass”, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig
Research area
Food web simulations/ Jena Experiment
Research interest
My current research addresses how terrestrial ecosystems respond to environmental changes and biodiversity loss across the coming decades. To advance mechanistic comprehension of ecosystem dynamics the consideration of biotic interactions across trophic levels is of prime importance. I use multi-species food webs and interaction webs of functional groups to model multitrophic ecosystems. I strive for a network approach that integrates the entire set of species and biotic interactions of an ecosystem at a medium level of complexity.
Engel, Jan; Hertzog, Lionel; Tiede, Julia; Wagg, Cameron; Ebeling, Anne; Briesen, Heiko; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Pitfall trap sampling bias depends on body mass, temperature, and trap number: insights from an individual-based model. Ecosphere 8 (4), 2017, e01790 mehr…
Hines, J.; van der Putten, W. H.; De Deyn, G. B.; Wagg, C.; Voigt, W.; Mulder, C.; Weisser, W. W.; Engel, J.; Melian, C.; Scheu, S.; Birkhofer, K.; Ebeling, A.; Scherber, C.; Eisenhauer, N.: Towards an Integration of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning and Food Web Theory to Evaluate Relationships between Multiple Ecosystem Services. In: Woodward, G.; Bohan, D. A. (Hrsg.): Ecosystem Services: From Biodiversity to Society, Pt 1. Advances in ecological research, 2015, 161-199 mehr…
Gossner, Martin M.; Schall, Peter; Ammer, Christian; Ammer, Ulrich; Engel, Kerstin; Schubert, Holger; Simon, Ulrich; Utschick, Hans; Weisser, Wolfgang W.: Forest management intensity measures as alternative to stand properties for quantifying effects on biodiversity. Ecosphere 5 (9), 2014, 1-111 mehr…
Gassert, Franz; Schulte, Ulrich; Husemann, Martin; Ulrich, Werner; Rödder, Dennis; Hochkirch, Axel; Engel, Edmée; Meyer, J.; Habel, Jan Christian: From southern refugia to the northern range margin: genetic population structure of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Journal of Biogeography 40 (8), 2013, 1475-1489 mehr…
Gossner, M. M.; Engel, K.; Jessel, B.: Plant and arthropod communities in young oak stands: are they determined by site history? Biodiversity and Conservation 17 (13), 2008, 3165-3180 mehr…
Gossner, M. M.; Engel, Kertin; Jessel, Beate: Erstaufforstung landwirtschaftlich genutzter Flächen - hat sich nach 15 Jahren eine waldtypische Fauna und Flora eingestellt? Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 60, 2008, 127-132 mehr…
Gruppe, Axel; Gossner, Martin M.; Engel, Kerstin; Simon, Ulrich: Vertical and horizontal distribution of arthropods in temperate forests. In: Floren, A.; Schmidl, J. (Hrsg.): Canopy Arthropod Research in Central Europe - basic and applied studies from the high frontier. bioform entomology, 2008, 383-405 mehr…