Matthias Groß

Chair for Terrestrial Ecology
Am Burghof 3
D-99947 Mülverstedt
E-mail: m.gross[at]
Curriculum vitae
Since | 2008 | Member of the Local management team of the Biodiversity Exploratory Hainich/Duen Responsible for technical equipment (Mechanotronic). University Jena, since 2011 TUM (Technical University Munich in Freising), Germany. |
2006- | 2007 | Chief of the zoological department and second director. Zoo Magdeburg, Germany. |
2002- | 2006 | Elephant Keeper in direct and protected contact. Zoo Osnabrück, Germany. |
1995- | 2001 | Member of research staff, radiotracking leopards (Panthera pardus) and spotted Hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) and technical conductor. Research station of Würzburg University, Ivory Coast, West Africa. |
1994- | 1995 | Diploma thesis: "Radiotelemetrische Untersuchungen zum Metapopulationsmuster einer afrikanischen Schmätzerdrossel (Cossypha niveicapilla)". Supervised by Prof. M.Mühlenberg. Research station of Würzburg University, Ivory Coast, West Africa. |
1989- | 1994 | Studies of biology. Würzburg University, Germany. |