Dr. Werner Heitland

Chair for Terrestrial Ecology
Department of Ecology and Ecosystemmanagement
Technische Universität München
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Phone: +49.8161.71.4596
Fax: +49.8161.71.4427
E-mail: heitland[at]forst.tu-muenchen.de
Curriculum vitae
1991- | 2011 | Assistant at the Department of Animal Ecology, TUM. |
1991 | PhD at the Department of Ecology (University of Kiel) about Biology, Ecology and Parasitoids of Platycampus luridiventris. (Hym., Tenthr.) under Prof. Dr. Hubert Pschorn-Walcher. | |
Study of biology and chemistry at the University of Bochum and Kiel. |
Research interest
- Horse chestnut leaf-miner (Cameraria ohridella)
- Interaction between plants, phytophagous insects and their parasitoids.
- Sawflies and their parasitoid complexes.
- Feeding-strategies of phytophagous insects.