Chair for Terrestrial Ecology
Department for Life Science Systems
TUM School of Life Sciences
Technische Universität München
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Fax: +49.8161.71.4427
E-mail: r.novella[at]
Curriculum vitae
2020- | present | Post-Doctoral researcher. BioChange Lab, Terrestrial Ecology Research Group, Technical University of Munich (Germany). |
2016- | 2020 | PhD in Biological Sciences. University of Southampton. PhD thesis “The role of biotic interactions and fine-scale habitat preferences determining species ranges of European bats”. |
2014- | 2015 | MSc in Terrestrial Ecology. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona (Spain). |
2010- | 2014 | BSc hons in Environmental Biology. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona (Spain). |
Research interest
My current research interests turn around developing comprehensive understanding on how ecological processes drive diversity patterns, which is a key necessary step for predicting global change impacts on biodiversity. I am particularly interested in the operation of environmental and biotic filtering processess through species functional traits across spatial scales, from local essembles to species ranges and across taxa. For that I combine fieldwork-based data with GIS modelling and DNA metabarcoding tools. As an animal ecologist, I have broad taxonomic interests, including vertebrate and invertebrate groups, from bats and birds to several insect orders, particularly dragonflies.
MINTBIO - Climate change impacts on Bavarian biodiversity: Multidimensional Integration for better Biodiversity projections