Andrew Fairbairn
Chair for Terrestrial Ecology
Department for Life Science Systems
TUM School of Life Sciences
Technische Universität München
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Phone: +49.8161.71.4149
Fax: +49.8161.71.4427
E-mail: andrew.fairbairn[at]
Curriculum vitae
07/2021- | present | PhD student at Chair for Terrestrial Ecology, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München, Germany |
04/2021- | 04/2022 | Research Assistant - Animal Aided Design - Chair for Terrestrial Ecology, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München, Germany |
09/2019- | 10/2020 | B.Sc. Information Technology - American Military University |
09/2015- | 09/2016 | M.Sc. Conservation and Biodiversity - University of Exeter |
12/2011- | 05/2015 | B.Sc. Environmental Science - American Military University |
Research interest
- Ornithology
- Urban ecology
- Conservation technology
- Biodiversity monitoring
Current: Urban Green Spaces as Hotspots for Biodiversity (
Current: PROTOHAB - Prototyping an Integrated Facade System for Spontaneous Multi-Species Habitation (
2021 – 2023: Animal Aided Design III - Monitoring and Evaluation (